
I love you I hate you Mr CEO

Jennie an optimistic, poor, strong headed girl has to raise money to save her sister's life she works as an actress and in desperation to get a role agrees to sleep with her director but in a twist of events she enters the wrong room and sleeps with the wrong person who happened to be Jinn the arrogant and narcissistic CEO Grey group of companies and heir of the dangerous and powerful Feng family .she leaves him the night after but later discovers she is pregnant with his child . would she terminate the pregnancy or put aside he hatred for jinn and tell him about the child?

winks123 · Thành thị
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8 Chs

love at first fight.

<p>JENNIES POV<br/> *** Note that this will be written in informal language because it is in the perspective of the mc****<br/><br/> I sit on the bench waiting for a bus to my audition hoping I get the part cuz that would really help me out . I bring out my cheap ear piece and start listening to my lines through my phone. it's really important to get the role cuz as an upcoming actress people hardly know me and I hardly get any good roles so It would be really great for my career and also i'm kinda broke and in need of money to help my father out.<br/> I get lost in thoughts and *splash* I feel something wet splash on me . 'what the heck' I open my eyes and see a white Ferrari drive by I run in chase of the Ferrari, the fancy car stops because of a red light, i approach the vehecle, hoping to get at least an apology when I slip on mud and land on the back of the fancy car staining it with mud and then finally landing on the ground. The car stops and I look up and see a young man stepping out of it he approaches me and I stretch out my hand thinking he wants to help me up <br/> "you idiot, what have you done!" he yells snapping me out of my thoughts as I put my hand down "I just got this Ferrari yesterday,dimwit" <br/> I stand up angrily "what have I done?" i yell angrily "you are very stupid for asking that question"<br/> he looked annoyed and yells" you have no manners, you ruined my Ferrari and have the audacity to yell at me"<br/> "ruined?" I scoff "that mud can be washed off with water but what you did was way worse, you splashed water on my new dress, make me miss my bus and made me late for my audition and then tell at me and then you ask what have I done" I yell pointing at him<br/> he clicks his tongue and smirks "I see what this is about you should have started with that" he said as he walks to his car and brings out a black bag "I have what all chicks want' he says cockily and bring out a thick wad of cash and throws it at me " take this but you've Got to do me a favour first honey"<br/> "and what might that be" I scoff nonchalantly<br/>he gives a devilish grin and looks at the mud on his car "lick it ....clean" <br/> the audacity of rich people how dare he "sure, sugar gimme the money first. how am I sure you would not run away"<br/> "see poor people would always remain the same " he laughs as he throws the money at me and goes near the car to ensure I lick it well<br/> I pick the money up, stuff it in my bra, stick out my tongue and walk towards the car but I stop at him and ....<br/> I squeeze his balls hard his face wiping his smirk of his face "are you really that dumb?" I say with an intense look on my face as I squeeze his balls harder <br/> i take out the cash and continue squeezing his balls "this" i say removing part of it "use it to buy class, but I guess money can't buy class" and then stuff it in his pants I take out a another wad of cash "this, use it to buy respect cause you are clearly lacking in that aspect" I stuff it in his pants again as I take another wad of cash "use this to buy manners your parents clearly didn't train you well" I stuff it in his pants again and take out the last wad of cash "and finally this, use it to buy common sense cause it's clearly not common among you rich spoilt brats. I finally release his balls and look at his shocked, pain filled face.<br/> I walk away feeling like a boss "you will regret" this I hear him say angrily.<br/> I look at the time and start tearing up 'damn cuz of that good for nothing idiot I missed my interview' now am starting to regret not running away with the money 'shit Jennifer Williams you are a fool' I cuss at myself. <br/><br/> *******************************<br/> Damian's POV <br/> [Damian's cousins home]<br/> I go to my cousins place to get an ice pack for my balls how dare she, I limp to his room ignoring every servant that tries to help me, all poor people are the same. <br/> I open his room door and see his call girl stark naked giving him a blow job "are you busy" I say walking in sitting on the couch while his bitch continued giving him the * Gluck Gluck* <br/> "nah u know I'll always be available" he replies while groaning from the pleasure of the blow job he was recieving. " faster u whore" he says to his personal slut. as a maid walks in and hands me ice.<br/> "fuck" I yell as I put ice on my balls<br/> "what happened to Ur balls bro?" he asks laughing<br/>"focus on your blow job" I sneer.<br/> "u want me to call one of my girls for u or u would use this one when am done?" he asks.<br/> "yeah it's not like my balls is hurting or anything" I reply sarcastically. <br/> "ohh, what happened?" he asks again <br/>and I start telling him what happened "well I was driving to meet Rebecca when....."<br/> "ohh wait am Cumming" he cuts me off as his call girl licks all the cum off his dick like a greedy little whore." I'm m done u can continue".<br/> "yeah so I was driving my brand new Ferrari....."</p>

hi y'all I just want to tell you guys that this is my first novel so please pardon me if I make any mistakes and please vote for me if you like the story one vote would go a long way . thank u guyyysss I love yall

winks123creators' thoughts