
I love you I hate you Mr CEO

Jennie an optimistic, poor, strong headed girl has to raise money to save her sister's life she works as an actress and in desperation to get a role agrees to sleep with her director but in a twist of events she enters the wrong room and sleeps with the wrong person who happened to be Jinn the arrogant and narcissistic CEO Grey group of companies and heir of the dangerous and powerful Feng family .she leaves him the night after but later discovers she is pregnant with his child . would she terminate the pregnancy or put aside he hatred for jinn and tell him about the child?

winks123 · Thành thị
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8 Chs

meet the greys

Damian's pov

[Damian's mansion]

I walk up to my room after a long day of watching people audition I am greeted by my butler Graham

"master Damian your mother father and sister are waiting for you in the lounge" he informs me bowing his head as he talks

"make them comfortable and tell them I'll be there shortly" I order and he leaves. shit I hate it when they visit they always talk about me settling down and running the family business. I go to my room and quickly take a bath

I get ready and go to the lounge to meet my family

i enter the lounge and see them eating steak and sipping wine "hello son" my mother says while walking up to embrace me.

I sit down waiting for someone to say something my sister eventually breaks the silence "so why did you bring me here?" she asks my parents her face still buried in her phone

"well we called the both of you here to tell you that I am retiring from the family business and also the mafia" my dad announced holding my mom's hands

"okay.... and how Is that our business" my sister says indifferently still buried in her phone but my dad snatches the phone from her.

"well Danielle, it's very much your business because I, your mother and your uncle are all retiring soon and we need to get you involved with the family business". "okay and why didn't you just text us the information" I say undeniably bored

"well, my dear it's something we would rather say personally, your cousin and uncle are coming very soon" my mom answers and immediately she finished talkingh devin and his dad comes in

"speak of the devil" my sister said laughing

my dad clears his throat and begins talking "well as you all know I, my wife and Dieval are retiring and we would like to assign tasks to you all"

"the GREY industries has been there for generations and has been passed over from generation to generation, your grandfather couldn't make it here but her requested for all of us to be here so we can video call him together" uncle Dieval chimed in.

"please, place your grandfather on video call" my dad asks my sister while handing her his laptop.

my sister calls my gradfather and puts the laptop on the table as he picks up

"hello" my grandfather greets, smiling happily at us

"so father, we are all here" uncle Dieval says obviously wanting nothing but to leave

"well we all know Damian is the heir to the industries but I also want to assign positions to my beautiful granddaughter, Danielle and my strong grandson, Devin" my grandfather said giving us the stink eye, the old man has been known for being humerus and funny when discussing anything other than business but whenever he talks about business he seems to be another person.

"so what do you have in mind, grandfather?" I ask although I wasn't really interested

"well, Devin will take on the responsibility of handling our ties with the mafia and also head our entire entertainment industries and also be the chair man of the company, Danielle will be the vice president to the company and also be incharge of the Asian part of the bussineses and also be the major chair woman to our mafia business and she would be incharge of our European bussineses and lastly but definitely not least Damian will be the president of the entire grey industries and all the other grey industries all over the world and also be incharge of our ties to the mafia along with Devin and also supervise everything your siblings are doing and Damian just cuz you're the heir doesn't mean you have any power over your siblings, you are working with them and they are not working for you and none of you should make the mistake of mixing business with pleasure" my grand father said, everyone was silent through out his speech nobody daring to upset him

"okay .... grandfather " I say breaking the silence

"and one more word of wisdom" my grandfather said making everyone keep quiet anticipating what he would say "y'all should be like me not your lazy parents, look at me I'm over eighty years old and am still in the business not like your lazy parents who are retiring very early" he jokes and everyone starts laughing

after a while of talking with grandpa I pull my cousin to the side and ask him to tell me about the mud girl "dude you're obsessed" my cousin says laughing

"just tell me" I snap and he starts walking away "please" I add and he stops walking

"well from the data she left in the audition she lives only three streets away from the hall and her name is Jennifer Williams but preferably called Jennie and in her early 20s and here is here phone number and address" he says handing me a file "and from what the private investigator said her dad lives in his friends homeless shelter and her younger sister is in a coma and she is sharing a house with her best friend, so she is really in need of money and the file I gave you also has her daily schedules"

"thanks bro" I said smirking at Devin as he rolls his eyes at me

"what's up, bro" my sister says hugging me and Devin from behind "what are you guys up to?" she asks winking knowing we were hiding something

"I'll tell you about it later" I whisper to her as I pass her some wine

"you know you should really talk some sense int your brother" Devin tells Danielle

"I know right, he clearly didn't inherit brains from the family" she jokes and I roll my eyes laughing.

"well if you would excuse me, I wanna have a bath" I say going upstairs

"he is probably going to ask a maid the bathe him" Danielle says laughing and I leave Danielle Nd Devin to chat together

thank y'all for reading I really put my heart and soul into this chapter

winks123creators' thoughts