
I married the love of my life

What do you do when you fall in love with someone? Do you keep trying until you make the other person feel the same or do you give up? Melissa fell in love with Jasper at first sight. He was her whole world. Situations led her into marrying this man of her dreams but will this cold and biased man feel the same for her? Excerpts from the book: "I love you and one day I hope you would too." "I've never loved someone so much to the point of not seeing what it has done to me. I don't think I can ever stop either."

Aphrodite_123_Ares · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Oh how I adore you!

Derek, still in his room, couldn't shake off his lingering worry about Melissa. A tinge of jealousy gnawed at him, knowing that Jasper had been the one to find her. He really wanted to be the one to find her and get some points in his favor. Nevertheless, a sense of relief enveloped him, knowing they located her before any harm befell her, ultimately content with the outcome.

The following day, Derek had thoughtfully prepared chicken soup for Melissa's breakfast.

With genuine concern weighing on his heart, he approached her room and gently knocked, fervently hoping that she was recovering.

"Come on in," Melissa warmly welcomed from inside.

Derek turned the doorknob and entered her room, a gentle smile on his face as he held the bowl of soup. "Here is some soup for you,Get well soon." He said.

Melissa's face lit up with a grateful smile, and she responded, "Thank you so much! I needed some soup" Her appreciation was heartfelt and conveyed through her radiant expression.

As she began to slurp down the soup, Derek showed his concern and asked, "How are you feeling? Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Melissa paused between sips and replied, "No, it's fine. I'm feeling better. I should be able to walk in a few days. It's not that big of an injury." Her voice carried a touch of remorse as she added, "I'm sorry for ruining your holidays. I didn't want it to be this way. I'm really sorry."

Derek was quick to reassure her, and said, "It's totally fine! Your safety is much more important."

Melissa shared, "You know, whenever I got sick as a kid, my mom would make soup for me to make me feel better." She paused and then continued with a grateful smile, "Even if mom is not here today, you made it for me, and it means a lot. Thank you!"

Derek continued to smile warmly as he observed Melissa savoring the soup he had lovingly prepared. His gaze couldn't help but linger on her crimson red lips delicately blowing on the spoonful of soup before relishing each sip. With every taste, a small but genuine smile played on her lips, and she frequently exclaimed, "Ahh, it's so good!"Her expressions of delight not only warmed his heart but also caused it to flutter with a sense of fulfillment.

These simple yet beautiful moments held a special place in Derek's heart. What Derek found particularly enchanting was that he perceived Melissa's beauty as ever-present. Whether she was dressed in comfortable pajamas or her hair was slightly tousled, her charisma remained undeniable. It was a testament to the belief that true beauty radiates from within and blossoms in the ordinary, everyday moments of shared happiness. One could see the love he had for her in his eyes and in the way he looks at her.

Just then, Jessica entered the room and she cheerfully exclaimed, "Hellooo? Your foot isn't going to stop us from having fun" she giggled and continued," I have some ideas to keep us interested and occupied."

With her infectious enthusiasm, Jessica hurried out of the room, returning with Jasper in tow. She insisted, "You're playing with us too."

Everyone found Jasper's slightly irritated expression funny and they shared a hearty laughter.

"Okay so let's play truth or dare", Jessica smirked,"Classic but never goes out of style."

The group agreed and settled in a circle facing each other. Jessica spun the bottle with a playful flick, and all eyes followed its lazy rotations. The bottle pointed decisively at Jasper.

Truth or dare, Jasper?" Jessica asked, her eyes glinting with mischief.

"Truth", Jasper replied

Jessica thought for a moment before asking, "Tell us about your first crush."

Jasper was caught off guard by the unexpected question, feeling a rush of flustered emotions coursing through him. Throughout his entire life, he had never harbored romantic feelings for anyone, making this question a unique challenge. In that contemplative moment, he wrestled with the decision of whether to truthfully admit his lack of past crushes or to conjure up a fictional tale to entertain the eager audience.

What are you thinking about? Do you have so many on your mind that you're unsure about which one to talk about?" Jessica teased Jasper with a playful smile.

No, it's not like that. I used to like a girl back in middle school. She was my classmate," Jasper admitted, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

"Well, at least there was someone," Jessica teased him again, a playful glint in her eyes as she nudged Jasper gently.

Okay, let's carry on!" Melissa interrupted, sensing Jasper's growing fluster and eager to shift the focus.

The group collectively redirected their attention, ready for the next spin of the bottle. The bottle spun once more, gracefully coming to a stop with Derek, the free-spirited soul of the group, in its spotlight.

Jessica leaned in, her eyes glinting mischievously making her hand into a first making an imaginary mic she asked. "Truth or dare, Derek?"

Derek grinned, ready for the challenge. "I'll try dare." He said.

"Dare, huh?" Jessica echoed, contemplating the perfect challenge for the spirited Derek.

"Melissa, would you like to ask him for the dare?" Jessica asked Melissa.

Melissa was taken by surprise and couldn't think of anything.

"Okay since no one has any ideas, I'll ask you. I dare you to sing the cheesiest love song you can think of to any of us here."

Derek cleared his throat, and took a few seconds to select the perfect song. Melissa, catching onto the musical vibe, handed over her hairbrush to serve as an impromptu microphone.

Then, with a confident grin, Derek began to sing, his voice carrying the soulful melody. "Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you…," his gaze unwaveringly fixed on Melissa, a subtle hint that this serenade was meant for her. The room fell into a hushed silence, captivated by the unexpected and heartfelt performance.

When he finished, the group clapped for him.

"I didn't know you sang so we'll!" Melissa complimented Derek. To which he blushed and responded, " Well not really ."

"Ahh I expected you to sing badly but turns out you were a good one." Jessica teased Derek.

As he finished, the group erupted into applause."I didn't know you sang so well!" Melissa complimented him.

Derek blushed and modestly replied, "Well, not really."

Amused, Jessica teased him, "Ahh, I expected you to sing badly, but turns out you were a good one."

The doorbell rang and Jessica exclaimed, "It must be the delivery guy! I ordered food for us."

"I'll come and help you," Melissa offered to accompany her.

As the girls went to get the food, Derek turned to Jasper and inquired, "Are you having fun?" To which Jasper nodded in response.

Listening to the brevity of Jasper's answers, Derek refrained from delving into details, opting for a simple smile and a tap on the shoulder as a gesture of appreciation and appreciation.

"I think I might confess to her tonight." Derek told Jasper. "Will you help me set things up?" He added.

"Of course! I'll help you." Jasper responded with a small smile. "I've got your back." He added.

Jasper was more than happy to help his friend finally confess to the girl he has liked for the longest of time.He anticipated that once Melissa accepted Derek, the need for unnecessary outings and social gatherings would diminish, allowing him to return to his usual days.

Though he did not admit, Jasper acknowledged deep down that the current summer vacation wasn't so bad as he had initially thought. In certain moments, he discovered enjoyment in being outdoors. He was grateful for a friend like Derek who knew and understood him so well, Jasper couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected positives of their summer together.