"These damned demons are darker than the ones I fought a few days ago. Most of them taking on human forms and developing minds of their own. Who are creating these foul beasts..?" A woman in a white cloak asked herself. Her white cloak had a clock pin as a button. She uncovered her clock eye and her eye projected a clock in front of her.
"I wouldn't mess with the timeline if I were you.." A woman floated down and crossed on leg over the other as if she was sitting in a chair. "You know what that'll lead to."
"Irea...you of all people should know why I have to do this. If the Dark Lord of Time won't take action then I will." The woman said.
"If you do that and you mess up, you'll create something even worse. You may be an Ultimate Time User, but the opponent we are up against defies time. To banish him forever you'll have to banish the entire Underworld." Irea landed and looked at the sky. "My sisters are looking for a solution as well, but to no avail. We are Omnipotent and have all the answers...but we have to play it carefully and not sacrifice the innocent lives. Playing hero is a pain, but we can't leave from this Universe until the Ancient Hero's Wish is fulfilled."
"What is our mission again? Search for the Demon Princess who wields the power of Libra?" The woman covered her clock eye.
"Yes. We have no choice but to awaken the 13 Zodiacs once more. It takes all 13 Zodiacs to banish the Underworld for good. The Demon Princesses can wield the Zodiac's Power, but there are only seven and it won't be enough meaning we have to rely on the Zodiac Gods to help us." Irea looked at the woman. "Even though I am a Dark Lord, I made a promise to him...I will protect his Realm."
The woman and Irea walked off and ventured off the beach and into a portal created by Irea then the portal closed. A figure landed on a tree branch and hummed an ominous tune.
"Irea...One of the strongest Dark Lords have come to assist in this battle. First Arcania, now Eshea will soon meet its inevitable fate." The figure in a hooded cloak said and vanished.
Yui left the village she met Kielazar in and ventured into the outskirts of a forest. She looked at the Zodiac Pendant and smiled.
"Although I know the fate the Underworld will soon come into motion...I want to protect what's dear to me. Yu-chan." Yui looked at Suzumi.
"Yufumi is important...Knowing her for only a few days, I can tell that she means only good will. All demons aren't bad when their heart is in the right place." Suzumi nodded. "But for right now, we need to deal with our own kind."
Dark entities began emerging from the ground and formed into human shapes. Yui summoned her Grimoire and Suzumi opened her eyes slightly and summoned a polearm. Suzumi was a Master of Blades, being able to use Swords, Daggers, Polearms, and other bladed weapons. Being a Time Mage who's an Expert at her skill, she's able to assist Yui in any situation.
"I'm ready to battle." Suzumi said.
Yui nodded and her pendant began glowing. Suzumi dashed into battle and attacked the dark entities. She twirled her polearm around and knocked the beings into the air and Yui cast an air spell to generate a tornado and wiped out the entities in one fell swoop.
"Ugh, they just keep coming.." Suzumi jumped back and watched the entities emerge from the ground again.
"These are called Dusks. Humanoid Dark Entities. They aren't as dangerous as the ones that take on actual human forms that are called Hell Borns. These are beings created by a Fallen Legend. Most likely one who's in the physical world." A woman walked up in a black hooded cloak.
"Who are you?" Yui asked.
"The mentor of the Ancient Hero. I live a curse...Immortality and Eternal Youth. I am a Zodiac Wielder...Ophiuchus. The Apex of the Zodiac. The Forgotten." The woman said. "Let's take down these Dusks. At night time they become more dangerous.."
Suzumi and Yui nodded. They dashed towards the Dusks and defeated them all one by one. The woman slashed at the last one and the darkness filling the area vanished. Yui sighed in relief and slowly fell to her knees.
"So much fighting." Yui said.
"What's your name?" Suzumi asked.
"You can call me Arcane." The woman said and walked off. "We will meet again very soon."
The magic ability radiating off Arcane was that of someone who's already reached their Absolute Level. Her combat experience is higher than anything they've seen. Yui got up and they decided to continue our of the forest.
Meanwhile with Irea and the woman. They appeared in a city where they find nothing but ruins. Irea looked around and crouched down then touched the ground and closed her eyes. Sending electricity to the ground, Irea can detect other entities if she feels a jolt. She felt nothing...until massive jolt was felt and she stood up.
"Who's there?" Irea looked to her left.
"So you felt my presence..? You're very experienced.." Trickster flipped a coin in the air and smirked. "I'm impressed..but you have to realize. This is my universe now, you're only living in it."
"This is the Ancient Hero's Universe! Not yours!" Irea glared.
"Steven...Ah yes...one of the best heroes known to man. A hero not even a Dark Lord could compare to. A noble sacrifice to save his own student just for her to die in the end. Then you saved him from that pitiful Demon God...just for him to die again..." Trickster said and caught his coin. "The Ancient Hero is nothing but a memory now. I rule this Universe. You can't defeat me..."
"Trickster...a man I've been hunting for." The woman said and glared. "I was a bit distracted when I ran into Stella...but now I have no distractions."
"Gloria. The woman who put herself in a temporary time loop to survive the Arcania Event. If I recall, we do have some unfinished business." Trickster said and summoned a sword.
"Yes..we do. This time I will erase you from history!" Gloria said and her time aura appeared around her.
Irea looked at Trickster and transformed into her Transcendence Mode. Trickster pointed held up a strand of Katsuguchi's hair and the strand of hair shined then he acquired her power.
"I am the Ultimate Hell Born, created by Chaos himself. The Demon Princesses are failed creations because they refuse to live up to their purpose. I will destroy all those who oppose Chaos." Trickster said and his dark aura surged.
"He can acquire ones power by collecting their DNA..? What the hell is this..?" Irea asked. "I've been alive since the beginning of time and not once have I seen such abilities."
"Trickster has Mimicry Abilities. That's where he even got the name before he started to learn the true extent of his powers. I was meant to kill him in one of my many trips into different timelines, but each time something new gets in the way." Gloria said.
"Well in this timeline, you can attempt to make it right, plus you've evolved from a normal Time Mage. You can now Reverse time so make sure you remember your abilities." Irea said.
"Yeah, noted." Gloria said.