
I Love being OP

A Young girl trapped in a glacier awakens a system that will take her to the peak of existence. Will her greed get the best of her after gaining such power or will she become a bored entity craving battle ---- First ever novel as a web novel author [cover of the novel IS NOT owned by me and if owner of it wants me to take it down I will]. Solar#6727 disc.

Aintnowaay · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


Yuri felt as if soul was departing from her body. Her eyes couldn't keep up with everyone around her and they were just like blurs. This was a battle Luna knew she couldn't handle. Luna dropped all plans to get the last hit in on a opponent but instead walked around to the bodies of the dead and absorbed their souls into the bow which started to gain a green hue.

No one seemed to notice her presence as she had already unsummoned the bone hands.

The strongest soul she got into the bow's collection was around [Master sorcerer] rank. The constant explosions and wave of dense mana flew around the area at rapid pace.

"How did you break past the barrier formation on our guild base" Yuri landed on some frosted over ground while looking to Lian.

"You should ask Sylvia about that" Lian laughed


Yuri fell into shock as she could see Sylvia walking out from the meeting room with the body of Fergus. His stomach was directly slashed open as his intestines hung to the floor.

"W…w…" Yuri stammered over her words before speaking clearly "what happened to Fergus"

Zane and Paul also stopped fighting as their opponents did also.

"Sylvia happened Yuri" Lian laughed at Yuri "Sylvia killed off Fergus for us allowing us easy entry"

Yuri looked back to Sylvia as if she wanted confirmation but Sylvia still had the same blank expression on her face.

"FERGUS" Zane yelled and tried to run over to Sylvia and Fergus but his opponent blocked him off with [Arrow barrage].

Paul held back his anger and kept clear judgment.

Yuri's anger kept switching between sadness and even more anger. She knew Sylvia since the start of the guild and couldn't understand why she would betray them. Sylvia dropped Fergus down to the ground like trash and stepped over him. She walked over to Lian's side "The blizzard dragon guild ends here Yuri" Sylvia said in a hollow tone. No one could understand why Sylvia chose to join the volcanic dragon guild but now they were outnumbered and by 5 [Master sorcerer] rank and 1 [Grandmaster] rank.

"Just give in Yuri and maybe I'll spare you a rank in my guild" Lian sneered

"Are you seriously going to keep trying to fight?"

Paul and Zane was struggling even more now that Sylvia had started opposing them. 5v2 and Sylvia was backing up the other 4 [Master sorcerer] ranks with buff and occasionally attack with spells of her own.

Luna looked back at them and realized this looked like a scene where the protagonist would come in and stop the enemies when all hope was lost.

"To bad there isn't one" Luna stood up and turned around and was about to walk away but came to a halt. Two large bone summons could be seen appearing beside her.

"Yuri catch!" Luna voice caught everyone's attention as the large bone hand threw something emitting a powerful aura. A silver ring on Yuri's finger with a blood-colored gem on the inside of it shined

Yuri caught the blue icy cube and a smile appeared on her face.

"So she really did have it."

Yuri hadn't got to swap into her main gear so this was perfect.

[Alazaan's Cube]

Ranking: (Divine)

Item description: […]

+ 5000000 intelligence

+ 5000000 endurance

+ 5000000 vitality

+ 5000000 mana

+ 5000000 max mana

+ 5000000 strength

A direct 5 million plus except for speed.

Luna could feel her mouth watering looking at the stats of the weapon. Lian was 4th rank [Grandmaster sorcerer] one above Yuri but that didn't matter now that Yuri had Alazaan's cube. Yuri now had the advantage in stats.

"Are you sure someone of [Sorcerer rank] should be allowed to use that" Luna's face paled realizing she would soon be able to have that weapon

[Someone of [Sorcerer] rank would never hold a divine weapon]

[Divine weapons aren't little toys one could buy in store for a few copper]

"So I'll be the first" Luna clinched her fist in anticipation.

Yuri stood inside a freezing domain of ice as everything within a 30 meter radius of her was frozen. Even one of the weaker [Master Sorcerer] ranks had frozen over.

Luna had long since decided to move away from the guild base until it calmed down.

The man with a demonic mask on was standing on the icy field, his feet stuck inside the thick ice. in his last attempt his used the special skill of his mask.

[Demon's Glare]. Zane and Paul felt their stats decrease by 20000 and they felt a sense of dread but such a decrease wouldn't do anything to Yuri as a [Ice shard] was formed at the tip of her index finger and pierced a hole through his heart.

[Hailstorm] and [Blizzard were both activated by Yuri and amplified by Alazaan's cube. The cold was unbearable to the enemy [Master Sorcerer] ranks and what was supposed to ice falling from the sky were full on ice weapons.

