
I love you I hate you Mr CEO

Jennie an optimistic, poor, strong headed girl has to raise money to save her sister's life she works as an actress and in desperation to get a role agrees to sleep with her director but in a twist of events she enters the wrong room and sleeps with the wrong person who happened to be Jinn the arrogant and narcissistic CEO Grey group of companies and heir of the dangerous and powerful Feng family .she leaves him the night after but later discovers she is pregnant with his child . would she terminate the pregnancy or put aside he hatred for jinn and tell him about the child?

winks123 · Thành thị
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8 Chs

morning after

Jenny's POV

I wake up to a sweet throbbing in my core, 'shit' I'm no longer a virgin' I say feeling my cunt. I look around and notice that all Damian's things are gone I scramble to pick up my clothes when I find a letter on the book stand I pick it up and read the content 'there is a cheque of 700,000 dollars in the top drawer and your old clothes are inside the same drawer and there is another set of clothes inside the the bottom drawer the bathroom has hot water and everything you need for a clean bath . Damián grey' huh he didn't even stay, what a jerk.

I stand up and feel an odd sensation in my core. it felt sore yet I liked it I sigh and go to the drawers and see my clothes folded, my jumpsuit, bra, shoes, earring were there but I didn't see my panties. I search more and find a cheque of one million dollars 'i thought he said 700 thousand dollars, it's like he has enough money to throw around. I check my phone and see a text that says I've been accepted for the lead role of the film.

I go into the bathroom and switch on the waterfall shower, I couldn't help but touch myself I grab my boobs and start flickering my nipples like he did earlier am not gonna lie this man really knows how to make a woman feel special. my hands travels down to my clit and I slide my middle finger in and out of it still thinking about last night. the way he grabbed,kiss,licked,spooned me made my head spin

'it was only for money' I try to convince myself but I knew it was the best sex I would ever have. I sigh and remove my finger from my cunt and grab soap and start gently caressing my body with the soap, 'last night was amazing' i mutter as i come out of the shower.

i brush my teeth and spot hickeys on my neck as i check the mirror. i smile go into the room and change my clothes.


Damian's pov


i sit on my couch sipping liquor, jeez i cant just forget about last night its still lingering in my head, i have to admit at a point i forgot i was doing it for revenge. she was the best sex I'd ever had

my thoughts got interrupted as a maid comes into my room, i stare at her exposing uniform, her boobs were coming out of her shirt, and her skirt was so showed the under of her ass and surprisingly, i was disgusted.

"what do you want" i snap

"just wanted to tell you that master deven is here"she says smiling seductively "should i call him in and releave both of you"

"get out!" i yell feeling disgusted "and change you dress while your at it, wear something decent"

"but master Damien you're the one that told me to wear...." she tries to explain

"are you refusing me" i cut her off angrily

"no, i was trying to say ....." she tries to protest

"get out and dont come back again" i say calmly

"what do you....." she tries to talk but i cut her off again

"you're fired" i say smiling and she just leaves sooo


but what's wrong with me, i normally like this kind of thing but now, i am acting like a Karen because someone wore a sexy dress

i sigh and wear a suitable outfit to meet Devin

