
I must kill the man I love.

{Mature Content} ******************** Rye knew the exact moment his gaze slid down her face to her chest, as he leaned closer until she could feel his breath on her neck. Hot and steamy sending shivers down her spine as she felt him lean his muscles against her bosum. “You want me! You can deny it but I can feel it through the bond we share,” “Klas!” Rye gasped pushing against him with her eyes closed, a little shocked to snap her eyes open and see him pull away, something she was convinced he would never do. “FINE!” His deep voice echoing through the desolate mansion after he sent all the servants off. “I’ll give you five seconds to leave. After that I’ll make you regret ever pushing me away.” “One…” “Wha-what?” “Two…” Rye knew she should leave. Sleeping with Klas was something she had sworn never to do. They were just using each other. She needed his blood, and he needed her to remove the chains that bound his powers. Yet, the pleasure that thrummed through her body when he kissed her was unforgettable. “Four…” In a panic, Rye finally found the strength to move but by then it was already too late and she saw it in his eyes just as she moved to walk past him. A cruel glint that made her wish she left when she had the chance to. “Five…” *************** Kymora an ordinary human from earth suddenly finds herself in an alternate world of vampires, magic, winged creatures and half hulks. To get back home she needs a rare blue nature stone, so rare that only one exists in a century. To get it, after a series of events, she makes a deal with Klaton, and helps him become king in exchange for the promise of the stone However the time comes but Klaton refuses to deliver on his own end of the deal. It doesn’t help that carving out his heart might be the only way to get it. Will Rye accept the growing feelings she has for him, or would she kill him and return back home to her family on earth, where she belongs.

humanboss · Kỳ huyễn
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82 Chs

Chapter 36: Food Chain

The next morning, after falling asleep on the table while reading the many books Holi had given her, Rye was startled awake by a heavy knock on her door.

But that didn't mean she got up to open it as she continued to sleep on the table unwilling to raise her head or open her eyes.

She was just about to continue to descend into a different dream realm when she heard a heavy bang on the table, one too close and too loud to be ignored.


"It's good that you're already reading the books I gave you but you can't for any reason other than death or near-death miss morning assembly,"

"It's where the duties for the day or the week are assigned,"

Rye looked up to see Holi standing right beside her with an exasperated look on her face.

"You don't have enough time! Wear the clothes I bought for you and wipe your face! If you're late you'll also miss breakfast!"