
I just want to live

Kenji just wanted to live a laid back life, eating delicious food, playing games, watching anime, just some regular NEET stuff but he was suddenly sent to the Naruto world! Moreover into the body of a toddler! There was no system either. At first he found it cool but then he realized that he could die here at any moment by some random nobody. How was he going to live his laid back life if there was no time to be laid back? Forget laid back he needed to survive for now. Also why is this world slightly different? .... .... Hey guys this is my first fic! English is also not my first language. Updates 5 times a week (I'll try my best). Please leave a review and suggestions on how I can make it better. Thank you!

TMBTL · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

2 years later-

I had finally adapted to my situation somewhat. I could now finally walk, even run if I wished! These two simple tasks were pretty hard for me to learn. They say only when you lose something will you recognize it's value. I had worked hard to get body control at my level. I flashed a prideful smile and pumped my fists as I realized I had gotten slightly faster than before. However, these things could not calm me down because I had realized by the few times, I was taken out of this wretched hut that the old man had built. I had been transmigrated into Naruto my favourite manga.

At first, I was pretty excited after all I was in Konoha the place where the main story took part, but then I remembered that I was in Konoha village where many disasters also take part because the main cast was here and also my father was a civilian. Yes, I was transmigrated into the Naruto world as a toddler with no system and a civilian father. So, I probably had no chakra. GREAT.

"AAAHHH" I shouted with frustration and the wall of the pathetic hut. 'WTF how can I be transmigrated so miserably, why was I even transmigrated in the first place?! To die or something when pain comes and annihilates Konoha. Well, I would be revived…. But I don't want to die and wake up again! it's the worst feeling.'

"Oye! What the hell are you up to stupid kid, stop punching the wall! It's already weak." A man shouted. He was sitting at the table with a katana on top of it. He was grumbling to himself. He was supposed to be this body's father but I had no such feelings towards this guy as he didn't act like a father one bit. He frowned and looked at me harshly before continuing what he was doing. I just ignored him and acted like a toddler.

"Fuck, I should enroll him to that academy soon or I don't know what else he'll end up breaking." He was still mumbling something to himself. I needed to get out of this secluded hut fast. I need to back to the village and figure out if I have enough chakra as a civilian to become a shinobi first. Next, I had to check my chakra nature and start training in different chakra control methods and try to get into the academy. From there on I could work hard become OP and somehow stop myself from suffering or I could run away from this village. Okay… maybe the first plan wasn't concrete enough, I had to work on it more. "Huhuhuhuhuhu…" I laughed at the thought of becoming a strong ninja and kicking some ass.

"Creepy kid" the old man whispered hearing me laugh. Then someone knocked at the door of the shabby hut. I went and opened the door, outside a beautiful girl with chunnin vest and headband stood there with a smile on her face. She had brown eyes and purple hair neatly tied into two ponytails. A scar stretched across her face only added to her beauty somehow. "Hey kid" she sweetly said. Even her voice was mesmerizing. I just stood there stunned by her.

"Is your father around?" she asked. I looked back at the old man who was still fiddling with his own katana not even caring that a guest had arrived. "Old man some pretty sister is at the door."

He tsked before standing up and walked towards the door the katana in hand. "Didn't I tell not to call me that kid?" He saw the woman standing outside who asked him to follow her as she had something to say to him.

They moved away to a distance where I could only hear them mumbling. As always that useless old man was acting annoyed as the pretty woman kept talking to him. While I tried to recall who she could be by trying to remember anything from the anime or manga, both of them came back to the old hut. "Oye kid, she is your new teacher. Your mom hired her before she died." He said with his usual shitface and walked back into the hut.

"Your father really is a bit crude huh?" the girl interjected my thoughts cursing out the old man. "Although he worded it a little bit harshly, it is true. Me and your mother weren't very close but we had worked on a few missions together. I'm Mariko Uchiha, you can just call me Mariko nee-san."

Confusion appeared on my face. "My mother was a shinobi?" I asked with disbelief.

For the first time I had interacted with her a slight frown appeared oh her forehead. "Aiya~ didn't your father ever mention it?"

"No" I said as I shook my head.

She appeared a little shaken from that fact. "Well… I'm sure he must have had his reasons. I came here today to tell you that I had accepted a mission from your mother to teach you till you graduate from the ninja academy. A mission is something a ninja does ~…" she was talking to me in a very weird way like how women speak to dogs or something and she kept explaining everything in detail as if I wouldn't know it's meaning.

With the mental age of an adult, I felt great shame in being spoken to like this by a young girl. But looking at her dumb and excited expression I didn't even feel like stopping her.

"Oh, sorry for rambling on without even asking you name, do you mind telling this sister your name?" she said embarrassed.

"It's Kenji" I said. I didn't even know my own name in this world because that old man was too lazy to tell me so I had to ask him myself a few months ago.

"Wow what a good name! It's been some time already since I was here Kenji but I am afraid I will have to leave now as I have some work to do. I'm sorry I haven't been here often but I had my own reasons you know." Her face grimaced while she was saying that as if she didn't want to talk about it.

"The place near your home is really suitable for training so I can come here myself to teach you. You don't have to worry about anything alright? I'll do my best to teach you as much as possible. I'm really excited to start teaching you. See you later!" She then body flickered away before I could even say anything.

I only had one thought as I saw her leave. 'That had to be the most un-uchiha like person I had ever seen. Where was the black hair? Where was their usual poker face?' I didn't believe her at all. From where could I get such luck that I suddenly had some Uchiha that was willing to teach me for free. I just ignored her visit for now and concentrated on the fact that my mother was at least a shinobi. If she had worked with Uchiha she might have even been a high-level ninja. This meant I most likely had enough chakra to become a ninja. "Alright!"

"Shut up kid I'm working on something!" the old man screamed from that miserable hut. "Tsk as if" I whispered to myself before going back in.

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