
I Really Dont Want To Be A Trainer (MTL)

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of inverse attributes, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Lu Ye, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone UP owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!” The book is also known as: “Five-division Lu Ye”, “Adolescent trainers will not dream of a Shenao champion”, “Miss Zhulan wants me to confess”, “Becoming a world champion starts with the anchor”… [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] ps: it's MTL so don't comment some nonsense I just want to share my 1 of fav Chinese pokemon fanfiction pss: if you really want too read it in advance here's the link: https://comrademao.com/novel/i-really-dont-want-to-be-a-trainer/

Sticky_Finger · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
110 Chs

Chapter 81

Cynthia hugged Eevee with a reluctant face, and sat in the field for an appearance battle.

Haunter eagerly pinched Cynthia's shoulder, ignoring the look in Garchomp's murderous eyes.

Claire couldn't help her inner gossip desire, and coughed softly: "Ms. Cynthia, how did you invite... Lu, Teacher Luke?"

"I will live with him this morning Home, and then came over with him."

"Huh? ∑(っ°Д°;)っ"

Cynthia, who was rather dull in this regard, said in confusion: "What's the problem?"

Claire shook her head like a rattle, and stammered: "First... let's watch the game first!"

Cynthia gently nodded, frowning and looking at it. Two Trainers on the field.

Teacher Luke's strength... This one should be able to distinguish one or two!


On the field, I just experienced a battle, and at this moment I narrowed my eyes and concentrated attention completely.

This is a Trainer highly praised by Red.

Although it is a loan-to-play battle, it will test both sides' on-the-spot response.

Lance was born from Dragon Tamer Clan, and he is naturally familiar with Claire's Dragon Type Pokémon, and he can use it like a finger.

But Teacher Luke... can Cynthia's Pokémon really follow the command?

That is Pokémon from Champion Trainer!

If Pokémon is unable to obey the instructions, it also means that Trainer's personal strength is insufficient, and there is no need to compete in this battle!

Du squinted, even a little worried.

Luke is even more worried about hurting Spiritomb.

"If you can't hold it, you can pretend to be dead. I'm just a loser. Don't get hurt!" Luke whispered to Spiritomb.

"Crack..." The pattern on the Spiritomb fan surface was faintly red, and it swayed slightly.

Claire acted as the referee for the two, brandishing Black's whip and blasting on the ground with a'pop'.

"The battle begins!"

Du opened the cloak and threw a Poké Ball: "Go, Druddigon!"


Flash Druddigon with dark green scales and a red Yellow head, standing on both feet, waving his strong upper limbs, burst out a fierce roar.

Luke looked weird looking at this forgiving Druddigon.

Although it is indeed one of Claire's Trump Cards...

Druddigon is the shame of the complete Dragon Clan!

Even the Earth Dragon Garchomp can fly, but the winged Druddigon can't fly. It's plausible!

ridicule returns ridicule, the Druddigon output of the'forced' Characteristic Trait is still quite impressive.

Looking at the matching moves in Pokédex, this Druddigon should be attacking with extreme objects. Once Spiritomb's Foul Play hits, it may even win.

Seeing this Spiritomb obeying the command, he was nodded:

"Ghost Type...Is it going to demonstrate future tactics for Haunter?"

"jie jie~?" Hearing these words from Lance, Haunter immediately beamed his eyes and started studying completely with concentrated attention.


I don't have one, don't talk nonsense!

Although he beat Cynthia in the game.

But this is different from the game, it is a real contest with Champion-level Trainer.

Luke took a deep breath, his mood gradually calmed down and his eyes gradually sharpened.

Have you finally gotten serious?

The corners of Du's mouth raised slightly, and he said in a cold voice: "Druddigon, dragon claw!"


Hardly roar With the sound, Druddigon waved his dark green claws, like a war chariot, moving towards Spiritomb on the open field.

Spiritomb has almost no maneuverability, but this is only a breeding direction with a physical shield.

"Spiritomb, defend in place!"

Spiritomb's fan suddenly closed.

As Druddigon was close at hand, Luke's voice rang, "Foul Play!"

The fan-shaped face opened suddenly, and the enchanting rays of light bloomed on the green eyes. .

Foul Play: Use opponent's power to replace yourself to attack, the higher the opponent's attack, the greater the damage!

But at the moment when rays of light bloom.

Druddigon went underground in front of Spiritomb, and Foul Play suddenly fell through!

There was a smile at the corner of Du's mouth: "Hug and fall! Use Earthquake!"

hong long!

Druddigon broke ground from Spiritomb's feet .

While hitting Spiritomb, using it as a buffer, drag Spiritomb towards Ground fiercely!


"Wu first read Spiritomb's Foul Play..." Claire muttered sitting on the sidelines.

