
Awakening My Demon Code

I was sitting down in the living room of Himiya's home and she came out the kitchen with three cups of tea then sat down. Mikoko picked up a cup and sipped on her tea. I crossed my arms and looked at Himiya. She placed her hands on her legs and sat back, sighing.

"I'll tell you about Stella first...because I know her personally." Himiya said.

"Alright." I nodded.

"I was only eight when I first met Stella in Arcania. My father isn't my real father, he's a foster parent. My real parents were killed by Stella herself, but for good reason. You see..Stella is a powerful demon, just as powerful as the Original Dark Lords. She watched over me up until the destruction of Arcania. She lost so many people in that war...the Unknown Order took so many people away from her. Stella is now in the Nether Realm not the Underworld as people think she is. She's...most likely never gonna come out until now. Because she's coming out I have to fight. She is important to me.." Himiya said.

"So you met Murano when you were eight?" I asked.

"Yeah. I met her at her birthday party. She was sitting at the lake alone while everyone celebrated. She's important to me also. I wasn't a demon at the time. I became a demon when my foster parents actually accepted me. I am actually a creation...from this Organization named the Unknown Order. I can't forget Stella's face when Arcania was meeting its final moments. Her home...all her people who didn't make it out..gone." Himiya closed her eyes and sniffled, wiping her eyes.

Mikoko looked at her and knew how much talking about the topic hurt her. I leaned forward and held her shoulder. Himiya wiped her eyes and her breathing was shaky.

"I couldn't do anything but watch as those people...disappeared right in front of us. Stella was so broken...losing so many people she cared about. Losing her best friend, her mother in law...her sister in law...both her maids...her aunt.." Himiya shook her head and wiped her eyes more. "I hated myself for so long because I tried to kill Stella...she sacrificed so much for her people and kin..just for them to disappear the way they did. That's why I have a dream to find the Unknown Order Leader and kill them."

I looked at her with sympathy. She lost most of her friends and her sister. Himiya sniffled and I could hear her trying not to cry loudly. I didn't know what to say, so I just didn't say anything.

"And as you know my sister was killed years ago. I was only ten when she was killed. I could've changed the outcome..but I was too weak to save her. That's why I hate humans so much because..they beat her to death. She did nothing wrong and yet they chose to kill her. You can argue that it's human nature but she wanted to be human too. They hated her because of the family she was born in. All she wanted was to experience a life that the humans did. Because of her death, I awakened my demon powers and killed every last one of them, achieving my Demon Code at the age of ten." Himiya said. "I'm not proud of having it hence why I never make it stronger. I envy you...to not have a Demon Code. You and Yui."

"There's nothing about me to envy. I have no redeeming qualities outside of my powers. The fact that I'm a Princess is beyond me. I envy the rest of you for having a Demon Code, you get the support of your parents..even Yui. I have no one to turn to besides Mikoko, Hinari, and Yui...and Hinari is now my enemy." I said.

"Yufumi..." Himiya looked up.

"It's true. I haven't done any training to be called a real demon. I haven't killed a human out of my own will. I am not a real demon." I said.

"You are!" Himiya said.

"The fact I am a Demon Princess is a mistake made upon the Head Demon and--"

"Stop it! The Head Demon makes no mistakes! You were chosen for a reason! There is no doubt about it...you just haven't awakened the demon inside of you." Himiya said.

"Then how can I do that? How can I awaken the demon inside of me?" I asked.

"I don't know. It isn't something that I can teach...you have to unlock that power yourself." Himiya said.

I sat back and closed my eyes. Himiya looked at her cup. I opened my eyes and looked at my cup. Silence filled the room then Mikoko spoke.

"You awakened some of your demon powers when Tsubame was killed. From what I was told you went berserk and lost your morals. Even though Tsubame was a Demon Hunter...you trusted him and to have someone you trust die breaks the soul. It enables the soul's rage. With enough anger you can manifest it into power hence Awakening a Demon State. How can you awakened that form of rage is none of my concern. Be warned, once you achieve Demon State, you can't get rid of it. Demon State is permanent." Mikoko said.

"Got it." I nodded.

"Now about the Dark Lords...there isn't much to say besides they practically rule the multiverses. They are so powerful that no one can ever reach their power without some form of sacrifice." Himiya said. "We are lucky enough to be a Dark Lord for free for the price of a Demon Code and a powerful one."

"I see...and Dark Lord Omusa?" I asked.

"He's the overseer of Utalia. The Ruler of this Planet. He basically watches over the demons of this world. He has a shrine somewhere on this planet. To see him you'll need an offering of the blood of a woman." Himiya said.

I nodded and stood up. Himiya looked at me and watched me.

"I'm gonna go get some training done. I want to get stronger...I will have to fight Katsuguchi at some point so I need to be at my best." I said.

"O-Oh..right. Well good luck!" Himiya smiled.

"You too...Let's go Mikoko." I walked out the door.

"On my way." Mikoko set down the mug and followed me.

We travelled towards Marshall Prairie where I first met Tsubame and looked around. Weren't much of anything around anymore. I sat against a tree and looked at the sky and got a headache thinking about Tsubame. I held my head and grunted. Even though I only knew him for a day...He was a nice person. I opened my eyes and sighed. Mikoko stood on the other side of tree and was leaning against it. A gently breeze came past us and we closed our eyes. I opened my eyes and looked to my right, sensing danger. Mikoko opened her eyes as well.

