
The broken seal

Full moon, cloudy sky, Barking dogs, tonight the atmosphere is heavier than usual. The wind is blowing like it was trying to announce something.

It's 12:00 AM, we're in Haiti. It is january 10th, it reminds that terrible Earthquake that caused millions of death. This day always brings sad memories, tears... Those who lost a member of their families are sometimes mad over life.

At Titanyen,where a memorial has been built in memory of the victims, someone is walking.

He walks alone, drunk and singing a mysterious song. His shirt flies in the wind. Just After a few Meters, the ground started shaking. A strident shout is heard. The clouds hide the moon like they were trying to protect it.

And at that same time, a man rises from the ground, open head, broken arm, naked chest and riped jeans. He moves his head from the right to the left, smiles after taking a deep breath and sees the drunk man looking at him.

Before He could do anything, the just come man ran to him, took his head with his hands(even the fact of having broken arms), and pull it off his body.