
I Reincarnated As Yamauchi in COTE

Struggling to make ends meet after dropping out of college, I work tirelessly in a production company until I pass out on the job from sheer exhaustion. When I wake up, surprise! I'm in the body of Yamauchi Haruki, a student at the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School in Tokyo, Japan, straight out of the light novel Classroom of the Elite. Oh, and it's the exact moment when Haruki is about to be expelled during a special exam! Just my luck! Can I flip Haruki's doomed fate and carve out a new path for both of us? Or will I become just another casualty in this elite high school jungle?

wondering_boson_04 · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Anonymous Help

Yeah, that's about what I know about things that happened after I left the class, as I was wandering around the hall to keep a watch.

Explaining things in the third person POV when they are just from my point of view feels weird, but this has become a habit by now.

Anyway, getting back to where I was before, I decided to stay behind to see the after-effects of the commotion. Then, I saw Ayanokouji talking to Sakura, and after that, I left the place, deciding not to pry further.

Well, it wasn't like I could hide myself from his monstrously perceptive eyes, and even if I could hear what they were talking about, I couldn't have done anything. No, I didn't have any right to do anything regarding her, especially since I was the reason for her expulsion.

But, from how things played out and Sakura rejoining the idol industry, I guess Ayanokouji helped Sakura overcome her depression with that talk. That's what I would expect from the protagonist.

Moreover, even if I am still skeptical about the identity of this anonymous individual who sent the message containing an article regarding Sakura, there is a high chance that it might be Ayanokouji himself. Sakura, being involved with that line of work, was known to very few people in this school. Excluding teachers, the only ones I can think of are Ayanokouji and Kushida. But she is not a likely suspect because her opinion of me must be negative, and there is not a single likely thing that she could gain by sending me this.

Then, the most probable explanation is Ayanokouji sent me this message. There might be other possibilities, but for now, it's safe to assume that's the case. However, his motive remains ambiguous. This piece of information would only be effective among their group of friends, including Haruka, Yukimura, Akito, and himself. As for the other classmates, they would just say things like 'that's good for her,' or something along those lines.

So, what does that imply? Am I supposed to help Haruka overcome her stagnant state of emptiness or what? Well, if I am able to do it, then it would be good for my position in the class and for the upcoming special exam. In that sense, this piece of information is quite helpful for me, if and only if I am able to be of some help to Haruka.

Does that mean Ayanokouji is trying to measure my potential or my capacity for what I am able to achieve so that he can use me later?

Yeah, it must be like that if he is the one behind this message. And, if that's really the case, what should I do now?

I am still in the middle of the hall, looking at the petrified figure of Haruka along with other employees of the mall.

I might have left her be if not for this message.

However, now I am compelled to at least try things out. Ayanokouji might turn out to be an unexpected ally if this is successful.

But, the most important reason why I am compelled to act must be my guilty conscience. The time is nearly midnight, and the employees are getting ready to close the mall.

The atmosphere has changed from the usual bustling crowd to a quiet, almost eerie silence, broken only by the distant sound of store gates being pulled down.

Store employees are still whispering among themselves, but were not calling out to her.

I wonder why?

Is it because they feel it awkward to approach her or what? No, that's not the case. They must have dealt with many more students before.

The faint hum of the air conditioning and the occasional footsteps of the remaining staff create an almost surreal backdrop. Haruka stands there, frozen, as if time has stopped for her. Her eyes are glazed over, lost in a world of pain and confusion.

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me. The guilt gnaws at me, but there's also a sense of urgency.

"Hey....." I called out to her from behind, but.....

Wait a second. Is it alright to call her Haruka? I can't recall what her surname was at all. Still calling someone, with whom you have had never any interaction, by their first name is a bit difficult.

Thinking about what to call her, I decided to try again while she stood silent, unfazed by my call. 

So, I decided to call her again, a little bit loudly this time.

"Hey. Are you done shopping?"

Perhaps, my voice was a little too loud, as other employees, who were doing their own work, also gazed back at us.

Haruka also turned back, and stared at me with her expressionless eyes.

