
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

King George

22 years ago

The 1st Prince's Coming of Age Ceremony

Finally, the time has come for me to shine in all my glory! Today was my birthday as well as my coming of age ceremony!

In the Kingdom of Asten, it is tradition for the crown prince title to be bestowed to the oldest prince at his coming of age ceremony when he turns 14 years old. At age 14, you are considered an adult at the marriageable age.

"Welcoming his royal highness, The 1st Prince George Asten!"

The doors opened and I walked through.

I could hear the guests gossiping amongst themselves, not like I cared. When my father appoints me as crown prince, I will make sure they will pay!

I glanced at the three thrones and gritted my teeth in frustration and anger.

My father was sitting on the biggest and most elaborate throne at the center of the room. My father's throne was made of diamond. On his right hand side was the Queen, sitting on a throne which was encrusted with the Kingdom's most expensive gold. And much to my utter frustration, on my father's left hand side sat the 2nd Prince Freon Asten in a throne made entirely of silver.

That seat was meant for the crown prince.

My dear kind hearted mother looked at me with a worried expression. Even though we do not share a drop of blood with each other, she still treated me, an illegitimate child born from a maid with the Emperor the same as her own biological son, Freon if not better.

After a while of dancing with these hideous women, I finally heard what I had been waiting all night to hear.

"Under my royal decree, I hereby announce my 2nd son, Prince Freon Asten as crown prince and heir to the throne!" My father's majestic voice boomed, making everyone in the ball room go quiet.


I looked towards where Freon sat, and his once cold and stoic expression was replaced with a mocking smirk.

I stormed out the ball room.

It's been a week since I turned 14, yet I still can't get that mocking smirk out of my mind.

I despise Freon, my younger half brother. I am older than him by a year, yet Freon has long surpassed me.

Freon's blank face, void of any emotion starting deep into my soul. Almost as if he is mocking me.

I still remember when we were younger. Every time my father, the King, scolded me, Freon's face which was void of any emotion cracked, resulting in a smile.

A mocking smirk.

I hate him!

It is not my fault I was a low born prince, the child of His Majesty the King and a poor commoner maid.

The title of crown prince which was supposed to be mine was bestowed upon him!

I can't take this anymore!

I rushed out of my room and ran to the Queen's Palace, not giving a flying fuck what the maid's were going to say to me.

Fuck them!

"My dearest son, why have come to my humble palace?" My mother said with a gentle and kind smile.

My frantic heart stopped racing.

She truly is the only one who cares for me.

I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Mother...I..." Before I could finish my sentence, my mother got up elegantly from her throne.

She enveloped me in a tight hug.

"It's okay, child. You can cry, let it all out." She said with a gentle voice.

I started to sob.

Even though the Queen was not my biological mother, she always looked after me like her own.

After I stopped crying, she wiped my tears.

"Do tell me, my dearest what is wrong?"

"I am grateful that you raised me ever since I was young. But mother, is it alright for me to say something absurd?"

She smiled.

"Of course my dear, what is it?"

"The title of crown prince should have been mine and not that stupid brother of mine!" I yelled before I closed my eyes, expecting her to slap me and get mad at me for degrading her biological son like that.

And she indeed did not let me down.

"How dare you! I raised you as my own child, disregarding the fact that you were a child born from a commoner maid, and yet this is how you repay me!? I'm truly disappointed in you George!" She yelled as she slapped me.

"Mother I-" I said as I touched my throbbing cheek, with wide eyes.

"Get out of my Palace. Now!!!" She yelled at me.

I truly am an unwanted prince, unloved by all.

I ran out from my mother's no, the Queen's Palace.

In my rush to exit, I did not notice the cunning expression on the Queen's sweet and lovely face.

Ever since that day, I vowed to be stronger in order to take what was rightfully mine. I practiced and practiced for 4 years and on the day I turned 18 years old, that fateful day finally happened.

The day when I single handedly assassinated the King to claim my birthright as the next King of Asten.