
I Married A Degraded Alpha

After self-sacrificing, Yuri transmigrates from an apocalyptic to an interstellar era, inhabiting a disabled girl's body. She enters a joint marriage with a similarly disabled SSS-tier alpha, gaining a share in an ore planet. Determined to help her husband regain leg function and reclaim his SSS-rank, their journey together unfolds.

Treein · Khoa huyễn
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211 Chs

The Wedding

Word about insectoids on Planet Alpha had been spreading quickly on the interstellarnet for two days, and people couldn't stop talking about it. Everyone was completely captivated by the story.

"Do they know where that insectoid came from? Could I run into one too?"

"I heard it escaped from a lab, so you probably won't just run into one. If Planet Alpha gets taken over by insectoids, the Alliance is in big trouble."

"No, I heard it snuck onto a starship."

"Is it just me, or is everyone else wondering who defeated that massive creature? I mean, it was huge, and then it was suddenly in pieces. How did he do that?"

"It might have been a 'she'. You know, 'hell hath no fury' and all that."

"Hey, that's sexist. I'm reporting you."

"I'm sorry. What I meant was that women are just as tough, able to defeat insectoids just like men can. So, who's the hero/heroin that took down that monster? Come forward so we can celebrate you."


At the Hiro family mansion, inside Tuss's place…

"Am I the only one who thinks going from an engagement party to a wedding so fast is a bit too rushed?" Daleks complained, lounging on the couch without caring how he looked.

"The academy only gave us one day off, so we have to go back to school tomorrow night. Bro, what do you think about a bachelor party tonight?" Ender winked and nudged Tuss.

Tuss, still focused on his opticomputer, asked, "Did you guys seriously not see who stepped in that day?"

Daleks sat up quickly, giving Tuss a hurt look. "Tuz, do you really think I'd lie to the police?"

Tuss sighed, "Don't look so sad."

Ender started laughing, and even Kilana couldn't help but smile.

When Yuri found out she was getting married the next day, she felt dazed and overwhelmed. She couldn't believe that was actually happening. In both her lifetimes, she'd never even dated, held hands, or had a first kiss, let alone experienced a first night—

She realized that maybe this wedding was happening a bit too fast.

But she didn't regret it; in fact, she was excited and couldn't wait. After all, an entire ore planet was waiting for her.

Even though their families had abandoned them, the Hiros and the Chengs still had to keep up appearances. The wedding was a lavish event, attended by all the important people on Planet Alpha.

Yuri, wearing a gorgeous champagne-colored dress and light makeup, looked absolutely stunning. Even Daleks, who always criticized her, was left speechless and amazed.

Tuss, still in his wheelchair, wore a white suit, showing off his good looks. He was just as eye-catching as his bride. Together, they were the most beautiful sight at the wedding.

In front of everyone, Yuri and Tuss opened their opticomputers and registered their marriage right then and there, receiving their marriage certificate. As soon as it was issued, their assets were combined, making them the closets person for each other in the world.

Yuri gazed at her account balance, which now had a few more zeroes, some properties, and the planet she had always dreamt of. She couldn't believe it. "I actually owned a planet..."

After a few moments of astonishment, Yuri turned to Tuss, knelt down, took his hand, and said genuinely, "Thank you."

Tuss quickly withdrew his hand, responding, "You're welcome." He hesitated, then continued, "You can get a prosthetic arm now."

Yuri shook her head. "I don't need it."

She was being honest, but Tuss assumed she was just hesitant to spend money. He tried to convince her, "You can always make more astracredits, and a prosthetic arm would make life easier for you."

Yuri shook her head again. "I really don't need it. What about you? Aren't you going to get prosthetic legs? Do you plan to stay in a wheelchair forever?"

Tuss pressed his lips together. "There's no rush."

As Yuri studied him closely, she seemed to grasp why he had been so resistant to getting prosthetics. Maybe he wasn't ready to accept that his legs were gone for good, that they'd never grow back.

Yuri and Tuss, both with disabilities, were exempted from the traditional toasting ceremony. Although it was their wedding, others appeared to be having more fun. Their table was quiet, with only Ender, Daleks, and Kilana keeping them company.

Yuri didn't mind the situation and enjoyed the tasty food. Meanwhile, Tuss conversed softly with Ender and the others.

As the feast concluded, Nero took Yuri aside before departing, letting her know her belongings had been relocated to the Hiro family estate and telling her to live a good life with Tuss.

Seeing Nero's fatherly attitude, Yuri couldn't help but ask, "Father, do I have a dowry?"

The atmosphere grew tense, and Nero's attractive face immediately stiffened. After a few seconds, he clenched his teeth and said, "I've already raised you to adulthood, expecting nothing in return. You shouldn't desire your father's possessions."

Pretending to understand suddenly, Yuri said, "So, Father, are you saying that we will have no connection from now on?"

Nero merely replied, "You can think of it that way."

Yuri continued, "And you won't need me to provide for you?"

Nero scoffed, "Just take care of yourself."

Yuri nodded, satisfied. "I'll remember your words, Father, and I hope you'll remember them too. Don't ever desire my possessions either."

Nero laughed bitterly, "Rest assured, even if the Cheng family collapses, I won't ask you for a single astracredit."

Yuri sighed in relief, "That's for the best. I've recorded our conversation today, so don't think you can go back on your word later."

Nero's face turned dark with anger, and he said furiously, "The feeling is mutual. From now on, whatever happens to you has nothing to do with me as your father."

Nero stormed away, and Yuri watched him leave. When she turned around, she saw Tuss a few meters away, gazing at her with a thoughtful expression.

"Ahem," Yuri pretended to cough, showing no embarrassment on her face. Instead, she tried to act adorable, saying, "From now on, you're the only family I have left. Don't ever kick me out, okay?"

"I can't just kick you out. After all, since you became my legal partner, half of everything I own belongs to you," Tuss said casually.

"Wow, that almost sounds romantic," Yuri mumbled.

Tuss's expression grew serious. "Don't expect more from me, especially not affection."

Yuri just shrugged, unconcerned. Aside from the ore planet, nothing else mattered to her.

Yuri and Tuss went back to the Hiro family mansion, and she couldn't help but feel envious seeing that Tuss lived in such a luxurious place.

"Don't get too comfortable. This place won't be ours for much longer," Tuss said with a mix of sarcasm and a hint of sadness.

Yuri was unfazed. "It wasn't under our names anyway. If we don't live here, we don't live here. No big deal." She was more intrigued by the idea of living on the ore planet.

Tuss was taken aback by her indifference and added, "We might be moved away from Planet Alpha."

Yuri's eyes sparkled. "Are we going to live on our own planet?"

Tuss nodded, puzzled by her enthusiasm. It was just a planet that had already been mined halfway and held little value.

Yuri got the answer she wanted, laughed, and excitedly asked, "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow or the day after," said Tuss. He guessed that his stepmother was eager for them to take off.

"Hahaha," Yuri laughed happily. "What are we waiting for? Let's pack up."

Tuss was bewildered, thinking Yuri must have something off in her head.

Yuri wheeled Tuss inside, planning to help him pack his things. As for her own belongings, she only had a small suitcase from the Cheng family, now sitting in the corner of the living room.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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