
Life is not a Game!

Hey Rae-gi i'm heading home lets play tomorrow. Ok Bye Suho!

Rae-gi hears the door open then sees his mom walk in. Rae-gi you bastard! I told you to not invite anyone to our house especially Suho! I told you so much times Suho is the son of a well respected family, it will ruin their image if he is seen hanging out with someone like you!

Rae-gi frowns and says, atleast I dont name my own son trash (his full name is Soo Rae-gi which translates to suregi which means trash in Korean)

You're lucky I kept you, I wasn't planning to keep you but your annoying father cried and insisted. We only needed one son why did you even come into my life! Now that your stupid father is gone I'm remarrying. Its not my fault if your stepfather decides to kick you out.

Stop it mom! You dont understand how hard it is to live like this! Rae-gi wipes his tears and runs to his room. After a few hours he hears his mom talking to a voice he never heard before. While he was sleeping he heard their voices the whole night so he couldn't get enough sleep.

Rae-gi wakes up and weighs himself. A thirteen year old shouldnt weigh this much 75kg is too much. I really think I should work out or go on a diet. I guess I'm running to school today, "Rae-gi sighs".

Rae-gi heads outside and jogs on his way to school. When Rae-gi got to school it was already break time. His weight was too heavy for him slowing him down. He stays in the classroom and eats his own food, because he is too embarassed to go to the cafeteria.

Two students walk in. Well look who we have here I cant even tell if its Winnie the Pooh or Piglet. Rae-gi ignores them but one of them pours milk on his head. He didnt get enough time to wash his head. Until the end of school he didn't wash his head until he got home.

He opened the door which is supposed to lead inside his room, but when he enters his stuff are gone. He sees three people which seems to be older than him. Im sorry! Rae-gi apologizes and goes to his mom.

Mom what is all this about? His mom replies and explains to him why. Oh your "father" told his sons to move in here, take this ₩500,000 it should be enough for one month in an apartment, its also near your school too so you dont have to run all day. You should be happy im giving you something.

Rae-gi takes the money and runs crying, Suho sees him but he couldn't talk to Rae-gi because he was running. Rae-gi sits beside a dumpster and cries. He says, why is life this hard! Why is life so cruel to me? He sees drunkards and the drunkards spill booze on him. Would you shut up? Of course life is hard, because Life is not a Game!

The drunkards walk away while murmuring about Rae-gi. Rae-gi tries to rent a room but they wouldn't let him in because he is too dirty. He heads to the nearest hot spring to take a bath. He heads back to the apartment complex and finally manages to rent a room.

He heads to his room and to his surprise the room was not too bad. The next day he wakes up and gets dressed for school. He didn't have a hard to going to school because it was just a walk but he missed running to school. Guess I'm not losing weight anytime soon Rae-gi sighed.

He was the first person to be at school. He felt happy that he could enjoy being at school for the first time. It didn't last too long though, a big wave of students came rushing into the classroom. Rae-gi who did not want to be seen by his bullies, runs away from school to avoid getting hurt more.

On his way back to his house, he tripped. He thought it was because it was running, but it was because a person in a suit tripped him. He tried to run away but the person caught up to him. He told Rae-gi "I'm not in the mood for fighting today. If you want money go to this address and I will pay you handsomely.

Rae-gi second guessed but he took the deal thinking that life cant get any worse anyway. He headed to his room and started getting changed. He ran to the address as soon as possible.

Rae-gi saw a big factory which seemed to be out of business. Without hesitation he went inside and he saw a group of people with baseball bats in their hands.

"Who sent you?" They said to Rae-gi. Rae-gi not thinking too much of it said he got orders from a random guy in a suit. They started laughing at him. You're not that smart are you? Taking orders from a person you just met? Well i guess you cant get the reward you were promised. Rae-gi who was confused asked "what do you mean by that?" The gangsters said "we sent someone to spy on that person, turns out he was tailing you so we decided to assasinate him".

Rae-gi was all alone, he couldn't do anything to escape because the entrances were all blocked. Go get him! One of them said. A person with a hoodie said "dont kill him just yet, he could be useful.

Rae-gi was wishing to get out so bad, he closed his eyes and as soon as he opened it.*Enter Player Name*. He didnt believe what he was seeing but when he tried to type his name, he was convinced it was all real.

*Player Registered Initiating Starter Quest*