Cynthia supported her cheeks: "Once the weak spot is exposed, Du's offensive is almost impossible to stop."

"Unless..." Cynthia squinted her eyes.


At the moment when Druddigon and Spiritomb are about to fall to the ground.

Luke coldly said: "Now, Sucker Punch!"

If opponent performs offensive moves, Sucker Punch can move ahead of opponent.

"Leave the center of Earthquake!"

In the immediately close to Ground, Spiritomb in Druddigon's arms broke free, his body flickered, and appeared directly more than one meter away from Druddigon .

Du Loudly said: "Druddigon, continue to use Earthquake!"


hong long!

When both feet landed, Ground suddenly cracked open, and the powerful shock moved towards Spiritomb rushed forward, slamming Spiritomb directly into the air!

Luke did not give Luke any chance to breathe at all, and Du reached out and shook his hand in the air: "Gunk Shot!"

A group of deep purple Poison Type energy gushes from Druddigon's claws .

120 formidable power worth of Poison Type physical attack moves, combined with Druddigon's'forced' Characteristic Trait, formidable power reached an astonishing 150 points!

Once it hits, if you continuously connect Earthquake and Dig Spiritomb, you will definitely lose the combat capability!

Luke suddenly understood the real strength of this group of Trainers.

In real battles, Elite is basically impossible to give opponent a chance to breathe. Every second is an instinctive tactical choice.

Luke has no time to think.

Within no more than two minutes before and after, Spiritomb's stamina is already like a candle in the wind!

However, Luke is betting.

Bet on Lance and refuse to draw with him!

"Spiritomb, Destiny Bond!"

Du squinted his eyes: "Druddigon, keep the distance!"

This gave Luke a rare breathing opportunity.

Destiny Bond's rays of light just lit up, facing the oncoming Gunk Shot, Luke immediately changed his words:

"Avoid! Pain Split!"

Gunk Shot's hit rate is only 80, even when Druddigon is not aiming.

Spiritomb is Cynthia's Pokémon after all. He forcibly avoided the offensive in midair and landed immediately, stabilizing his figure, when a spooky ghost hand suddenly stretched out!

The ghost hand keeps stretching, with its own Lock On, grabbing Druddigon's neck, the stretched arm is like an umbilical cord, continuously providing energy for Spiritomb.

Pain Split: Add the physical strength of both parties and divide equally.


Druddigon let out a painful roar, the ghost hand gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared.


In a desperate situation, Luke forced Du to reveal a weak spot.

Claire is frowned and can't help being nodded.

I have to say, based on this on-the-spot reaction, this guy definitely has Master's level!

"Very risky game." Cynthia frowned, "But...he is still at a disadvantage!"


Although Pain Split hits.

But Luke did not have the slightest chance to relax.

Druddigon has been headed up, and the fierce fist knocked Spiritomb fiercely back more than three meters!

Lance waved his arms and roared: "Druddigon, Earthquake!"

Du's offensive was like strong wind and swift rain, Spiritomb was almost impossible to hit, but Luke had to gritted his teeth. :


However, everyone present was unexpected.

In this scarred situation, Spiritomb's Hypnosis forced a shot, forcing Druddigon to stop before the shot!

Even Luke couldn't help but let out a "fuck".

Others use luck to fight against each other. I'm trying to fight for probability.

I'm afraid that my luck in'Hydro Pump's three consecutive MISS' is not used in this battle?

On the sidelines, Cynthia smiled: "Spiritomb...I trust him very much."

Even Du is frowned, and the voice is deep:

"Druddigon , Sleep Talk!"

Sleep Talk is Pokémon's ability to randomly use a mastery in sleep.

Druddigon randomly comes out dragon claw, and the formidable power is still quite amazing.

If Spiritomb uses Dream Eater, it will definitely be killed by the first hand, but at this moment Druddigon also loses the ability to avoid Destiny Bond.

Luke relaxed for a long time, almost collapsed:

"Spiritomb, Destiny Bond."

Druddigon's dragon claw easily tore apart Spiritomb's defense .

The enchanting rays of light bloomed again, and Druddigon and Spiritomb fell at the same time.

Luke VSDragon Tamer Lance.


Review the duel carefully, but only three rounds have passed.

No more than five minutes before and after, Luke has been brow beaded with sweat.

This also makes Luke's idea of improper Trainer more and more determined.

I have to bet on mentality, probabilities, and play tactics all day long...

If it weren't for a big heart, the risk of sudden death when Trainer was too great!

Luke knows the insidious part of the system's release of this task.

If it weren't for the probability of a wave of Hypnosis.

This reward simply has no chance of getting it!

Luke squeezed a cold sweat, muttered:

"Good risk... Fortunately, I have a better skill!"