"A group of hunters...headed this way. Will you retreat or fight?" Mikoko asked.

I stood up and saw the hunters in sight. I held my head and a voice telling me to kill and I grunted. I panted and my eyes glowed a blood red.

"I guess we fight." Mikoko said and got in a stance.

The hunters walked up and held up Shizaki. I looked at them and glared. The leader smirked and rested the blade of his sword against his shoulder.

"Let me go!" Shizaki struggled to escape their grip.

"You are Demon Hunters...why do you have Shizaki..?" I asked.

"Oh? You know her, well I'll tell you why I have her. She's affiliated with demons now. She's too dangerous to keep alive. Killing her will be enough to keep Tsubame's legacy alive!" The woman said.

"Yufumi..!" Shizaki looked at me.

I grunted again and closed my eyes as my head began throbbing, resisting the voices in my head. I opened my eyes again then looked at the hunters.

"Let her go...Now..!" I said.

A woman stood a ways away and watched the events unfold. She crossed her arms and looked at me then the others.

"A demon who cares about a human? Isn't that a bit strange. You are an irregular, not even Yui expresses the slightest concern towards any human." The woman said.

"I'm warning you to let her go...She hasn't done anything wrong..!" I said and grunted louder as my head began to kill me. My headache only got worse.

"As if we will just let her go. Alright boys hold her still! We will execute her in front of her master." The woman laughed.

I couldn't keep my eyes open. Mikoko wouldn't move unless I told her to. She looked at me and back at the Demon Hunters. The woman stepped aside and the leader got ready to execute Shizaki. I growled and flames surrounded me. The woman kept watching. The leader swung his sword and Shizaki closed her eyes in fear. She opened her eyes and saw a yellow hand grabbing the sword. I snarled and dashed toward the leader and punched his face. My anger grew and my aura becoming more dark. The man was flung backwards and everyone looked at me with surprise. I had blood dripping from my fist.

"What the hell..?" The woman said.

My aura grew in size and formed a spirit then the spirit summoned a katana. I yelled and the giant spirit let out an otherworldly bellow as well.

"Destroy." I pointed.

The Spirit slashed down and released a massive blade beam and the woman dodged but watched her henchmen get cut in half by the beam. She looked at me and took a step back. The henchmen who was holding Shizaki dropped her and tried to run away.

"Let's get out of here!" One of them said.

"You aren't getting away.." I said and looked at them and pointed.

The Spirit turned its body and shot a massive fireball at the henchmen and the fireball caused massive explosion.

"You'll pay dearly for what you've done to Himiya's sister and Shizaki.." I said and swiped my hand then the spirit slashed in a circle and killed the henchmen who was in the diameter. "You're finished."

I pointed and my spirit slashed down killing more people. The woman who was watching walked down the kill and walked towards me.

"Destroy everyone!" I said and the spirit slashed down at the woman who was walking towards me then a force shattered the spirit sword. I looked at the woman and glared. "Don't let that stop you! Attack!"

The spirit went for a strike at the woman and a force shattered the spirit's arm. I glared and a force made the spirit shatter and I was shocked. Mikoko came to my aid and looked at the woman.

"Who are you..?" I asked. The woman took off her hood and I looked at her face. She had a large scar on her eye and had white hair with golden eyes.

"I am Stella." Stella said.

"What..?" I said in disbelief.

"I would be more worried about opening your eyes back to reality.." Stella pointed.

I looked back and saw all the bodies on the ground. I...did that. Over 100 people killed because of my rage. Shizaki held onto me and I grunted as a symbol appeared on the middle of my chest. Stella looked at me.

"You awakened your Demon Code. I had to stop you because you were on the verge of attacking the one girl you wish to protect." Stella said. "I was once like you...unable to control my emotions. I controlled them and yet, I couldn't avoid my inevitable fate. I should be dead..not the ones who faced the casualties of war."

I looked at Stella in shock. I remembered what Himiya said about Stella and her past. Stella walked off and put her hood back on then stopped and looked back.

"Heed my words...Power doesn't mean everything. If you are smarter than the ones you face then your victory is almost always guaranteed. Love those you wish to keep dear...protect them, because you will never know...when everything will be taken away from you." Stella walked off. "Never succumb to the darkness like you did. The more evil you have in your heart...the more you lose yourself...the more you start to forget who you really are. The more you forget who you are supposed to be."

I watched her and heard droplets then it started to rain. I looked around and fell to my knees and the flames around me started to go out because of the rain. Mikoko crouched down and rubbed my back. Shizaki looked worried. I placed my hand on the middle of my chest and grunted as my Demon Code glowed. It burned my chest then I fainted. Stella looked back and saw me on the ground then took out a bell and rang it. A dragon flew down and she pointed at us and the dragon nodded and walked towards us. The dragon picked us up and flew towards a nearby location and Stella teleported to the location. After a few hours, I woke up and saw a woman looking at me.

"Good, you're awake." The woman said and stood up from her chair.

"Where...am I..?" I sat up.

"You're in Atlstein. Stella actually brought you her with her dragon, Ysserel." The woman said.

"Stella..? Where is she?" I asked.

"Long gone...probably back in the Nether Realm by now." The woman said.

"Oh..." I said.

"My name is Saya. Nice to meet you." Saya smiled and looked at me.

I looked at Saya and felt a warm energy. Her smile brought warmth, at the same time pain. I could see the pain in her eyes as she experienced the same things as Stella has.