
The Path of Truth: The Perfect Reawakening

"Do you think she's even alive now?" A girl's voice spoke and looked at me.

"Hard to say...she looks very much alive...even after all those years she's been on this planet." A male voice said.

"It's been 5 years...how about we finally bury her." A female voice said.

"Come on now, you've been dead for centuries and come back to life off a whim like nothing happened." The male voice said.

"Hold on...she's waking up!" The girl said and watched me.

I groaned a bit and opened my eyes slowly. Surprisingly I was still alive, I have no idea how I did it. I sat up slowly and grunted then looked at my hands and saw the Aquarius Symbol and the Virgo Symbol. I looked at my legs and noticed Crea's symbol. I touched the center of my chest.

"Rise and shine." Leona said.

I smiled and closed my eyes. I looked around to see where I was the noticed a group of people looking at me, then noticed their leader walk up to me.

"Lady Kazaki, she finally wakes!" The girl said.

They all either had one or two horns on their heads. Was I at the Abyss? If I was the others would've sensed me and I would as well. I looked confused.

"I can see the confusion on your face. So there are no secrets, we are Oni Demons. An outcast of demons from the Abyss. I am their leader, Lady Kazaki. There aren't many of us. If we were to count there are only six of us including me making seven." She said.

"Where...exactly am I?" I asked.

"You are in the Realm of the Unknown. A secret fifth Realm where all the outcasted lie. There are Humans, Angels, Demons, and Spirits in this realm. We have a Supreme Leader of this Realm. He is the Overseer of this Realm and a Dark Lord. This realm there are no enemies only allies with a simple goal. Survive and hope we get to return to our original home." Kazaki said.

"But I kinda like it here! Ibu doesn't like the people of the other Realms because they are mean to Ibu!" The girl said.

"Meet our clan. Ibu, the youngest Oni here. Oki is my younger sister. My brother who's next to Oki is named Kafu. My fiance sitting in the back is named Kata. My daughter there who's next to her father is named Nui. Finally my mother there is named Yayoi." Kazaki said.

"Is Ibu related to you all in any way or form?" I asked. "Aside from being an Oni herself?"

"Ibu was found in the ocean by Lady Kazaki and now Ibu is always grateful to her!" Ibu smiled and nodded.

"I see..." I said and held my head and closed my eyes. I suddenly remembered something and opened my eyes. "Yui. Kazaki, how can I get to the Abyss?"

"That's a hard one to answer. None of us have ever tried leaving this Realm." Kazaki said.

"Hold on, you teleported here somehow. Can't you just teleport away?" Oki asked.

"Well you see the thing is...I can't use my power right now. I wasted it fighting Variska...and after the Sacred Realm was destroyed, I blacked out and now I'm here." I said.

"Damn you blew up the Sacred Realm? That's pretty hardcore." Oki said in awe.

"We'll talk about that another time. I have a goal myself. Kill Nymphira." I said. "I can't do that while I'm here."

"Obviously." Kafu said. "You're pretty much stuck here until your energy is restored. Just take it easy. It's been five years and nothing happened so I'm guessing the war you're in has reached a stalemate."

"It is true." Leona said and appeared in Lion Form. "Cosima told me neither side can progress because they're evenly matched. You're the key piece into getting them further. Luckily you survived but no one knows that. Cosima knew you were alive because I was still alive. Like I said, I won't let you die."

"A Zodiac. It's been some time since I've last seen one." Yayoi smiled and stood up then walked towards me.

I looked at her then gulped. Her beauty was beyond anything I've seen. She rubbed Leona's head and Leona closed her eyes.

"You...you know her Leona?" I asked.

"Yeah. This is Master Yayoi, the woman who taught most demons how to awaken their true forms." Leona said.

"Y-Yufumi?! Yufumi!" A woman called out to me.

I looked at the the direction in which I heard my name. I saw a woman waving her hand in the air completely oblivious to the attention she drew to herself, but the sight of her shocked me.

"Li Mailin?!" I said in shock.

"You remember me?" Li Mailin said happily and ran towards me. "What you doing here?"

"What are YOU doing here?!" I asked.

"This is my home. I was born here." Li Mailin smiled.

I immediately could tell her English was a lot better than it was five years ago. I smiled, relieved to see a familiar face.

"Li Mailin has been overseeing us. She's been trying to look for a way to get us out of here, but it seems that there is a protective barrier that cancels all magic out. No one can leave or enter...mainly because there's been a recent attack. You seem to have brought some of your enemies here. We heard the news about the fall of the Church of Weshina, but you've generated new enemies. You being alive has angered Nymphira and I'm guessing she hired more people to deal with you." Kazaki said.

"Anyone mind giving me a sample of their DNA?" I asked.

"What..?" Yayoi looked confused.

"What are you going to do with our DNA?" Oki asked.

"Disguise as one of you. I have over 13 billion powers, I know Self Origin Manipulation. I can change my identity and origins off a whim. It's a minor power and uses little to no energy. But I need some DNA to be safe just in case I mess up." I said.

"Makes sense." Kazaki took out a dagger and ran the blade against her hand and cut her hand a bit then I held my hand out and she let a drop of blood fall onto my hand.

