
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs


Asher and I were at the end of the line. I could hear groans of disappointment from the villagers as time progressed. Soon, we arrived near the front of the line. Two other boys were in front of us.

"Why do we have to come to such places? Obviously, commoners are not going to have any abilities and if they do, it will probably be a weak abilities type too." A youngest priest with long red hair mumbled.

"I know right, Nyle, why do we have to waste our precious time and energy to entertain these peasants? I don't know why the King still insists on performing mana tests on such lowlifes. The King is just wasting his resources and mana stones." Another priest chimed in.

Although magic exists in this world, the Kingdom of Asten is more advanced compared to the other neighboring Kingdoms. In the Kingdom of Asten, mana crystals exist. Mana crystals can be used to increase your magical abilities as well as be used to be infused into common goods to power items such as lamps.

I don't know why the priests were complaining when it took at most 5 seconds to arrive here, after all, they most likely used the teleportation spell.

Finally, it was our turn. Asher was in front of me, so he went first. He looked back at me nervously and stepped up onto the stage. He walked towards the center where the 5 priests stood.

In the center of the stage, was a huge see-through mana crystal that would be used to determine what ability you have, if any.

The mana crystal will light up a different color depending on your magical ability.

Red for fire, Blue for water, Green for earth, White for air, and Gold for Light.

There are 5 main elements which were fire, water, earth, air, and light. However, no one in history has ever processed the light ability since the 1st King of Asten, the hero Cedric.

Many believe that the light ability was just simply a legend but I knew that was not true. After all, I read the book and I knew that in a couple of seconds, I would witness firsthand the blinding light that the light ability would omit from the mana crystal.

After knowing which main element you process, you can help progress it and customize it to fit your style meaning you can transform your simple fire ability to a lightning ability if you possess the capacity and power to do so. Or you may simply transfix your fire ability to inhabit objects such as a sword to create a fire sword.

There were many instances in which the mana crystal was lit up in more than one color. If two colors were shown, it simply meant you had two abilities. If three colors were shown, then it meant that you had three abilities. However, just because you have a certain amount of magical abilities does that mean you will be able to utilize them. You need to practice your abilities to their fullest potential in order to be able to fully use it.

That is why Thornclaw Royal Academy was formed. So that the future generations of heroes would be prepare and able to use their magical abilities to the fullest potential because at any given time because the seal that is keeping the Demon King locked away in the Icehearth mountain is weakening.

In this world, there exists "The Blessings of the Gods"

"The Blessings of the Gods" were various blessings given by the Gods to the original heroes who once walked the lands during the 1st Holy War against the demons.

There were five great heroes who lead the army of humans to victory. These five heroes were blessed by the God of Fire, the Goddess of Water, the God of Air, the Goddess of Earth, and finally the Goddess of Light.

Since the Gods and Goddess granted these five heroes magical abilities, there were known to all as the "Pure-Bloods" meaning their blood is the purest of them all and thus have the most magical powers. 1/8 of all the nobles today are Pure-Bloods: direct descendants from the first five heroes.

Cedric Asten, the 1st wielder of the light ability formed the Kingdom of Asten with the other 4 heroes as his closest aids. But, King Cedric Asten was greatly ill due to the battle with the Demon King. He knew his time was limited and he was right. King Cedric Asten died 25 years after the Holy War at the young age of 45 years old. Even if he died young, man still remember his legacy. He did not have any children instead he decided that his successor will be his bestfriend and the wielder of the fire ability.

His friend was so saddened by his death that he decided to honor him by taking on his last name. Thus, all royals after him had the last name "Asten." This is why the royal family are pure-bloods with the blessing of the fire God Kairos.

After the King's death, the 4 heroes grew distant as their leader was not there anymore to hold the team together.

The wielder of the fire ability soon was crowned King and ruled the Kingdom of Asten.

The other 3 heroes wandered the world because of their grief. The wielder of the earth and air ability left their families while the wielder of water did not have any children.

During this time, the wielder of the water ability, Cydra Silvan created her own Kingdom thus forming the Kingdom of Silvan. There, she met the love of her life and they had dozens of princes and princesses.

Kai Lunao is actually a direct descendant from the Silvan Royal Family but that was revealed at the end of the book when he was stabbed to death by the hero.

The third kingdom was created by his other closet aids, the wielder of the air ability, forming the Kingdom of Arna and finally the wielder of the earth ability forming the Kingdom of Rain.

The rest of the nobles have magical abilities because their ancestors were "blessed" not by the Gods and goddesses but by one or more of the 5 heroes. They were known as "Half-Bloods"

But, there were very rare incidences where the Gods and Goddess would descend from heaven to bless their chosen ones, even if they were of commoner blood.

Only 15 commoners were known to have been blessed by a God or Goddess throughout the 1000 year history of the Kingdom of Asten.

Only the pure-bloods have a tattoo located on the right arm, which encases the whole arm in a swirl-like pattern while the half-bloods only have a small tattoo on the palm of their hand.

In the book, "The Gold Knight," Asher is granted the power and blessing of light by the Goddess of Light, Arial. On his right arm, a tattoo would appear.

Asher placed his hand on the mana stone and the whole world was bathed in sunlight. The light was so blinding that you had to squint.

There was a deadly silence. Then all of a sudden, there were various gasps and murmuring from the crowd.

A young lady, about 20 years old who was wearing a white fluttery gown stood floating above the stadium. Sunlight was emerging from her backside and her blonde hair was fluttering in the wind. Her eyes were closed and when she opened them, there appeared eyes as brown as chocolate. Her plump red lips were red like cherry and she opened her mouth to speak.