Sword, lances, maces, and more, when these weapons made contact with the ground or any object they would explode covering whatever if came into contact to with ice.

Lian's lava rain was no longer seen as she stood in front of Yuri. Fire skills seemed to nullified here and Sylvia had actually chose to run leaving the last two [Master Sorcerer] ranks to fight Paul and Zane on a disadvantaged field.

"You regret coming with lack of backup now huh?" Yuri gave a sweet smile to Lian

Which made a chill run down her spin

"How did you manage t-to find t-the divine weapon" the cold was starting to get to Lian

"S-Sylvia told us you didn't find it that ly-lying tramp"

Lian decided to attack the main base of the Blizzard dragon guild. The guild base was hidden and had a lack of members there due to the how hidden it was. Yuri thought they wouldn't need to have all of the strongest guild members stay here for that reason but a traitor, one of the founders of the guild and her close friend was the least for her to suspect of being a traitor

Despite having the name Blizzard the main base of the guild was nowhere near any cold area but was stationed inside the Resentful Forest.

"Goodbye Lian" Yuri gave a cold stare to Lian while slowly wrapping her hands around Lian's neck. Alazaan's cube slowly floated beside her emitting a deathly cold aura.

Inaudible nosies came from Lian as she kicked and struggled and her neck soon caved in and her body slumped to the ground.

Without Sylvia buffing the 2 [Master Sorcerer] ranks and the disadvantaged ice field they were easily slain by Zane and Paul.

Luna was sitting on the palm of one of the bone summons hand as it floated above the foggy forest and slowly descended onto the icy field.

Yuri saw the look on Luna face and could read it instantly.

"Here" Yuri said handing over the cube to Luna. The cube instantly went into the system inventory disappearing and shocking Yuri.

"I'm not going to question it." Yuri gave a slight laugh and looked over to Paul and Zane who were shameless searching the corpse of the enemy and she gave a sigh before looking back to Luna.

"That's idiotic of you to give a divine weapon to someone you don't even know"

"How about a thank you?"

"Thank you, Luna" the two laughed and started chatting as Luna prepared to leave. There was no reason to stay here since she has the system, she should be trying to kill and get stronger. A weapon like Alazaan's cube would give her a major boost in stats so she would have to fight stronger enemies for better rewards from the system soon

Name: Luna

Race: Human

Mana rank: 6th Rank Magika

Mana obtained 4120/20000

Mana: 35000/35000

Vitality: 28190/28190

Strength: 19017

Speed: 19078


Intelligence: 14103

Souls collected: 46/200

Luna waved back at the Yuri, Zane, and Paul as she flew off on the bone summon.

The creepy forest trees were a little burnt and some even broken showing where the volcanic guild fought against mana beasts and monsters while traveling here.

"Now that I think back on it why didn't Yuri have the [Ice Affinity] skill like I have the [Forest affinity] skill?"

[unlike summons who have a specific magic affinity already Yuri was using imitation magic]

[The ring on her finger was an imitation ring. You can also learn skills like that directly from a skill book without a magic affinity to that specific element]

[The host gets her skills directly from me].

Luna could hear cries from the 3 [Wailers] moving around her from tree to tree.

They were transparent and floated above the ground as they didn't have legs. Sharp long claws and a wide agape mouth and a ghostly body.

Luna saw the strongest was around false mage only.


Mana ranking: 1st rank [False Mage]

Mana obtained 0/80000


Vitality: 2000/2000

Strength: 3102

Speed: 3079

Endurance: ???

Intelligence: 0


(slash lv7)

(Resentful Gaze lv4)



[Host use soul smithing to create a thin sheet over the hands of your summons]

[Ghost monsters ignore physical attacks]

"Huh?" Luna started using [soul smithing] as she felt the bow which had a green hue turn orangish and 2 souls were reduced from her soul count. A small thin sheet of a transparent aura around the two bone summons could be seen and with a flick of a finger the 3 wailers died.

Skill obtained: [fireball lv1]

Skill obtained: [Health regeneration lv1]

Skill obtained: [Ice shards lv1]

Due to the effects of the [Title (One who's favored by the universe)] the skills [Fireball], [Health regeneration], and [Ice shards] have evolved into [Hellball lv1], [Life regeneration lv1], and [Tundra shards lv1].

"I wasn't expecting to get much from killing them but I forgot about this title!"


Skill description: another variant of fireball whereas this one uses the flames of hell.

[Life regeneration]

Skill description: regenerate life in its fullest form. Allows the user to regenerate their health back by pouring more mana into using the skill, the more health you'll receive back. This skill can be used on others. If you pour enough mana into it, you can even bring the dead back to life.

[Tundra shards]

Skill description: Powerful icy shards which resemble icicles that freezes upon impact.

"This makes me just want to go on a killing spree" Luna gave a creepy smile before moving on through the forest