
Chapter 23

I release a sigh as I stand behind Melisandre, who looks at the statue in front of her. She raises her hand and says,

"O Lord of Fire and Life! I offer you the blood of the best cattle we have! Drink and bless us with your warm fire! Bless us in our journey of destiny! The journey that shall save this world!"

After she is done, the entire statue sets a blaze, and I can see the fire change into a humanoid form that looks at me. The form it takes is an old man with a long beard, a strong body, and holding a long sword.

"O Lord R'hllor! Thank you for showing your magnificent appearance! Your chosen one shall embark on the journey to save the world! The journey that shrouded even your vision! We come here to ask for your blessing! Blessing that shall help us in our journey and bring victory in your name!"

The figure did not move for a few seconds before suddenly, he moved his hand and placed it on my head. I can feel a warm feeling coursing through my body; a second later, I know how to create and control fire. Not only that, but I am also now immune to all fire.

After he takes his hand back, I can hear a rumbling noise coming from the fire.

"I demand you to create a Grand Temple on your island."

I can only nod and say.

"Of course, Lord R'hllor."

"Good. Go and defeat the tormented mother dragon and rescue her offspring. The fate of the world is in your hands, Viserys Targaryen."

I blink at those words and am about to ask something, but before I can do that, the fire is gone alongside the statue. I shake my head and look at Melisandre, who looks at me proudly. I can only sigh and say.

"Melisandre, make a design for the Grand Temple, will you?"

Her smile gets bigger, and she happily nods her head.

"Of course, my lord!"

"We will depart in two hours so we can arrive at the first checkpoint before the sun goes down. Tell the others to prepare the horse and ensure they take as many essential goods as possible."

"I understand, my lord."

"I will wait in my room. I have something I need to think about."

I walk to the mansion once again while my mind is full of questions. The tormented mother dragon, huh? I remember many lores floating around the forum and YouTube videos about the Ender Dragon. One of them is about the Ender Dragon forced to be in the End, so the previous form of Enderman experimented on her. Or how the dragon is forced to be there to fight the original population of the End so the Enderman can settle in that place.

Does that mean one of those lore is correct in the Minecraft world the Stranger created for me?

Also, rescuing the offspring. Does that mean I can hatch it? If I remember correctly, it needs fire and blood, no? With my immunity to fire, I only need to bathe in one while bleeding or some shit. Urgh. I will think about it later.

For now, I need to focus on defeating this dragon.


|3rd POV|

Eddard looks at the letter in front of him and smiles a little.

"What makes you have that smile, husband?"

Eddard looks at Catelyn, smiles a little, and says.

"It is a letter from Lord Lunaran."

"Oh? What does he want? Is it related to the incoming festival?"

"Yes. He accepts my invitation and asks me to tell him a week before the festival starts."

Catelyn nods her head in understanding. At first, she did not like the Lunaran family for robbing her family trade by offering the food at a lower price. However, after seeing how harsh the winter was, she looked at them with a new light.

Without their wood, food, and clothes, her family will be in a lot of trouble. Maester Luwin also tells her that if not for them, Sansa would not have been born, as he uses the healing potion they created to heal her when the snowstorm rages outside the keep.

She would also not have another child if not for the healing potions the Lunaran gave to them.

Eddard looks at his wife's bulging stomach and says,

"How is our child?"

Catelyn smiles and pats her belly before saying.

"She is healthy, my lord."

"How about you? Any pain or anything?"

Catelyn smiles, touched by his worry, and says.

"There is nothing wrong and no. I did not feel any pain. Maester Luwin is making sure that the baby and I are healthy."

"That's good. Winter is almost over, and I don't want the two of you to get sick."

"You don't need to worry, husband. I will take care of myself."

Eddard nods and kisses his wife on the forehead before letting her go. Catelyn looks at the table and sees paper on his table.

"What is this, Ned?"

"Hmmm? Ah, it is a plan to make a new Stark Fleet."

Eddard walks to the table and shows her the plan in his mind.

"I want to strengthen the connection between House Stark and House Lunaran of Solaris Kingdom."

"Ah, that's right. They declare themselves independent from Lys, right?"

The news of the Lunaran family declaring independence after the Magister of Lys tried to destroy them had already spread to Westeros.

"Are you sure you want to do that, Ned? The Lyseni will attack them sooner or later."

"I know that, and I know that they will not succeed."

"And why is that?"

Eddard smiles a little and says.

"Because I know that they will win."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The Solaris Kingdom has something that Lyseni did not have, Cat."

"What is that?"

Eddard smiles and says.

"They have loyalty and something they want to protect."


"A soldier will fight better when they want to protect. I remember fighting against the Kingsguard, who was protecting Rhaegar in the Battle of Trident."

"I see."

Eddard nods his head but frowns afterward when he sees the other letter.

"And also, there is news of Ironborn gathering a lot of lumber from the coast."

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