
I like you just the way you are

“He was the reason I started to love myself” Story of a fat/chubby girl

riyashah_7 · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

Don’t panic!!

Its morning again and I have school. I really don't want to go because I have to go through many difficulties which are getting ready, walking to school, boring lectures and ...


No matter how hard I try and ignore them but at end I breakdown. I mean they are not wrong they call me names such as fatty , a round ball, Ugly etc because that is what I am and I feel ashamed of going outside because I am  fat While other girls are skinny , hot and attractive

My parents never told me anything about my body because they love me and they know that it hurts me but people at school or outside don't know how it feels to be like this.

Whenever someone calls me fat or any other name I just laugh it off as it was a joke and people think that I'm okay with it but seriously I am not because it makes me self conscious and I hate to look into the mirror and see my reflection because I know that I am fat and ugly.

No one wants to be my friend except Minah , she is my bestfriend from childhood we always hangout together and its fun, but since highschool started she became popular because she is pretty, skinny and funny so everyone likes to be with her but she still hangouts with me I really don't know why ?

I also heard some of her friends that told her to not hangout with me anymore because I am ruining her reputation at school and I guess they were right. Everyone almost everyone was in a relationship or hooking up with someone but me ? I didn't even had many friends just 1 and who would want to be in a relationship with a girl like me? Or even hookup with?

I shrug off all the thoughts that I had in my mind and started to get ready..just a black hoodie and leggings, I wasn't into getting ready in the morning and look all pretty pretty because no one cared how I looked right?

I said my goodbyes to Mom and Dad and walled to the school I saw people from my school giving me looks and whispering I knew they were talking about me I just wanted to go back home but I have to study and make my parents proud that is the least I can do for them to be happy.

I was reached 10 mins early to the school and walked into my class I saw Minah chatting with her friends and her boyfriend. Minah saw me and gave me a big smile, I smiled back and sat on my seat. I heard her friends voice.

"Eww why are you still friends with her ?" One said. "We told you she is a waste of time, she'll ruin your reputation" another said.

"I mean look her she is soo fat. She really need to loose weight or else one day she'll just burst like a ballon hahaha" they all laughed.

except Minah and her boyfriend Liam

The teacher entered the class and started the lecture ...i-i-just wanted to cry but I kept it all to myself. My phone vibrated and I sneakly saw Minah's text

"I am sorry about them :(

I have told them so many times to not say anything about you because you are my bestfriend but they just won't stop I am sorry I couldn't defend you" she texted.

I just looked back at her and gave her a thumbs up with a smile. She's the only one that cares about me after all.

After 10 mins of the lecture the door opened and there came the school's fuckboy the one and only Ethan looking all hot and he was arguing with the teacher....I liked him but I know I have no chances fuck that I didn't even have a chance to talk with him because well you know the reason.

Suddenly he was coming right towards my bench and he glanced at me once and sat besides me wait he sat besides me !!?


Okay Areum calm down he must have mistakenly sat besides me haha shit happens i'll just let him know ..wait for letting him know I have to talk with him fuckkkkkk why me god why meee

"u-umm w-why are you sitting besides me?" I asked. I could hear people with their so called whispering about Ethan sitting besides me.

" The teacher told me to sit over here because the last seats are full..do you have a problem with that? But you shouldn't after all this seat doesn't belongs to you now does it?" He said.

"No errrr i-i don't have any problem with you sitting over here but the others might" I said glancing at the girls who are giving me glares especially LUNA.

"That's their problem now shut up and focus on the lecture" he said. Oh so he pays attention to the lectures niceee.

The lecture ended and everyone left I was about to go to my next class but Luna decided to pay me a visit.

She banged her hand on my desk and glared at me behind her was her bestfriend Yuna...I am scared too death because usually she would just tease me or beat me up just for fun but today she is also glaring at me. God save me.

"Bitch stay the fuck away from Ethan. I saw you looking at him the entire lecture

HE IS MINE and keep your ugly ass away from him I'll see you in the break yeah? I'll make sure your break is rememberable" she said as she wickedly smiled at left with her bestfriend. I just ignored it and went for my next lectures.

Not knowing the the disaster that was going to happen...