
I love you I hate you Mr CEO

Jennie an optimistic, poor, strong headed girl has to raise money to save her sister's life she works as an actress and in desperation to get a role agrees to sleep with her director but in a twist of events she enters the wrong room and sleeps with the wrong person who happened to be Jinn the arrogant and narcissistic CEO Grey group of companies and heir of the dangerous and powerful Feng family .she leaves him the night after but later discovers she is pregnant with his child . would she terminate the pregnancy or put aside he hatred for jinn and tell him about the child?

winks123 · Thành thị
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8 Chs

we meet again.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm, shit Im still very nervous cuz this is my first big audition. i wear the black cropped top and baggie jeans I borrowed from Emma and add my bucket hat and top it off with Emma's air Jordan shoes and a silver cross necklace and matching earrings I was looking slay. I do light make up and grab Emma's car keys and head out.

lucky for me the location was not that far, I go over my lines again and text Emma to brief me on the job. I reach the location and call my dad for moral support before I drive in

it took me about thirty minutes to find a good spot to park the car

as I go to place the car in the parking space a bright red Bugatti came out of nowhere taking my spot.

frustrated I get down to give the driver a piece of my mind.

I march up to the car and before I could reach the car a man wearing an all black suit comes out of the car. I try to have a closer look at the man's face and noticed it's the same man from the balls incident.

"what are you doing here" I yelled at him angrily but he just ignores me and wears his sunglasses "hey, are you stalking me" I continue yelling

"you're not important enough for me to stalk" he replies cockily and tries to head in

"wait" I shout stopping him "that's my parking spot"I continue signalling for him to move his car

"I don't see your name on it" he replies childishly and tries to walk away

"but I found the spot and was about to park there before you hijacked the spot" I protested

"even if you had parked there they'll have taken your car away" he says pointing at the 'reserved' sign and then walks out leaving me feeling like a fool

I get back in the car and look for another spot.


I walk into the big hall and sit with the other contestants on the stage waiting for the director and the producer .

I can't help but wonder what that asshole is doing here maybe he also wants to audition for a role, gosh I can't imagine working with him he's so obnoxious like I won't be able to put up with him.

I look up as the director and producer comes in and sits on the judges platform. and all the auditioners go back stage

"I'd like to announce a special guest, my cousin and best friend, Damian Grey " I hear from back stage

I wonder how the special guest would look, I hope he likes me cuz I think he is also part of the judges.

I fix my hair as the first person takes the stage


after three hours of watching other people audition it was finally my turn to audition, I fic my makeup and wait for my name to be called "Jennie Williams" they called and I go up to the stage and I look down as I introduce myself to the Judges as a sign of respect

I look up and all the colour drains from my face, I look up and see the guy from the balls incident sitting on the judges table looking at me with a smirk on his face

'OH FUCK AM SCREWED' I say in my mind as I walk away in embarrassment

"wait" I hear a voice say, stopping me for a second but I continue walking "the pay is 4 million dollars" I hear and stop walking

I look back to see that I was the balls guy talking and I go back to the stage, I know that I'll probably not get the role but there's no harm in trying I thought to my self

I take a deep breath and start talking "my name is Jennifer Williams and I want to audition for the role of kassie the antagonist" I finish the introduction and say my lines perfectly not missing a single thing when I was done the judges looked at me mesmerized by my performance.

"Jenifer Williams you did very well we will contact you when we make our decision" the director says while writing something down on his book.and I bow and walk away "yeah we will contact you" I hear the balls guy say mockingly and I just go out

on my way out I see the balls guy following me to the parking lot I turn around to apologize hoping to get on his good side "hey buddy" I say with an awkward smile "look I know we got off on the wrong foot but can't we just put everything behind us" I continue

"I'll give you the lead role" he says interrupting me

"oh thanks I thought you were ma...." I try to thank him but he interupts again

"I'll give you lead role if you agree to sleep with me"he says smirking like who does he think he is

" never in a million years" I reply, step on his feet, grab my keys and drive away, guess am not getting the role

am sorry if this chapter wasn't that good I've been suffering with writer's block since but I had to update it to meet my limit. I love y'all and again I would value your constructive criticism but would not appreciate blatant hate and if u have any thing to add the. please all ideas are welcome

winks123creators' thoughts