
I just wanted a normal life

Being reborn in this body was crazy yes, but honestly I just saw it as a better, second chance at life. Like all those mistakes you made that you wish you could change? I wouldn’t even commit them in the first place, but life isn’t so easy. I just wanted a normal life, so why was I reborn as the future Spider-Man?! - - - So I own nothing, clearly. The decision of characters kinda came as a whim, but one that could work really well, so yeah. Hope you enjoy.

AnimeFreac · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs


Landing on the roof with a roll, I start catching my breath for a few seconds before steeling myself.

Running to the other side, I jump off to see a Chitauri flying below, and I perfectly kick its head to the side causing it's neck to snap off from my super strength and momentum.

Fumbling in the air a little, I balance myself before webbing two buildings at my side as my descent started slowing down before I was sent flying up. Zipping forward I occasionally web some Chitauri in the face or in the engine causing them to crash either way.

"C'mon dad, where are you?" I asked myself worriedly while my zoomed in on the streets below to different cops till I eventually found him, pinned down by Chitauri behind his police car along with his partner knocked out or dead beside him.

Slingshotting down while invisible I slam one down while forcing it's head into the concrete slightly indenting it before it's head popped like a balloon.

Getting a sense of danger, I back flip over one that was behind me before webbing the floor on the sides of it and barrel through its chest.

Rolling with my momentum, I launch forward off my feet before Super-Man punching one with my fist going through its chest before I sent it flying into a group of them causing the to fall over.

I web them down and continue to deal with the rest and by the end making sure they're each dead.

"Are you with the other heroes?" I suddenly hear asked behind me, turning to see my dad with a relieved look, by now I turned my invisibility off.

"I'm not a hero." I said simply while walking up to him and pulling down my bandana.

"Miles? The hell are you doing here?! This place isn't safe!" My dad said concerned while walking up to me and hugging me.

"Same to you! The police can't fight this! Get to safety dad, I won't lose you." I said turning away.

"And I won't lose my son!" He said back putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, you won't." I said shaking off his hand before zipping away to look for someone else now.

Though I find her, she's fighting with Luke Cage fighting side by side right now with the rest of the Defenders plus one Punisher.

"I thought you retired Frank." I said in a deepened voice while going down and killing a Chitauri behind him.

"Who you? And who cares, I can't stand by when I see aliens almost kill a little girl." He said while still gunning down Chitauri on the ground and air.

"I always did like you, but your outta your depth, you'll run outta bullets. And you'll get shot before you can get close Daredevil!" I call out as we all continued to fight till the last one.

"Well it's worked so far, who are you?" He asked as we gathered now.

"I'm a fellow crime fighter right now. You're cool too." I said while fist bumping Luke.

"Anyways, we gotta go." I said before I start dragging Gwen by the arm.

"Hey! Who are you even? I don't know you!" She said while struggling to get outta my grasp.

"Yes you do, now you don't belong here, let's go!" I said pulling down my bandana where only she can see before grabbing her by the waist and zipping away again.

"But Miles, we can fight! We can save people!" She pleaded as I swung us from building to building with one hand.

"No! The only person I care about saving is you right now! I'm not risking your life or mine for strangers." I responded back.

"Strong words kid." I suddenly hear beside me as I see Spider-Man now swinging beside us too.

"I thought you took my offer when I first saw you swinging around." He said keeping perfect pace with us while simultaneously taking out different Chitauri, showing his years of experience by now.

"Yeah, yet again thanks but no thanks. I got no concerns with strangers." I said while trying to give him a hint to piss off. Sure I love him as a character and person now since he's real to me, I love what he does. But I can't do that, I can't risk my life for the little guy.

"Yeah, but you're still using my shoo-"

"No! You did not patent them and I made them myself! Probably even before you made yours, and better!" I said not letting him downplay my work, I take pride in these after all.

"And they say I'm delusional, well my offer will always stand kid, see ya later!" He said before zipping off in another direction as we reach the Brooklyn Bridge.

Swinging under it and then up and over it at the end when we reached Brooklyn. we eventually reach her home as we land on the ground, to which she immediately walked away.