I closed my eyes and the blood began shining. My body began changing and I slowly transformed into an Oni myself.

"My name is Yae Eto. I was born into a clan of Oni and I was looked after Yayoi after being saved by my own parents. I am now 23 years old and now fight along side people I see as family." I said and my transformation was completed.

"Okay now that is some serious magic there. What exactly are you?" Kazaki asked.

"My true identity is the Heroine of Origin, but because I have so many enemies, I now have to hide plus I can't risk putting innocent people in danger." I said.

"Well Yae Eto, I happily accept you as one of our own." Yayoi smiled and hugged me.

I blushed and her breasts covered my face. I couldn't even move because of how in shock I was. Everyone looked at me and smiled. She soon let me go and I gasped for air.

"O-Okay...I now have three goals. Defeat the mystery group, help you all return to your homes and kill Nymphira. Who knows how long that could take." I sighed.

"Well in the meantime, let's go to the city. No use stressing over something that can't be completed with ease." Kazaki said. "Come on dear and sweetheart, we're going to the city."

"Okay Mommy!" Nui picked up her stuffed animal and Kata stood up as well.

We all went towards a train station and waited for the train. For a realm that's completely outcasted, it's pretty peaceful. So peaceful it was like I finally got a moment to relax. I constantly thought about Yui thought. She probably thinks I'm dead.

"Leona, can you tell them that I'm alive?" I asked.

"Taken that I can only communicate with Zodiacs, I could try." Leona said. "We can worry about that later, let's try to have fun now."

"Alright." I nodded.

We got on the train and we sat down. Kata, Nui, and Kazaki sat beside each other. Oki and Kufa sat beside each other. Yayoi stood up and looked out the window. I looked around and Ibu sat beside me and poked my cheek. I was startled by the poke and looked at Ibu. She smiled and closed her eyes. I smiled back and giggled. Yayoi looked back and smiled a bit. A few minutes we got off the train and headed into the city. It was packed with people of all species. I looked around in awe and Li Mailin jogged up behind me and pat my back.

"Welcome to Izanoi City! This is will be..wait. This is the best place you can be to have fun!" She said. "Let's go!"

She took my hand and jogged off. I followed behind her quickly and nearly tripped. We stopped at the Arcade and Li Mailin's eyes lit up. I looked at her face and giggled at the fact she looked like a child. Ibu followed quickly behind and stuck beside me and Li Mailin. We followed Li Mailin to the Dance Machine. It lit up all different colors and she pointed at it. I blushed and shook my head then she dragged me into the dance machine. Leona watched in her spirit form and sat in a chair. Li Mailin put on some music and began dancing. I looked at the dance pad underneath us and thought about my time on the catwalk and how it would light up. I tapped my foot on the up arrow and it lit up. I smiled and looked at Li Mailin who was dancing and stepping on the arrows correlating to the arrows on the screen. I began doing the same, but it was kinda hard dancing in a kimono since I never wore one before.

"Oh let's do this song." Li Mailin changed the song to a well known song. It was a song that Saya and Miyuna made. It was a 90's vibe song. She pressed start and I was nervous. I checked to see if anyone was watching. Only Ibu and Leona watched.

The song started and Li Mailin and I began dancing to the song. It was a two minute song and once it was over I heard a camera shutter and I looked back quickly.

"How cute." Kufa smirked. Oki giggled.

"N-No!" I shook my head then ran after Kufa. "Get back here with that phone you bastard!"

Kufa laughed and ran off down the sidewalk outside the arcade. Ibu stood up and quickly followed us and Leona did also. Li Mailin giggled and followed as well. Yayoi saw it and followed and giggled a bit.

"Stop! Stop there! I'll kill you if you don't delete that picture!" I bellowed.

"Catch me if you can!" Kufa laughed.

I tackled Kufa and sat on top of him the Oki took the phone and looked at me then stuck her tongue out and smacked her butt then ran off. I ran after her and and Ibu jumped over Kufa and squealed with glee.

"'scuse me!" Li Mailin ran around Kufa.

Yayoi picked him up and smirked.

"She's pretty damn fast." Kufa said.

"Well of course she is, she's literally one of the most powerful of all time plus I can tell the hard work she's put in." Yayoi said.

The whole day I chased Oki around for the phone and eventually I caught up to her and took the phone then deleted the picture and panted. It was already night time and I looked at the sky and noticed there were more stars in the sky than the Human Realm had. I was in awe and Oki looked up as well.

"The skies at night are always beautiful." Oki smiled. "That's one thing I love about the night..."

"Ibu loves to look at the sky at night! It makes me very happy!" Ibu hopped up and down.

"So this is where you've been." Kazaki smiled. "Heard you two had a high speed chase around the block."

I looked at Kazaki and placed my hands behind my head and smiled with my eyes closed. I began to like them and they liked me also. It was like having a family all over again. Brothers, sisters, a niece, a mother, and a good friend. I almost forgot what it felt like to have a legitimate family. Yayoi ruffled my hair and we all looked at the night sky.

"Yui...I'm alive and well. Just wait for me, I'll return by your side soon. I promise. I love you." I said and smiled.