

When I opened my eyes, it felt as if I had just been born, yet my thoughts were anything but new. I sensed a strange familiarity in the surroundings, as if I had experienced them in a previous life. Fragments of conversations, images of faces and places flooded my mind like memories that were not my own.

Amidst this whirlwind of perception, a particularly clear memory surfaced: I was a Malfoy. The muffled and distant voices of my parents whispered words of love and pride for their son, for me. The sense of awe and pride they associated with the name Malfoy flowed through me. It was as if I had inherited the memory of my identity directly from the cradle, an inheritance that extended far beyond my current life.

"You can't hold both, Narcissa," he said calmly but firmly. "It's too dangerous." Narcissa Malfoy fought back tears as she looked back and forth between her two sons. With a heavy heart, she embraced her youngest son and held him tightly to her chest. "I can't..." she whispered, her voice breaking with sorrow.

Lucius Malfoy stepped closer and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I will take care of him, Narcissa. He will be safe with me." With one last loving glance at her firstborn son, Narcissa handed her other son to the father. Tears glistened in her eyes as she bid him farewell. Lucius took the little boy in his arms and promised to love and protect him just as he did his brother.

As Lucius Malfoy asked Narcissa what to name the newborn, he directed his question to her.

Narcissa replied that the firstborn should be named Zain Malfoy, as heir to both the Malfoy and Black families.

Lucius Malfoy agreed and praised the choice: "That is truly a good name. And what about the second child?"

After a few minutes of contemplation, the mother gave her answer.

"Draco Malfoy," she announced, "the protector who will always defend the heir."

Lucius Malfoy was satisfied as he agreed with the decision.

It was the first time a hint of unity could be seen on the faces of the Malfoy twinsWhen I opened my eyes, it felt as if I had just been born, yet my thoughts were anything but new. I sensed a strange familiarity in the surroundings, as if I had experienced them in a previous life. Fragments of conversations, images of faces and places flooded my mind like memories that were not my own.

Amidst this whirlwind of perception, a particularly clear memory surfaced: I was a Malfoy. The muffled and distant voices of my parents whispered words of love and pride for their son, for me. The sense of awe and pride they associated with the name Malfoy flowed through me. It was as if I had inherited the memory of my identity directly from the cradle, an inheritance that extended far beyond my current life.

"You can't hold both, Narcissa," he said calmly but firmly. "It's too dangerous." Narcissa Malfoy fought back tears as she looked back and forth between her two sons. With a heavy heart, she embraced her youngest son and held him tightly to her chest. "I can't..." she whispered, her voice breaking with sorrow.

Lucius Malfoy stepped closer and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I will take care of him, Narcissa. He will be safe with me." With one last loving glance at her firstborn son, Narcissa handed her other son to the father. Tears glistened in her eyes as she bid him farewell. Lucius took the little boy in his arms and promised to love and protect him just as he did his brother.

As Lucius Malfoy asked Narcissa what to name the newborn, he directed his question to her.

Narcissa replied that the firstborn should be named Zain Malfoy, as heir to both the Malfoy and Black families.

Lucius Malfoy agreed and praised the choice: "That is truly a good name. And what about the second child?"

After a few minutes of contemplation, the mother gave her answer.

"Draco Malfoy," she announced, "the protector who will always defend the heir."

Lucius Malfoy was satisfied as he agreed with the decision.

It was the first time a hint of unity could be seen on the faces of the Malfoy twins