"Ah, actually, the stores are being closed as it's too late at night. So if you are done with shopping, then you should return back to your room."

"Yamauchi..." she finally whispered, her voice barely audible. "Why are you here? Why do you care?"


There was resentment in her voice, and in her demeanor towards me too. I can guarantee that she absolutely hates me.

Sarcasm, huh?

"Well, you can do whatever you want, but the employees look bothered by it." 

As I replied her like this, she looked around and realized how quiet it was. There was not a single student besides me and her, and the store employees were doing their work of preparing to close the stores. 

"...It's not like every store is closed. They can close this section after I am done with shopping. And, if they are bothered, they can just tell me straight. What are you taking charge for here?" She told me with a straightly annoyed face. 

At that moment, I realized that maybe she was doing something like this on previous two days too, since Saturday. That might be somehow the reason as to why the employees were feeling hesitant to call out to her.

Students would not visit stores at such a time. Only other staff or teachers might be visiting them late at night, for which some of them are open. 

Moreover, isn't there some kind of curfew at the dorms? How is she able to just roam around at the middle of night, without getting noticed? Maybe she is just ignoring their warning.

Anyways, she is not in any state to listen to others, it seems.

I paused for a moment, trying to gauge her mood and how best to respond. It was clear she wasn't in the mood for pleasantries or any form of interaction. Despite her hostile tone, there was a hint of vulnerability in her eyes, a flicker of pain that resonated with me.

"You're right," I began cautiously, choosing my words carefully. "It's not my place to tell you what to do. I just thought... well, it's late, and I know the employees are closing up. That's all."

"Yeah, I heard you loud and clear. So?"

".....Nah. Never mind."

After hearing her response, I decided that it was best to come up with a proper plan on how to approach her. 

With that being said, I left that section and Haruka behind.

She resumed her staring contest with the groceries, and I decided to recheck the electronics' appliances section in the search of a curd maker.

Fortunately, that section was still open.

As I was about to enter through it, a female employee called out to me.


I turned around to see and found a slightly young female staff, wearing the uniform of this Keyaki mall. She had a perfectly normal expression on her overflowing with hospitality, but as she started to talk, I could sense that she was simply worried.

"Are you a friend of that girl over there?"

She asked me that question while pointing towards Haruka.

"No. I am just a classmate. What's wrong?"

"Actually, she was here, yesterday too. Someone among us told her that we were closing the stores, but she just ignored and roamed around until each store was closed. We informed the management staff about it, but looks like she is here again today."

".....When did she leave yesterday?"

"Around 1 AM."

"....That's quite late."

"Yeah. And she looks very sad too. Did something happen to her?"

".....Yes, something like that. I talked to her, but she is not listening at all."

"Is that so? Then it can't be helped, I guess."

"I am sorry for the trouble caused."

"No No. It's not like that. Honestly, we are just worried about her. I heard from someone who had evening shift on Saturday. Apparently, she started coming this late from that day. Looking at her face, it's clear that she is becoming frailer."

Woah! Employees here are nice. Is it because this is fictional? 

Anyways, after hearing her words, I realized that all the other stores were already shut down. As the appliance section, which I was going to check, was in the same store as the groceries' section, I decided to check that curd maker, after all.

"Anyways, I am going to check out a few more things. After that I would try to persuade her once more."

"That's so nice of you to wait for her. If you need any help, call me or any other staff please."

"Yeah....Actually, I am searching for an electronic curd maker. Is it available in this store?"

"Yes, you can find it over that section." She pointed at a part further ahead of where I was.

"But, there is a sale on the electronics appliances on next weekend. If you would like to wait for a bit, then you can get up to 50% off on such items."

Really? I am in dire need of money right now, because of already low private points of this Yamauchi bastard.

I should just check out the prices and specs for today.

That employee bowed to me and left, as I made my way to the curd maker section .

But, as I turned around, the face of a staff, who was going towards the ground floor caught my eye.

It was a face I was familiar with.

I was stunned and petrified at where I stood, with the sudden realization.

My thoughts became incoherent, as I mumbled in shock.
