
I love you I hate you Mr CEO

Jennie an optimistic, poor, strong headed girl has to raise money to save her sister's life she works as an actress and in desperation to get a role agrees to sleep with her director but in a twist of events she enters the wrong room and sleeps with the wrong person who happened to be Jinn the arrogant and narcissistic CEO Grey group of companies and heir of the dangerous and powerful Feng family .she leaves him the night after but later discovers she is pregnant with his child . would she terminate the pregnancy or put aside he hatred for jinn and tell him about the child?

winks123 · Thành thị
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8 Chs

perfect date


I wake up early in the morning and try to look my best cuz what if he sees me and backs out of the deal. Emma comes to my room and helps me curl my hair and does my make up she gives me silver earrings and a silver necklace and a butterfly ring then gives me a white jumpsuit

by the time we were done with the prep it was already 11:23 I pick up my phone and find out I had a text from balls guy that he was coming early by 12:00 I and Emma rushed to finish up and she picked me a red lingerie and net stockings and by 11:30 sharp. he texted that he was already outside and I check the window and see him leaning against a bright red Ferrari the dudes got a thing for cars

"don't worry everything will be fine" Emma said giving me a reassuring smile.

I smile back and go down stairs "hey"I say nervously

"hello Jennifer" he says huskily as he opens the car door. I enter felling my stomach churning. he shuts the car door and enters the driver seat

"use your seat belt" he says to me smirking and I do as he says and he starts the car. I look at his face and noticed that he was actually very handsome, he is like the male version of snow white,you know, skin as white as snow, lips as red as rose hair as black as ebony just that his hair had a white strand similar to mine, his is just more noticeable, I look at his face and noticed his eyes is a unique shade of grey it looks like there is an infinity sign made of smoke twirling around his eyes, my eyes brush against his jawline it's perfect, like better than what any plastic surgern could ever create my eyes trails down to his clothes he was just wearing an tank top and a silver necklace with a cross on it, my god his perfume smells amazing it's giving a masculine energy and....

"have you eaten?" he asks jolting me out of my thoughts

"Erm, no, but am not hungry" I say nervously

"it's twelve o'clock, you have to eat" he says focusing on the steering wheel

"nah, it's fine you don't need to worry about me, I'm fine" I say trying to reassure him

"I'm not worried about you, I plan on making my time and money worth while and at night if you're to weak to perform well my money would waste" he says cockily

"ohh" I exale leaning against the car window

"I'll drive us to a diner" he says driving faster

"okay, what your name by the way, am not very good with names" I say smiling akwardly

"I'm Damian Grey" he introduces himself smiling

and suddenly he stops driving and he leans to my neck nibbling my ear lobe and I let out a soft moan and he whispers "we're here" and gets out of the car

why the hell did he do that! I just nod and get out of the car

I look stunned as I see the diner, 'it's not a diner it's a castle' I think to my self as Damian holds my hand and takes me inside the restaurant

the interior is way more impressive than the exterior, I look at the crystal chandeliers and the comfy chairs, this is the life

immediately we entered, a waiter wearing a very expensive suit came to show us to our table "Mr grey it's so nice of you to visit us again let me take you to the VIP section" he says sounding sophisticated, so there is even a VIP section, I love this place already.

we follow the waiter to our table and then we sit down opposite each other "someone would be here to take your order, but for now I believe the owner would love to talk to you may I call him"

"can't you see am with a lady, I do not have time to talk to him, next time you ask such a stupid question I would make sure you get fired" Damian says with intensity in his eyes and the poor waiter runs for his life and almost immediately another waiter comes to take our order

"bonjour Monsieur, what would you like to have " he asks handing Damian and I tablets

Damian chooses a medium cooked steak and coke while I choose a beef sandwich and coffee cuz that was the only thing I had eaten before in the menu.

in under three minutes the chef himself brought or food "ahh, Mr grey it's an honour to see you again" he said smiling an grey just nodded "and madame I would love you to try our tasty croissant, it's our speciality and it's on the house" he said kissing my hand

"don't you have somewhere else to be" Damian said rudely

"ohh perdone Mua, I have to get going but bon appetit" he said leaving

"let's get to bussiness, you would spend the entire day with me and I would give you the lead role" he said cutting his steak with the knife

"yes but the payment you have to pay me early like today even if its in installments I just need 600,000 dollars today" I say trying to cover my desperation

"okay I'll give you the cheque tonight and you'll still be paid for the movie, this is just my bonus " he cuts another peice of steak and adds it to my food

"th.. tth...thank you" I stutter

"if I must ask why do you need the money now, cuz I offered you the same amount when we first met for basically nothing but now you're selling your body to me for it" he asked genuinely curious

"well I need it for a personal reason " I say eating a croissant

"why are you willing to pay so much for me when you can have more attractive girls for free" I ask curiously

"to get back at you" he replies coldly while eating his steak

after a while of eating he took me to a fun fair where we had cotton candy and played games, he even won me a bear at a point I forgot I was with him for money .