"Child of Light." She said with a sweet, soft voice. "I bless thee with thy power. I grant thee the blessing of the Light Goddess, Arial!" She yelled with power.

She extended a soft, pale hand and caressed Asher's face with a smile. With the slight touch to his face, Arial disappeared. Asher was glowing in a golden hue.

My eyes widened in shock. It is just like what the book said!

Hair as yellow as the sun, milky white skin, and eyes as blue as the purest of sapphires, Asher stood on the stadium looking ethereal.

He transformed. His torn and raggedy clothes were replaced by a white outfit. He had on a white shirt and pants along with white boots. His arm revealed the marking of a pure-blood.

He smiled brightly and the audience gasped at the same time.

"An Angel!" They all seem to mutter.

The priests all looked shocked. Finally, the five priests snapped out of it.

"It is a rare light ability! I can't believe that a commoner has been blessed by the Goddess of Light herself!" I heard one of the priests exclaim.

"Wow!" Nyle, the young red head, exclaimed.

"I thought it was a Legend!" Another priest next to him shouted in delight.

"The goddess of Light has blessed him!"

The crowd was buzzing with excitement.

The priests all gathered around Asher, smiling.

"Young man, what is your name?" One of the priests asked.

Asher looked at him hesitantly but then said, "My name is Asher."

The priest put a hand on his shoulder and turned towards the crowd.

"We finished the mana tests! We must go back to the capital." He said to the crowd and then he turned back to Asher.

"Boy, get ready. We leave tonight."

Um...Did they just forget about me?

I raised my hand hesitantly.

"What about me?"

The priests and villagers laughed at me.

"We don't have time for you! Obviously, you don't have any magical abilities! Only Asher here out of the whole village children has an ability, and it is the rare light ability too! Not to mention that he was blessed by the Goddess of Light herself, Arial, meaning that he is a pure-blood!" A priest said smugly.

"Can my friend please test?" Asher asked, pleading.

"Of course!" The priest chimed in. "Anything for you! You are the chosen one chosen by none other than the Goddess of Light."

Disgusting, why did he agree so readily to him but not to me? Talk about discrimination smh...

I walked up the steps to the stage and placed my hand on the mana stone.

I could still hear laughter for the villagers when all of a sudden, I heard them become strangely quiet.

The whole mana crystal turned midnight black and the world was encased in total darkness.

The villagers and the priests started to scream in shock and horror.

"What does this mean?" I heard one of the priests say.

"He is a demon!" One of the villagers yelled.

"He is cursed!"

"Aaaaaahhh!!!" They screamed in terror.

A sudden pressure in the atmosphere seems to bring everyone down to their knees except for me, to my confusion.

A sexy long white-haired young man appeared out of nowhere. His shirt was cut low so that it revealed his defined chest and abs. He had dark air emitting from him. He stepped onto the stadium and walked lazily towards me.

He grew closer to me and smirked.

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as if it wanted to escape. This man was at least 5 inches taller than me and his whole persona screamed to run away.

I stood my ground, not because I was brave, but simply because I couldn't. There was an invisible force that practically glued me to the floor.

He was about 6 inches away from me and he gave me an arrogant smile, staring into my eyes.

I couldn't stand to look him into his eyes so I looked down and saw his black combat boots, quietly approaching me. It stopped right in front of me.

I smelled a faint scent of mint. The mysterious and sexy man whispered, "I've been waiting for you Kai. I know that you have been reincarnated." The side of my neck felt ticklish from his hot breath.

My eyes widened. How did he know that I that I was reincarnated?

He stepped back from me and held out his hand and placed his fingers on my forehead.

"I bless you with the power of Darkness, by the Grace of the Dark Lord." A sexy voice emitted from the imitating man.

I felt an immense amount of mana flow through me, almost drowning me. I felt myself grow a little bit taller and I felt stronger than ever before.

On my right arm appeared a swirly tattoo.

He stepped back from me and suddenly everyone was able to move and talk again.

"Look at the boy!" I heard one villager yell.

Me? What was wrong with me?

"His eyes are glowing gold! Did he just get taller?"

"He looks older!"

"His eyes!!!!"

One of the priests, who looked to be about 70 years old with gray hair suddenly yelled at me in shock.

"This commoner has the blessing of the dark lord!" The old man shouted with caused an out roar.

"The Blessing of the Dark Lord?" They exclaimed.

The villagers turned towards the mysterious and and shouted, "It's the God of Death, the Dark Lord!" They trembled in fear.

The god of Death? I wondered.

Omg! Why was the Dark Lord blessing me with the power of darkness? Shouldn't I be meeting him 5 years later, when I am on my deathbed, dying?

"Do you know what this means?" The other priest asked.

The older priest nodded.

"Most people only know that there are only 5 magical abilities but in truth, there are 6. The final ability is darkness. Not many people know this because the dark lord has never blessed anyone before to our general knowledge."

"This means that this boy is a pure-blood?" The other priest questioned.

The older priest nodded.

Even though the villagers were afraid, they still shouted in joy because their village produced not just one but two pure-bloods!

Just when I thought that the Dark Lord would leave, just like the Goddess of Light, Arial did, he surprised me.

He waved a black-gloved hand and all of a sudden we both materialized in a dark place.

"Welcome to my home, the eternal darkness." He said with a grin. "We have a lot to talk about, Kai."