
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


The sound of a shaky voice forced them to unlock from the kiss. The two snapped their heads to where it came from only to see Margaret standing and looking back at them with a betrayed expression on.

"Mag..." Jason mutters as guilty rushed over him immediately.

Mag carried her bag she had dropped in shocked earlier wiping away the tears that formed in her eyes immediately she saw the scene. Without uttering a word she ran out of the house.

Penny slowly got away from Jason and he didn't hesitate to run after her also.

Penny Sat there motionless. Truthfully she doesn't know what to think at that moment. She brought her hand to her lips tracing it.

"I just kiss young man" She mutters not believing it.

"I just did..." Her face lightens up and a wide grin spread on her lips. Almost immediately she leaped up from the couch and started jumping around in Ululation. Jumping from one couch to the other she didn't even realize the mess she had created.

"Mag! Mag please wait!" Jason got hold of Mag's hand stopping her. She turns to look at him with a disappointing expression on.

"I can explain" He said trying to calm her but instead she whisk his hand away.

"I was a fool...for coming here" she said wistfully and proceed to her car. Jason made to follow her but had to stop when a pain struck his heart abruptly.

"Ah!" He held unto his chest.

"Mag..."He mutters in pains falling on his knees.

Still jumping on the couch a sudden pain strike Penny's heart also.

"Ah!" She winced going down also.

"What's happening?" She mutters holding onto her chest tightly.


Penny's stomach wouldn't stop grumbling. She held her stomach waiting for Jason to return. She didn't wanna go ahead and eat before him. It's been almost an hour now that he left but still haven't returned.

"Young man where are you...?" She pouted swinging her legs back and forth.

Minutes later the door opens and Jason walked in clearly devastated and downcasted.

"Young man!" She beams on seeing him leaping up.

"Oh...hey" He said dryly going upstairs. Penny's expression changed immediately. She could tell he wasn't in the mood to play with her. And there she was...waiting for him to come back.

"Young man..." She sighs feeling down.

For hours that Jason had went up to his room, he didn't come out once nor talked to her. The house became boring for Penny and Jason's silence makes everything empty.

Curiously, she went up to his room to check up on him. Opening his door silently, she saw him sitting on the bed with his head bowed down. He was clearly lost in thought.

Knowing disturbing him right now isn't the best option, she close the door and decided to go out. She already lost her appetite on seeing him sad and that kinda make her sad also.


"Any progress?"

"We're still searching"

"How more do I have to wait?"

"Just a little more time and_"

"You can stop now"


"I can see you've lost your touch Mrs Seth" The young man said making her angry.

"Stop looking...from now on I'll do the searching...I'll get her myself. So you can just stop now" The young man said and took his leave.

"Who are you to order me around? I found her first which made her mine! I'll find her again myself!!" Mrs Seth yelled after the young man.


The door opens and Aviva could hear the clicking sound of heels approaching her.

"Master..." She whispers weakly on the floor she is. For a day now she had been suffering in pain and Mrs Seth didn't seem ready to give her the antidote to her pain anytime soon.

"Please...have mercy..on me..." She mutters while Mrs Seth squatted before her.

She raised her head up by pulling her hair.

Aviva cried out in pain.

"I'll give you another chance...this time if you fail to bring her to me....then you can just forget about knowing how being healthy feels like" She spat to her face before dropping the pill in front of her.

Like an hungry animal, Aviva rushed down the pill down her throat.

Mrs Seth smirks sinisterly watching her.


"Ohhh...there are a lot of young men here" Penny mutters to herself as she looks around the bar. Rolex spots her and crease his brow. He left what he was doing and went to her.

"I believe you've lost your way young lady" He said behind her while Penny turns back to look at him.

"Who are you?" Penny asked.

"I believe I should be asking that"


"Forget it...you shouldn't be here so I'll see you out. This way please" He pointed to the door.

"Wait! I'm here to see Aviva. Take me to her"

"Aviva? How do you know her?"

"She's a friend. Where is she?" Penny asked while Rolex clears his throat.

"I don't know either...she hasn't showed up since yesterday"

"What do you mean?"

"Excuse me young lady but I own you no explanation...why don't you go now you're disrupting my business" He pushes her out of the bar.


"Don't come again" Rolex smiles closing the door to her face.

Penny sighs and pouted.

"What am I to do now?"

"I see you got your kiss" She heard a voice behind her and turns back only to see an old man staring back at her.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Come on...we have to talk. Follow me" The old man said leaving while penny follows reluctantly.


"River goddess...is that you?" Penny asked the weird old man.

"You should get used to this by now"

"It's really you...wow" She wowed while the old man took a seat on one of the swings.

"But how did you know he kissed me?" She asked closely.

"Is there anything I don't know?"

"Wow...you're really amazing" she said while the old man smiles.

"So...does that mean I'm a human now?"

"You think so?"

"You told me the first human man I met must kiss me and he did today"

"I did say so...but princess you can't become a human now"


"Because something is missing"

"Missing? What?"

"Why do you think I gave you that amount of time to get a kiss from him?"

"Isn't it because he wouldn't give it to me easily?" Penny answered while the old man shook his head in disagreement.

"You're wrong"

"Then what?"

"You have to make sure he's completely yours first. His heart isn't with you which made the kiss invalid. That's what's missing princess."

"His heart? What do you mean river goddess?"

"Princess...you don't have much time left. You have to act fast"

"I'm confused here"

"You have to get a true kiss from him...and for you to get that...he has to love you first"


"Win his heart...and then we'd talk about the next step of you becoming a human"

"That's...that's impossible"

"You have to make it possible princess"

"He has someone he loves"

"Then you have to make him forget her and choose you instead."

