
I play as a beast in World of Warcraft

Upon being reincarnated as the Prince of Lordaeron, Arthas expressed his reluctance to become the Lich King. Lady Gianna Proudmoore is as wealthy as a nation, and is she my aunt? Is Sylvanas Windrunner my sister? Gianna is still young and lovely! Hmm, the Queen of the Wrynn dynasty is quite attractive! Saving Azeroth is non-existent; only by being surrounded by women can one sustain life. Dragons, high elves, night elves, female trolls, female orcs, female draenei - none will be spared, all are my flesh vessels. Deceiving, manipulating, and pretending to pursue the Lich King: I have never seen such shameless behavior from a paladin, hypocritically deceitful yet pretending to be a righteous savior. Dreadlord: How do you know? Isn't he just a tool in your eyes? Lich King: I saw him bring back my wife's soul and even impregnate her! The Dreadlord looked at the sinister Lich King and said, "Nathrezim, you must stay strong for the Legion!" The Lich King coldly smirked at the Dreadlord monitoring him, saying, "We are all in this together." Dreadlord: ??? What do you mean?! Lich King: Hehe.

DaoistaHADNk · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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156 Chs

Chapter 37 Movements from all sides

Near the red clay hills, Deathwing quietly arrived. Before him stood a Goblin, a enslaved Goblin, submitting to the powerful force of the black dragon.

Creel's eyes were filled with resentment. Goblins were known to be professional traitors and spies, willing to betray and sell out for the right price, prioritizing profit over ethics.

If the price was right, they would even sell out their own mothers and wives. They were a race devoid of morals and shame.

"Master, Ner'zhul is attempting to enslave the Red Dragon Queen, but she has not yielded. Currently, only ordinary red dragons are under control."

"What about those dragon eggs?" Deathwing transformed into the appearance of a human, a graceful middle-aged man, concealing his true identity as the infamous Deathwing.

"They are being protected by the Red Dragon Queen," Creel continued to report, lowering his head to hide the resentment in his eyes.

As a free Goblin, being enslaved by force rather than hired for money was a disgrace in itself.

Do not forget how Goblins rose to power, starting as slaves and overthrowing troll rule. How could they possibly become slaves themselves, unless the price was right.

"Find a way to get the dragon eggs out. Go, accomplish this task, and you will be rewarded," Deathwing waved his hand, dismissing him, showing no regard for the Goblin throughout.

For such a despicable race, as the former Earth Warder, Deathwing's mere interaction was considered an honor for them. They should not expect more!

"Yes, master," Creel's eyes brimmed with resentment, foreseeing that his time for revenge was approaching.

No one could enslave a Goblin, especially one who could become a wealthy tycoon!

His mind roared incessantly!

As the Goblin left, a black dragon descended from the sky, transforming into a human form on the ground, revealing himself as Nefarian, who had lost a bet.


"Hmm, how are the preparations for the dragon eggs?" Deathwing nodded faintly.

"Everything is ready, father. Do you really not need me to go over there to oversee?" Nefarian inquired again, eager to do something.

In Azeroth, the Black Dragonflight was universally condemned, and he could not bear it. Either he would live like a commoner, hiding where other dragons could not find him, or he would die. This treatment was far from friendly.

"I command, you obey!" Deathwing snorted, exuding a sense of authority.

Nefarian immediately broke into a cold sweat. Even as father and son, there seemed to be little emotion between them, more like superior and subordinate.

"Yes, father. This time, I brought a newly hatched dragon, a gift for that human prince."

Nefarian continued, offering one of their own kind as a mount to someone else, a gesture that did not sit well with him.

"Give it to him. He still serves a purpose for us. Once our Black Dragonflight is fully established, he will vomit out as much as he has eaten!" A hint of fierceness flashed in Deathwing's eyes, revealing his true nature as anything but a benevolent being.

It was fine to collaborate for now, but when cooperation was no longer possible, then sorry, you would be devoured whole!

Otherwise, why call it a "skin-deep" partnership?

On the other side in Lordaeron, Terenasking received a letter from Lothar, stating that Arthas was sent to deal with the red dragon issue.

Lothar also gave high praise to Arthas, promising to publicize his achievements after his success, further solidifying Arthas's position as the leader of the Lordaeron alliance.

Terenas closed his eyes, feeling proud as his prince gradually excelled, a positive development.

Moreover, Arthas knew how to borrow a ship from the Ashvane family's Viscountess, indicating his excellence in various aspects.

However, he harbored some conflicting thoughts. He was concerned that his son's excellence might pose a threat to himself, yet he did not want his son to become a failure.

As a capable king, it was right to have suspicions. Trusting anyone completely was not wise; trusting oneself was what made an excellent king.

Not to mention a son, he wouldn't trust even those close to him completely.

One could only say that Lothar understood Terenas well. This ambitious king sought to expand his influence within the alliance. The Kingdom of Stormwind was impoverished, so there was no worry about accumulating more debt.

The next day, Arthas and his companions, led by the Hill Dwarf, arrived at Grim Batol. Soon, Rom and the others left to gather soldiers and drive out the invading orcs.

Gazing at the fortress built into the mountains, with a huge arched entrance as the gateway, several orc soldiers stood guard there. To enter, one had to pass through these orcs, and only a rogue could do so without being noticed.

"We need to find a way to infiltrate," Arthas observed the fortress entrance from afar. Occasionally, orcs on dragonback could be seen patrolling the sky, as well as orcs escorting supplies, along with humans and dwarves.

"Why are they escorting captives inside?" Alleria's gaze was far-reaching and clear. "Those are civilians, some captives, and even some Goblins inside who seem to be cooperating!"

"Those damned green-skinned Goblins, I must crush their heads!" Muradin detested this treacherous race, harboring deep-seated animosity towards them.

"You can sneak in, use your badge, activate it, the medal can put magic on you to prevent ORC detection." Onyxia said suddenly, not knowing what she was planning until she didn't say anything.

Being able to follow him is both for surveillance and to collect information about Arthas.

Black dragons like to play tricks. Even though they have great power, they still like to use tricks to win.

It seems that doing this is a hobby and a helpless move. If you show up in the open, you may be besieged, so you can only play some tricks secretly.

"No, it's too dangerous." Alleria objected before Arthas could speak. When everyone looked at her, she said, "His Highness is the leader of the team, and he is putting himself in danger, so what are we doing here?"

Arthas felt a sense of joy within him, could it be that due to frequent encounters, she has unknowingly developed feelings for himself in his subconscious?

"It's okay, I can give it a try. Alleria, you can cover me from outside. Attack those orcs outside, lead them around in circles near here. Don't engage in direct combat, just wear them down. This way, it will be easier for me to sneak in, and we can complete our mission faster."