
The Dawn Rider vs The Lion

We walked out of the Cathedral and I looked at the sky and stretched. I saw Mikoko, Shizaki, and Kufka approach me. They looked at me and smiled. I put my arms down then ruffled Shizaki's head.

"You've archived it...True Hero status. A demon who is a True Hero. It couldn't be me." Kufka laughed a bit.

"W-Well, I guess?" I laughed nervously.

"Everyone views you and Yui as the Savior of the Human Realm. I'm just has happy as the others. It's such a beautiful thing!" Mikoko laughed a bit.

"Please...she didn't even kill Trickster on her own. Definitely not worthy of even being called a True Hero...neither is the Ancient Hero." Kyria said and walked past us.

"What?" I looked back towards Kyria.

"You heard what I said, I said it loud and clear." Kyria stopped walking. "A True Hero is someone who has true justice in their hearts, true courage, true love for the freedom, not fight for Freedom because it's right. I'll never consider a demon a True Hero."

"What makes you think a demon can't be a True Hero..? Sounds like discrimination to me." I said and turned my body towards Kyria.

"Demons are those with darkness in their hearts, True Heroes are those with no darkness in their hearts. You can never be a True Hero, never and nothing you say can tell me otherwise. It's only a miracle you were even chosen by the Ancient Hero...let alone defeat Trickster." Kyria said.

"Get real it seems like someone's a bit jealous they didn't have the chance that I had." I said then looked shocked and touched my lip, surprised at what I said.

"The sass of that remark was exactly something the Ancient Hero would say.." Leona said.

"Tch..jealous of you. You couldn't even defeat Trickster on your own, let alone finish him off. Yui had to do the finishing blow, because you weren't strong enough. Even then she isn't a True Hero either." Kyria glared. "A demon has no connections with the Light. A demon is always gonna be in the darkness, where they belong."

Yui was about to say something but I stopped her by putting my arm out and looked at Kyria with disgust. Menom watched the events from the back and closed his eyes. Kanna was confused on what even was going on.

"Insult me all you want, but don't come for my family!" I glared and the Z on my hand glowed and red aura emerged from my eyepatch.

"Did I strike nerve? Good, because the truth hurts doesn't it..?" Kyria said.

"A True Hero isn't always one of the Light. A True Hero is someone who lives to help and also shows the people how to be their own person and help themselves when a hero isn't around, shows feats of pure combat, bravery, and sacrifice. If you say the Ancient Hero isn't a True Hero, what makes you think you are one? You haven't even done anything that was the talk of Eshea while Yui and I have. Stella is a True Hero, even though she lost nearly everything. Arcane is THE True Hero! Don't you see some connection? They are all demons or part demons. Demons who can withstand the light or even possess some form of light in their hearts. Even if we are demons, we are balanced because we have light and dark. Don't you question who's a True Hero or not when you aren't even one yourself." I said.

"A demon giving me a righteous speech...Tch...you Demon Princesses piss me off." Kyria said.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" I asked.

Everyone looked at us. I know I'm not strong enough to even compare myself to Kyria, but I have to stand my ground. Menom looked at me and crossed his arms.

"So you want to fight huh? Fine, I'll just have to put you in your place with actions rather than words. Seems like you have difficulty understanding the truth." Kyria said. "Follow me."

Kyria walked off. They looked at each other then me. I followed Kyria then the others did also. Yui closed her eyes and sighed then followed. We walked onto an open field. This is where Kyria trains.

"I will defeat you and then you will realize my words!" Kyria said and summoned her lance.

"Yufumi...are you sure you want to fight her? We don't know how powerful she really is and your Undying Pride might not be enough.." Leona said.

"If I pink out now, how will I show her that I mean what I say. We have to do this." I said.

"Alright...the moment things get too dangerous I'm dragging your out the fight." Leona said. "She's just as reckless as him.."

Kyria twirled her lance and I summoned my sword then took off my eyepatch then my hat and tossed them aside. Kyria dashed towards me and slashed down with her lance. I blocked the attack then noticed four Spears of light crash down towards me. I kicked her away then quickly dodged the Spears and slid back.

"You have fast eyes, I tell you that for sure.." Kyria said then her light aura surged. "Try this on for size."

She stabbed the lance into the ground and wood emerged from the ground and shot at me quickly. I glared and slashed quickly and destroyed the wood and sensed her appear behind me and bellowed then my aura pushed her away. Kyria slid back and looked at me.

"Enhanced combat perception...What kind of eyes does she even have. Maybe if I do this!" Kyria summoned light clones and I turned around then saw them. The clones ran towards me and I got prepared.

I began blocking and dodging them. One of the clones managed to knock the sword out of my hands then the Kami Yaoke slowly formed in my eyes. The real Kyria appared above me and bellowed.

"Hikari Pillar!" Kyria bellowed.

I looked at her and my hair slowly turned into flames and the Z on my hand emitted aura. She went for a strike and I caught her lance and glared. I pulled her down and palmed her stomach then blew her away and let out a roar and transformed into my Zodiac Mode.

"Zodiac Mode." Menom looked at me.

"She's getting serious now." Yui said.

I blocked the clones attacks and rolled forwards and sprung in the air then summersaulted downwards quickly and flames surrounded my body. I landed on the ground and formed a blazing tornado and it took out the clones. I stood up and sensed Kyria behind me then dodged her fist, but she spun in a circle and hit my face with her fist. I grunted and rolled back then looked up. The tiger symbol shined on her person and she got in a stance. She dashed towards me and her aura surged.

"Tigerstance!" Kyria bellowed and slashed.

"Yufumi!" Leona said.

"Sun Shield!" I formed a barrier around my body. Kyria hit the barrier and it glowed.

"What?!" Kyria looked at the barrier.

"That Technique..." Arcane said while watching from a distance.

"Sunset Burst!" I bellowed and the barrier began rotating in a circle and drew Kyria in then the barrier exploded.

Kyria grunted and rolled on her side then rebounded and slid back on one knee. I panted and fell on one knee then turned normal. She looked at me and glared.

"I know you were holding back on me." I said. "There's no way you would even be fazed by my attacks.."

"Tch...I underestimated you by a lot. It doesn't change the fact that I don't consider you a True Hero." Kyria stood up.

"I don't know what it will take for you to realize anyone can be a True Hero. You're just blinded by your own fantasies to understand a hero doesn't always have to be one of the light. Open your heart and eyes and realize that a hero doesn't have to be one born in the light!" I stood up and slowly. "The fact I'm even fighting for the same cause as you should prove what I am. I could've easily took the side if the demons...if I did, with this power...Your Realm simply would not exist."

"So you're saying you could've taken down Arcane?" Kyria glared.

"Chaos feeds off the death of human souls..with that much power he could create a Hell Born so powerful that it could have killed Arcane. I chose the path of Revelation. I see the hidden truth and I can see that you aren't all you say you are either...Dawn Rider." I said and walked past her. "It takes one to know one..."

Kyria balled her fist and her hair covered her eyes. I picked up my hat and eye patch and put them on. Menom rose an eyebrow and was now taking an interest in me. Kanna smirked and put her hands in her pocket. Rushina placed a hand on her hip and smiled.

"Cosima...You felt it too right?" Yui asked.

"Their bond has deepened. I know.." Cosima appeared and looked at me. "Yufumi has potential to draw out Leona's true power."