
I Picked up a Baby, Now I'm a Daddy

A man named Keyl Droan was walking along the roads of the city towards his home when suddenly... "UUUUWAAAAAHHHHHHH!", he heard a noise coming from far away. Keyl stopped for a moment and looked towards the direction of the cry as he muttered, "A baby's cry?" After a few seconds of thinking, he decisively started heading to the direction where he heard the baby. His reason? "I'm bored so why not take the baby in and learn the feeling of being a parent. A single foster parent that is." And so started the crazy and eventful life of the two. *** A little heads up. If you like novels wherein there are a lot of moments for the dads acting cool and all, then this might be good for you. If not... then you do you. Also I'll try to not write a very cliche novel wherein the whole focus is for the mc and his daughter. Don't count too much on me though. This will also have an inconsistent update schedule cause I'm doing this just because I'm bored.

zekhe · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


What defines the structure of a world? Well for me, there are two things that affects how a world works.

One is, of course the world itself and two is its inhabitants. The world has its unique properties that defines in some way how the world works and the inhabitants influence a majority of its structure by utilising everything the world offers to them.

Now... you may ask why am I even wasting my time in saying all of this things that, quite possibly, you yourself know already. The answer to that question is...

I just wanted to.

*Cough. Back to the topic.


The world of Lumen is quite special. It's a vast planet with its surface split between land and sea, with the sea being a little bit bigger. There are three moons circling around it and it orbits one star.

But that is not the reason for its uniqueness. What really made the world of Lumen special is because of one thing only, and you guessed it, its mana.

Mana is a new form of energy that appeared out of nowhere in the world of Lumen. It was more powerful compared to other types of energy and the biggest surprise about it is that it is compatible with almost anything and everything.

Due to this sole reason, the plant life, lands, even the sea changed greatly over time and some new races came into existence out of nowhere due to mana. For example, races like the elves, dwarves, fairies and so much more.

It has to be mentioned though that what changed the most are the inhabitants of Lumen. When they first learned about the existence of mana, they were thrilled because of its usefulness.

They used it to do everyday things and it was a great tool for living. Mana with its versatility have been a great help in all kinds of things.

But as all things should be, everything changed as time goes on.

As the various inhabitants of Lumen gained more knowledge about mana, they tried experimenting with it until they learned how to take it into their bodies and use it at will.

This gave them powers. Powers that were fascinating, amazing and made the impossible, possible.

At first, everyone simply admired it. Nothing too crazy have happened yet. However, as they gained more and more powers, some were devoured by their own power and ultimately succumbed to greed.

They did anything it took to get more power. Stealing, lying, killing, and even downright massacring hundreds or even thousands of people, all in order to achieve more power.

What made it worse is that many animals started becoming stronger and wilder until they turned into monsters.

With these two in play, the world of Lumen was drowned in endless battle and war, all for the sake of power.

Fortunately, there were some people that managed to retain their sanity and only used their own powers when needed. To protect themselves from those crazy bastards who are greedy in power and violent monsters.

Soon, it became a norm for the world to have battles take place almost every day, some with goal of gaining more power and some only for living peacefully.

Those different ideologies, beliefs and goals gave birth to groups of people with the same goal in mind, whether for peace or for power.

All kinds of people or even a whole race banded together in order to form nations, organisations, cults, all sorts of group, all for the sake of their goals.

Now, Lumen is much more peaceful due to the groups being afraid to start a war that may result in their own destruction. This resulted in a state of balance between all of them that made it a little bit more safe and peaceful for the common populace in Lumen.

But one thing never changed. Power is still needed in order to survive. That's why the world of Lumen respected strength and power over everything else.


Now, do you believe my earlier statement about how the world and its inhabitants defines the structure of how a world works?

The world of Lumen wouldn't become what it is today without the existence of mana in the first place, or if the inhabitants of the world didn't became too greedy for power.

Alas it was too late to go back now.

Anyways... after reading all of that, have you taken a liking to this story?

If yes, then I am very much happy to know that you did. If not, then that's fine as well.

With all of that said, do you want to know more about this interesting world that I told you about?

If so, let's go and explore this vast world full of mysterious and interesting things. How do we do that you say?

Well of course, by reading the story of a man who picked up a baby and became a daddy and their adventures together in the world of Lumen.

Now then let's-


Who am I you ask? Oh silly me I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm just someone who is bored and is travelling around the universe when I found this world. I found it interesting so I decided to learn more by looking at the story of an equally interesting people living here and I decided to share this as well to you guys.

As for my name, just call me whatever you like.

Now with all of that done, let's hop right into it, shall we?

Hello and have a good day!

zekhecreators' thoughts