
I just wanted to play quietly

DaoisthdbQiH · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 self indulgence

"" after the xenobiotic storm decades ago, a large number of xenobiotic fields occurred all over the world. Xenobiotics are found in many legends, such as God, God, ghost, wonder, angel, demon, genie, etc. and humans can acquire them by hunting for xenobiotics... "" the hair has flowed for the rest of the day. While giving lectures, eyes are given from time to time to the corners of the last row of the classroom.

The other students were all attentive, whereas the school students in that corner, but blocked in front with textbooks, slept well on the table, and were occasionally able to hear slight snoring.

Afterfall was notso much aware of a subtle head shaking and was sighing in his heart: "" is the talent any better and what is the use? Is a little frustration blow unaffordable, and how can it accomplish a major event? "" although that defeat blow was indeed a great deal, and it was so deeply lost that he was simply not so much lauded by the older chancellor. ""

Aftersepsis, remembering what the older president had said to him before he faced his retirement, he could no longer shake again by looking at the positive aroma of lying flat on the table and the boy whose mouth corner was still drooling.

"" fall Bai, I've seen a lot of geniuses throughout my life and summarized that geniuses are divided into two species. "" The old principal had bright eyes at that time.

"" which two? "" Yu, who asked curiously at that time.

"" one genius is called Zhou Wen, the other is other geniuses. ""

The old principal's words at that time, to make the fall memory deep, but the student, so grandfathered by that old principal, was now falling into a malaise who did not need to go in, knew only to sleep in class every day, and kept his mobile phone game from class.

Yu AKI also tried to motivate Chi in the weekdays to reinvigorate him, but after several conversations, the weekdays, sleeping in class, attending class, playing games, and no longer practicing hard, seemed to have completely escaped motivation.

"" H ü bell!, "

With the ringing of the next class, Afterfall we saw the week when originally lying flat on the table to sleep, followed by a brisk sitting straight in all, washed out the classroom with grasping the head of the mobile phone and could not return it, undeniably more disappointed, and spoke with self exclamation airway: "" the old president, I have tried my best, neho week is an indisputable fight. ""

Chow trot, and soon left the teaching building, came to a secluded corner within the school.

Zhou was not unaware that teachers and other students in the school were seeing his dissimilar eyes, but he was totally disinterested.

The paralogue only thought that the weewen could not stand up to failure, so he went on to discard and fall by himself, but it was clear that the chowen himself never put that one failure in mind, and the reason why he would "" go down and fall "" could not be understood by his paralogue, nor could he explain it.

Unlocking the cell phone screen, the Wen Zhou proficient dots entered a game program called "" ant nests "", and soon the cell phone picture turned into a claustrophobic ant nest * * section, inside a tortuous channel, a lot of black ants crawled and climbed.

Four under a glance, see nothing paying attention to this side, and Wen Zhou punctured his fingers with a needle and placed a drop of fresh blood on the cell phone screen.

Next second, the ruse came out in the act, and the drop of blood of Wen Zhou turned out to penetrate into the cell phone screen, condensing into a blood colored kid within the game picture of the ant nest, alongside the blood colored kid introduction.

Zhou W: 16 years old.

Life grade: Fanconi.

Strength: 9.

Speed: 5.

Frailty: 8.

Yuan Qi: 4.

Yuanqi recipe: bitter Zen.

Yuan Qi technique: none.

Yuan Qi petting: none.

Since the secondary storm, various kinds of heterologous meta lives have emerged, which can be roughly divided into four grades: Mortal foetus, legend, epic foetus, myth, the hierarchy of human life is all the lowest mortal foetus, by practicing meta knowledge, one can enhance one's body quality and is also able to evolve the hierarchy of life.

But the simple alchemistry hones itself and evolves at a very slow rate, hunting out heterologous metaorganisms and seizing their secondary crystals for their own use and is able to accelerate evolution.

It is no less than that the heterometazoan organisms come out of an extraordinary homicide, and with the exception of the area which some humans have already explored, the entrance of other areas is followed by almost the end of their ninth life and not everyone is willing to take life to risk.

And the earth's Federation has made it clear that minors must not enter the allopatric area.

The bitter Zen, which is practiced by Zhou, is a type of meta Qi trick that practices meta Qi purely by grinding itself with no external force.

Within the Federation, there are not a few geniuses 16 years old who can practice yuan Qi, but like Zhou, who does not rely on any external force and only practices the pican to grind his own flesh to practice yuan Qi, not even a few can be found throughout the earth's Federation, and in the small city of guedefe, the only one in history.

At that time, all teachers and classmates at guide high school believed that there must be an eversion in the future of the week, but who knew it was not long after that, a referral student came to guide high school and challenged the Zhou, defeated the week with just one recruitment, and was a female student.

That is, after that, the week was no longer hard to practice and changed ''self injurious fall.' 'all others thought the week was mentally vulnerable and intolerant of frustration and blow, but it was only the week himself that it was clear that his change was not related to that failure, entirely because of this mysterious mobile phone in his hands.

Wen Zhou looked down at the cell phone and constantly manipulated the blood colored little man inside the cell phone to chop black ants in the nest of ants.

"" killing the Fanconi large termites... Killing the Fanconi large termites... Killing the Fanconi large termites... ""

For every ant killed by the Zhou, a cue was jump from the screen and a row of cues flash rapidly.

"" stings! ""

It was not known how many vigorous ants were killed, suddenly heard a clear murmur, and then a line of somewhat specific tips springed off the screen: to kill the Vanderbilt vigorous ants, Yuan gas crystals were found.

Wengu Zhou looked and sure after a vigorous ant was killed a crystal clear diamond like crystal was erupted, on top of which there was a word number 5.

Inwenxin Zhou, busy manipulated the hemochromate person to pick up the yuan Qi crystal, which touched the hemochromate person's finger, temporally turned into a bizarre breath, and drilled into the hemochromate person's body.

Almost at the same time, Wen Zhou also felt that there was a force coming from the mobile phone to his body, like the electric shock Lei Kuang general, to make the Yuan gas in his body fill fast.

Yuan Qi column on blood colour Mini material, the yuan value was also changed from 4 to 5 points.

After a heterologous organism is killed, there is a certain chance that all kinds of crystals will fall, the most common being the four crystals of strength, speed, trephine, and Yuan Qi.

The use of force crystallization leads to an enhancement of the human force, the use of velocity crystallization leads to an enhancement of the velocity, and the other crystallizations are about the same effect.

In reality though, crystallization is not shown numerically and humans can't see its own property values, using force crystallization after it only knows how much of its own force has increased, not how much specifically.

This mysterious handpiece in Zhou's hand could not only make him in the game to obtain the secondary crystallization that others need to go to the field of the heterometa bolism for life adventure to be able to obtain, but also give him a clear view of self and heterometa bolism, and the numerical value of the secondary crystallization.

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