
I Live To Avenge

Alice died cruelly at the hands of a local street gang. With a heart of malice and a burning desire of vengeance, her chance to achieve this came in the form of a ROB. He gave her five wishes. First, she wished for the mutant powers of Sage. Second, she wished for the mutant powers of Cypher. Third, she wished for the abilities of Spiderman Miles Morales. For her fourth wish, she wished to have photographic reflexes. For her fifth and final wish, she wanted to have Deadpool's regeneration. With this new life, no villian was safe from her hunt.

Jerri_Can · Khác
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2 Chs

First Taste Of Vengeance

Alice watched from a rooftop as the New York Police paraded the Grave Digger with proud smiles on their faces. Her mask hid the sneer she had on her face as she wondered why scum like these get to live comfortably, basking in fame while the families of their victims get to suffer. She could not understand how the system that was built to punish these kind of people seem to be actually helping them.

"No longer!" she growled. She knew the pain the victims of these kind of people went through because she went through it herself. This was her second life and in the first, she had been kidnapped by members of a local gang then she was brutally raped and stabbed to death after they were done of her. Even as a soul, the amount of resentment she had actually made a ROB bring her in before she could affect the other souls around her. Then, he proceeded to give her five wishes and sent her away with a promise to clear away all her resentment before she came back to the place.

She was reborn in a dysfunctional family that broke up in her second year. She get to live with her father who became a drunkard over time and an abuser. She was thankful he did not try to sexually molest her or she would have ripped him apart. With a father like him, she had way more freedom than anyone her age. That gave her the opportunity to stack up for her future.

She started watching action filled videos and learning all the moves in an instant. Due to this and the spider powers, she grew to be a lithe looking kind of girl with healthy skin, luscious slightly blonde hair, lively eyes and a figure she didn't want. Her balance was impeccable, her fighting skills out of the roof, her gun handling and marksmanship was to be looked up to.

However, how to fight was not the only thing she did. Sage's and Cypher's powers put her in the most intelligent human on the planet. There's very few things she couldn't do and those were subjects she just didn't care about. She made sure she was as sharp mentally as she was physically and it paid off. Her mind and body were in so much sync that she had sensorimotor synchrony of the highest order. Her mind can just think of reacting and her body will react just as sudden!

"They are moving him in the police car. This will make this even simpler," she said. The Grave Digger is a serial killer that targeted blonde middle aged men, slit their wrists before burying them alive in a grave. The NYPD detectives arrested him just out of pure coincidence, he was caught speeding from one of his burial sites. The point was that such kind of person was not one to be left alive them immortalized by the entertainment industry for some YouTubers to make a 'Grave Digger's cool moments compilation' video. He needed to be buried and forgotten, the only way to make sure another does not appear!

"Mine is vengeance," she chanted as she put the back pack behind her down. She opened it and started taking out a sniper rifle's parts. Slowly, she reassembled it while looking at the Grave Digger who was smirking at the cameras clicking crazily at him.

"Keep on smiling, this will be the last minutes of your life, enjoy your three minutes of fame," she mocked him before looking at her complete rifle.

This rifle was her own creation. It was a one shot kind of rifle with bullets about thirty six millimetres. The bullets are made with synchetic diamonds capable of ripping through tank armor, even though with some difficulties. It's range was three kilometres before it started deviating with minimum chances of jamming and a hell of a recoil, enough to break a slightly competent gun handler's arm with one shot. It had no scope, only an iron sight and it suited her the best. It also had the world's most efficient silencer she custom built herself permanently fixed onto its muzzle.

Alice sat on the edge of the building before taking aim. She could already feel the wind and did her calculations in just a second. The police car finally started moving with heavy security guarding the squad car from front, back and sides. Catching the Grave Digger was a big deal for the NYPD due to some heat a few months back. It was their chance to do something that would make the public feel secure and they were making sure it is done to their best of their abilities. Three SWAT cars were taking point at the front and back of the procession with four police choppers roaming the skies and making sure nothing was out of place. The Grave Digger had made a lot of people angry so it was only logical they had to make sure he reaches the courtroom safely.

"Guess this is goodbye," she sighed before pulling the trigger, her body barely shaking even with the massive recoil. The muzzle did its job nicely, slightly overheating as it squeezed out the bullet, dispersing the sound of the explosion efficiently. The diamond tipped bullet flew true, sailing in the air with the target coming right in its trajectory. It ripped through the roof of the car and the Grave Digger's head exploded, showering the windows and the two smug officers in front with blood, brain matter and skull fragments. The driving officer stopped the car, horrified and traumatized before crawling out and taking cover on the side of the car, his partner following after him, each of them breathing hard with terror. The procession stopped too with the SWAT officers streaming out of their armored vehicles and looking at the headless body of the Grave Digger.

With her job done, Alice disassembled her rifle, put it inside her backpack and got back onto the roof. She then leapt to the other building's roof, not minding just how high she was or that it was eleven metres away, landing onto her feet softly. She went to the air vents, one she had personally made her getaway vent and crawled down to a janitor's closet where she put on a uniform with her name sewed on it. She hid the backpack in the vents before walking out while pushing a mop and a cleaning trough, ready for her legal job. She was cleaning the lobby when the large screen mounted on the wall came alive.

"We bring you breaking news here live in New York downtown where the procession taking the Grave Digger to the courthouse for his hearing just came under fire today. The Grave Digger was killed twenty minutes ago by the single bullet fired by the shooter with the police escorting him unharmed! I repeat, the Grave Digger has been shot dead by an unditified shooter!" the reporter said. Everyone in the lobby was silent, looking at the television with wide eyes fill of disbelieve.

"Fucking finally, someone taking charge and knowing what to do with these psychos filling the prisons and taking our tax money to keep them alive!" a rowdy, bearded man said with his friends around him agreeing.

"I just hope the shooter is not some maniac who gets off of this," a woman sighed worriedly. New York was in a state of unrest with the Grave Digger on the loose and now they had to deal with a shooter on the loose too! They were worried the shooter might start killing the public if he had a screw loose in his head. Meanwhile, Alice finished cleaning the lobby and went away, a subtle rise at the side of her lips.