"Gwen, c'mon do-"

"No! Miles, go home." She said before entering her house and closing the door. Standing there for a second, I swing off before landing on the roof of a random building.

"Mierda! This is the thanks I get for saving your life? Well fuck you too!" I yell to myself frustrated before punching a whole in the wall of a building beside me. Is it not fair to her? Sure, but it's clear she doesn't understand the scope of how fucking bad this invasion is, how easily either me or her could've died!

What would she have done if a Leviathan came after her? Nothing! She'd be dead! Shaking off my frustration, I start swinging back to get my dad out now, or at least keep him safe.

Eventually I find him again, but this time in a seeming base of operations.

"You guys need help?" I asked in a deepened voice to the officers.

"Whatever we can get. There's a hostage situation going on in the bank down two blocks, we can't get close. Think you can handle it?" The one seemingly in charge asked me.

"Consider it do-" I'm suddenly interrupted as a leviathan turns a corner down the street knocking off a part of a building now coming straight at us.

"Shit, fire at will!"

"No I got it!" I yell out before swinging up to it. I start charging up my venom bite before I land on its head and send everything I could straight into it.

Suddenly it starts falling down proving that my plan, if it could be considered that, worked. But it's not gonna land before running into the camp.

"Shit!" I exclaim while webbing it up to buildings in an attempt to slow it down.

"Don't worry kid I'll help out." I suddenly hear as I see Iron Man now pushing against it and down from its nose. Eventually we stop it right before it hit the camp.

"Good work kid! See ya at the after party! We're getting shawarma later!" Tony called out before flying behind a group of Chitauri in their hover vehicles before taking em out and continuing on.

Continuing on to the hostage situation, I approach the building in the stealth mode before seeing one the Chitauri pull out a energy grenade. Blasting through the window I pin the one with the grenade to the ground before snapping his neck and arm making him drop it.

Then I webbed the other two Chitauri towards me as I jump up putting my legs out in a mid air split as they flew into it snapping the necks back and dead.

Going to the grenade, I grab it and stick it in my pocket, never know when you might need it after all. Zipping out the window I broke, I stick to a building crouching sideways before I'm suddenly feeling like someones surrounded me by church bells and the hulks hitting them.

Looking to where I felt it, I saw the nuke coming finally.

"Is that what I think it is?" Peter asked now landed on the building above me.

"Yup." I answered simply, before I realize this might actually be a chance. I zip off turning on my invisibility while eventually arriving at Stark tower. Going to the top where the machine was, I watch, and wait.

Eventually Black Widow turned it off with Loki's staff where the mind stone is. I wait till her guard is completely down before webbing the Tesseract to me and make a web bag around it, never touching it.

Then I web Loki's scepter out of Widow's hands and grab the Mind Stone before crushing the layer around it revealing it in its true form.

"I'm sorry but you can't take that Miles." I suddenly hear, and turn to see the Ancient One who suddenly struck me in the chest. I tried to dodge, but my Spider sense didn't warn me at all, at least it seems like she's not trying to hurt me.

Getting sent into my Astral form was weird, but luckily my body moved on its own to keep the Tesseract and Mind Stone in my hands. I float back into my body, only to be sent into the mirror dimension, still with the Tesseract and mind stone.

"I can't you let walk away with that Mr. Morales, certain events need to come to pass." She said floating in the air while I stood on Stark Tower.

"If I can prevent those events why interfere? I thought you didn't interfere with us and only dealt with different dimensions." I said still invisible.

"It's actually kinda late anyway since I already revealed the mind stones true form." I said proving that this is pointless, but then she just simply pointed at her amulet holding the Time Stone.

"Why help fulfill a future where countless people will die?" I asked simply.

"Because countless more will die if I don't. It's a pick your poison situation, and I choose this one." She said while slowly approaching.

"Well that's not exactly your decision to make, is it?" I asked rhetorically.

"Nor is it yours, but now you decide. Run, or give me the Stones and save countless lives."

Lmk what ya think so far, also as for Gwen I couldn’t think of anyone else that could make sense and be explained by this being a random universe in Marvel without having other characters interfere like for example Xavier. Anyways, see ya next chapter.

AnimeFreaccreators' thoughts