
I Play DC Hero In Marvel world

When Anton’s “Batman: The Dark Knight” sold for $1 billion worldwide, he knew that this Marvel world, which incorporates bizarre movie elements, would be ruined beyond recognition by him… ----------------- btw I just translated this novel and it's not mine at all. please provide support here, $1 is worth more in my country. Buy a Coffee for me: ↪ https://ko-fi.com/otakuakut

RedIsPowerfullHire · Tranh châm biếm
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Missing Eddie!

   "The Life Foundation is more cunning than we thought." Eddie told Anton the specific situation helplessly "No matter it is external or internal, they have taken good protective measures, and we can't find any flaws."

   "We get noting For more than a month?"

   Anton stunned. When he watched "Venom" in his previous life, Anton didn't find it so difficult. Sure enough movie Plots and real-life situations are different.

   "Not really. We have received substantial news from some researchers. Recently, Life Foundation prepared to conduct some kind of mysterious experiment. the Experiments have a huge demand for the human body, and they plan to increase their investment in these experiments. But we cannot enter their laboratory, there is no real evidence in the [the home of homeless people] that the Life Foundation humiliates the bottom line of human morality. There is no way to deal with them unless..."

   Anton squinted his eyes and said: "Unless, pretending to be a tramp and sneak into the [the home of homeless people]"

"Yes, it is."

   Eddie was hesitant before answering. The risk is very high. Especially, let the people under your hands venture in, but you can do nothing in New York...

   Considering the status and power of the Life Foundation in San Francisco, once they expose their identity as journalists, they say goodbye to the world.

   The greatest possibility is to become a Life Foundation subject experiment and die of unfaithfulness. This makes Eddie tense. Gradually, a thought came out.


   "Mysterious experiment?"

  Anton suspects the Life Foundation has research on symbionts. With Carlton Drake's obsession, as long as there is a gradual result, there is a high probability that they will turn into supervillains. However, this has nothing to do with Anton. Drake was in San Francisco, he was making movies in Los Angeles, and his life circle was in New York.

  In this unique world, the isolation between cities is just like the opposition between countries, each city had its gangs and territories. Of course, after the two sides completely tore their faces, it was another situation.

  Anton thought for a while, and asked: "It doesn't work to buy the employees of the Life Foundation?"

   "Employees don't know anything. As for the senior management, Drake's used the families as a hostage." Eddie told frankly, "We can't make any progress." After a pause, he spoke seriously and said with a serious face: "Anton, I must go to San Francisco. we can't let that scum Drake getaway."

   "In that case, I wish you well."

   Encountered Eddie's request, Anton did not refuse. The investigation is deadlocked. If Eddie is willing to take the risk. Anton chooses to respect his decision. Eddie's decision is completely in his expectation.

He had promised J. Jonah Jameson that he would handle this matter. If he gave in to this small difficulty. Not only would she lose Eddie's trust, but he would also fail Jameson's expectancies.

  Think carefully, Eddie is the protagonist of this story. To put it another way, He has a bag full of luck. Throwing this idea behind, Anton couldn't help but exhorted, "Before you go to San Francisco, remember to arrange your work, especially my novel."

   "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

   Eddie was very emotional and still gave an affirmative answer. At the most depraved and helpless time, it was the Daily Bugle who gave him a job. At the same time, in the face of the "supervisor" who trusted him so much, Eddie made up his mind to handle this job perfectly.

Anton did not think so much. the process of making a film consumed a lot of energy. he fell asleep immediately after putting down the phone.

   In the blink of an eye, another half month has passed. The filming was unexpectedly fast, and the post-processing of special effects, under Anton's supervision, grow rapidly, and everything was completely on track. The crew gradually changed their views on Anton.

   They watched the first half-hour edited by Anton.

   is amazing.

   The story is unexpectedly smooth.

   To get the movie as soon as possible, Anton canceled some plans and chose to use tricks or special effects.

  All outdoor shooting duties were handed over to the assistant director, which speeded up the progress again. It only took nearly 50 days to complete 60% of the plan.

   This makes Jim, who comes to the crew from time to time annoyed, and he becomes convinced that he is carelessly stepping into a big hole. Anton is still too lazy to bother.

   The filming ended that day, and he returned to the room, very worried. Eddie is missing!

   Since more than half a month ago, Eddie arrived in San Francisco. Every two days, Eddie will call him, not only to report his safety but also to report the situation. But a week ago, there was no news again.

Does A problem occur?

Although Eddie's life and death do not affect him, the reason why Eddie returned to San Francisco is, after all, inseparable from him.

   First of all, he agreed to Eddie's request.

   Secondly, he admires Eddie very much.

   A person who is committed to justice and sticks to the bottom line is hard not to get the favor of others. Before Eddie entered the home of the homeless, Eddie left a phone number. He said it belonged to a young reporter he had sent to San Francisco.

   Phil Urik.

"Hello there?"

   A young voice came across the phone.

   "Phil Urik?" Anton Road: "I'm Anton, Anton from Daily Bugle."


   Phil sounds very nervous, of course, he has heard of Anton. Although he is only the deputy editor, his actual status is newspaper boss, a "big man" who can fire him in one sentence.

   Phil repeatedly said: "Hello boss, this is Phil Ulrich."

   "How's the situation going?" Anton straight to the point, and said directly: "Eddie hasn't contacted me for a long time, is there something wrong with him?"

   "No, I don't know." Phil hesitated and said: "There seems to be an information blocker in the Home of the Homeless. We have completely lost contact with the chief editor Eddie. I don't know how he is doing inside. However, we bought the security of the Homeless Association, he said, people from the Life Foundation came [the home of the homeless]...We guess that Eddie should be safe so far."

   At the end of the talk, the voice is lowered and the confidence is insufficient.

   "So, when someone from the Life Foundation comes to [the home of the homeless], he may not be safe, right?"

   Anton looked ugly, questioning every word.

"Uh…" Phil did not dare to agree.

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