"Is there no other way?"

"I'm afraid not. Did anything happened after the kiss"

"No...but...strangely I felt pain...right here" She touch her heart.

"The magical orb must be acting up...princess...time waits for no man. Get a true kiss from him then...we'll take the next step. When you do...we'll talk again. Remember you must make him love you. I wish you good luck" The old man said leaving slowly.

"True kiss...how can I...look here river goddess..." She looks back but the old man was already no where to be found.

"Where's she?" She wondered.


Getting inside, without turning on the lights, Margaret dropped her bag on the floor. She ruffles her hair in anger then proceeded to the fridge taking a bottle of alcohol. She uncapped it and drain down almost half of it.

"Where have you been?" She suddenly heard a voice and turns back quickly only to see Rowan walking towards her. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand also.

"Pre...president?" She called in surprise as he got to her.

He collects the bottle from her and place it somewhere.

"Don't you have a shoot tomorrow? You shouldn't drink" He mutters while she bit her lower lip.

"Where are you coming from?" He quizzed.

"I...went to see a friend" She replied almost immediately.

"A friend I see...so you do have a friend? A friend who?"

"Just...someone unimportant...did you waited long?"

"I did...to the extent that I was getting pissed off" He said while she suck on her lower lip.

"President I..."

"Just kidding" He laughs.

"But...why are you here?" Mag quizzed and Rowan took a sip from his drink.

"My mother had a seizure yesterday...apparently she doesn't have much time on her side anymore"

"Is she okay now?"

"Can she ever be when she's still in that state?"

"I'm...sorry....are you okay?"

"What do you think? Do I look okay? You tell me" He grins weirdly while Mag just battled her lids. Rowan Snickers and went to turn on the light.

"I really hate darkness..." He mutters. Mag moves closer to him wrapping her arms around him from behind. She says nothing and just stayed like that. Rowan dropped the glass cup and it went clashing on the floor.

He spun around facing her. Mag looks up to him as he brought his hand to her face tracing it. Before she knew it, it went to her hair and he got hold of it.

She released a breathy gasp still maintaining the eye contact.

Within a second, his lips attacked her neck and her eyes went shut immediately. He bit her neck and she gripped unto him tightly wincing at the same time. Moments later he withdrew his lips and she breathes out.

"Don't ever keep me waiting...I might really get angry next time got it?" He said and she nodded.

He smiles at her.

"I'm all yours for tonight president" She said with shaky voice.

"You don't get to decide that...I do" He said before returning his lips to her neck kissing her all over.


Penny got home with a lot of thoughts running through her mind.

What the river goddess told her wouldn't stop Perturbing her.

"Does she really have to win his heart before she could finally become human?"

"Will young man really come to love her?"

"Can he even ever love her?"

She doesn't know where to start from or how to start making plans on how he'll love her.

The whole thing just seems strange, sudden and confusing to her.

She walks up to his room and saw him coiled up on the bed. Slowly she steps inside and crouch beside the bed watching him.

"Young man...what do I do now? I'm confused" She trace his face with her fingers.

"I finally got my kiss but...it's seems...it's useless after all" She mutters. She stood up and cover him properly with the duvet...that's when she realized he was actually holding onto something. Peering at it keenly she found out it was a picture of him and Margaret.

She sighs backing away.

"Goodnight young man" She mumbles before going out of the room.

Immediately she left, Jason opens his eyes. He was actually not asleep. He sat up the bed taking his phone. Once again he tried Mag's number he had been trying for hours now. It rang and rang but no response came back.

Frustrated, he sighs rubbing his temple.


Rolling from one side to the other, Jason couldn't get any sleep. Maybe it's because he has a lot on his mind.

The kiss he shared with Penny wouldn't stop replaying in his mind so is he also worried about Margaret not picking up his calls.

He had successfully avoided Penny for the whole day but he knew one way or the other they still have to talk.

Groaning, he got away from the bed went out of his room grudgingly.

He walked past her room only to see the door open.

That was strange.

"Weirdo!" He called but got no response. He decided to shrugged it off and went downstairs to get a glass of water.

Strangely, the light was on also.

"Weirdo are you there?" He called but got no answer yet again.

"Is she stealing some food in the kitchen again?" He thought going there only to find nothing.

"How strange..." He went to the fridge and got himself a soda drink instead of water which he had originally planned on taking.

He was about going back upstairs when he saw something glimmer through the window.

He turned and went towards the window to get a clearer look.

"What's that?" He thought staring at a particular light emitting from the pool side.

"What's that really...how creepy" He dropped the drink on the table and went out.

Peninah was lost in thought. All that occupied her mind was how to get Jason love her that she didn't realize he was already approaching her.

"What's she doing so late at night?" Jason thought out loud spotting her in the pool.

"What's with that light?"

"Weirdo?" He called.

"Weirdo is that you?" He called again going closer.

"What are you doing?" He asked getting behind her and Penny looks back.

She gasped loudly her face full of shock.

"Why are you_" He had to halt in his speech when he spots her shinny tail flapping in the water.

He peered at it for a while before finding his voice.

"What's that?" His voice came almost in a whisper.

"Young man..." Penny mutters looking at him with an expression of someone being caught doing something illegal.

She had actually been caught anyway.

"Young man I can explain..."

"Weirdo you...oh my God!" He covers his mouth in shock moving back.


"You aren't human! You...are a monster!!!"