
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Archduke Freon

22 years ago

3 months after the 1st Prince Coming of Age Ceremony

The Queen glared at me and raised her midnight black whip. She swung it down and hit me harshly on the back on my knees.

"It's all your fault, you piece of trash!" The Queen snarled with a demon-like expression on her angelic face.

I stayed quiet; I knew better than to talk when the Queen was mad.

"All the nobles were on your side in the beginning, but you just had to go and mess it all up! Now they are mainly supporting the 1st prince!" She yelled.

"You are the crown prince!" She yelled. "But why is it that your brother always beats you in everything? Are fucking kidding me right now? I did not seduce His Majesty in order for you to become Crown Prince just for the nobles to back up the 1st prince! Do you know what they are saying? That you are nothing but a weak and foolish prince who can not even compare to the almighty and charming 1st prince! For fucks sake!" She screamed, hitting me harder with the whip.

The stingy pain on the back on my knees from the Queen's whip almost made me cry out. Despite having been beaten countless times by the Queen, I was not immune to pain. It hurted like a bitch.

However, no matter how much I was hurting I did not let it show. Instead, I stared dully at the Queen. Not an ounce of emotion slipped past me.

The Queen hit me again and again and again, until I was forced on my knees. I could feel the blood pooling on the floor.

My face swelled with tears, but I forced myself to not let them fall. I couldn't risk the Queen seeing me cry, as I knew all too well that by doing so, she would just continue to hit me harder and longer as she greatly enjoys my pain and takes pleasure in seeing me vulnerable and weak. The Queen was a hardcore sadist.

After an hour of horrible pain, the Queen finally stopped. She handed her whip to one of her maid's. From another maid, she received a sparkling white handkerchief. She wiped her bloody hands clean until they were practically sparkling. Then the Queen received her favorite blue fan from her maids and fanned herself elegantly.

The Queen smiled at me, which made me internally shiver but of course I did not allow the Queen to see and I remained ridged and cold-faced.

"My son, never forget your duty. Never allow emotions to control you, you must always remain practical. Never."

"Yes, your majesty"

The Queen's eyes flashed evilly.

She raised her hands to slap me.

"Call me mother! We can't have outsiders thinking that we don't love each other!" The Queen exclaimed.

"Yes, mother."

The Queen smiled.

"For the sword championship in three days, I expect you to come out at first place Freon, don't disappoint me."

"Yes, mother." I replied.

"Your job must always come first, no matter what. Emotions means weakness. It is your duty Freon, to remain impassive and cold. That is what makes a great King!"

"Yes, mother." I replied, void of any emotion.

"That's a good boy." The Queen said while patting my head affectionately.

"Don't forget to bully the 1st prince. Make him wish he was never born." The Queen said with a sneer.

"Yes, mother."

"Go on now, my dear son."

I nodded and I slowly made my way out her room due to my bleeding legs but not before I saw her cunning smirk.

"After all, little George always comes running to me. He would always tell me all his dark secrets about his desire to become King. Now, as a nice mother, I had to tell him that it is not his birthright, and he would just end up mad. However, he is just playing right into my little trap. It won't be long before he starts a rebellion and kills that old geezer. It wouldn't surprise me if George murders the entire royal family! But of course he would spare my life, as I am his dear mother. Then my future is secured. Why did I have to give birth to a useless prince? It doesn't matter if he has the title of crown prince if all the nobles support the 1st prince." The Queen said, not realizing I heard everything.

Rebellion? George as the next King? I thought.

Hmmm....I have no problem with George becoming King, I never wanted to become King in the first place. If the Queen is doing all of this just for George to become King, I do not understand why. Didn't she already have enough power and wealth as my father's wife?

Was it possible that the Queen wanted to become George's new Queen?


If the rebellion and mass murder of the royal family does occur, I have to be ready.

Ready to run away, that is, I have no desire to become King.

4 Years Later, Wedding Hall, Royal Palace

"Do you, Freon Asten, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Asten accept Lyna Charny, the 1st daughter of Duke Charny as your wife and future Queen?" The white haired priest asked.

"I do." I said with no emotion.

After countless beatings by the Queen, I no longer held any emotions. No pain, no fear, no nothing. I was basically an empty shell.

Even to this arranged marriage to the bratty Lyna Charny did not affect me. Lyna Charny was 18 years old, the same age as my older brother. I was only 17 years old and I was already getting married much to the public's surprise.

Most nobles and royals got married around the age of 25. This was the first time in history in which the future King and Queen married each other at such a young age.

"And do you, Lyna Charny, the 1st daughter of the Duke Charny accept Freon Asten, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Asten as your husband and future King?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

I looked at Lyna nonchalantly.

Her bubble gum pink eyes looked down on the floor in a sad expression.

I sighed.

I was not that heartless to not kiss Lyna and embarrass her in front of the whole Kingdom. I took a step and gently kissed her on her lips.

After a few seconds, I left the whole wedding venue.

I made my way to my room in the palace which was not far because I decided to hold our wedding in the Palace.

I layed down on my bed with a sigh.

Just then, my door slammed open.

"Your Highness! The 1st prince is killing everyone! Your wife and some other nobles have already escaped! We must escape at once, follow me, my prince!" Jared, one of my shadow guards said while urgently motioning me to follow him.

I steeled my eyes.

"No, if George wants a fight, he will get one." I said calmly, unsheathing my sword.

Now you may think, why Freon, didn't you say you had no interest and desire to become King?

Well it was true, I truly had no desire to become King. I just wanted to run away from all this noble bullshit.

However, I need to put up a fight to survive.

There is no way George would let me live if I weakly surrender.

I'll fight my way to freedom!

(A/N: I kinda feel bad about Freon cuz all he wants is freedom yet we all know he gonna be chained down as the Greyscale Archduke...anyways back to the story)

I made my way to the throne room where all the action was taking place. I heard the sounds of metal against metal: swords.

My older brother threw the King's head out of the broken window.

George grinned at me. His dark black hair was matted with blood. There was bloodlust in his golden colored eyes.

"Ah, there you are little brother. You are the last rat left." George practically sang joyfully.

George made a fire ball and threw it with me but I deflected it with my fire wall.

We both had strong fire magic which was practically at the same level and we both knew that we can't fight each other anymore with magic.

We had to fight each other with brute strength.

I rushed towards him with my sword and was met with his sword.

Our eyes met each other as we both tried to gain the upper hand against each other.

Feeling frustrated at being so evenly matching, I reached for his face and gouged his right eye out of his eye socked with my bare hand like a fucking savage.

George howled in pain.

Heh, serves him right.

After 5 long hours of fighting, we both dropped our swords in exhaustion.

"Since you lasted the longest out of those weak royals, I spare you little brother. I won't even hold a grudge that you plucked out my right eye. How about I grant you the title of Archduke? Greyscale? Freon Greyscale...that sounds like a great name." George grinned.

I groaned.


My face scrunched up in displeasure.

Really, George? Fucking retard, why didn't you just exile me? Now I have to be chained up here as the Archduke!

Seeing my displeasure, George laughed.

"Seeing you wither in agony looks great on you brother."

I glared at him. I walked past him, but not before I slammed my shoulder onto him.

The last thing I heard was his annoying ass laughter.