
I Just Want to Become a Super Villain

Justin is an ordinary boy who idolizes Super-Villains even though his parents are Super Heroes. Since childhood, Justin always thought that Super-Villains were cooler and stronger than Super Heroes. It's just that Super Villains always lose to Super Heroes because Super-Villains work individually and Super Heroes work together in groups. Therefore, Justin has a dream to become the strongest Super Villain who can defeat all Super Heroes. Can Justin achieve his dream? Read this book to find out the answer by yourself... A/N: 1. This book joined WPC 298, please kindly support this book by sending power stones and giving me feedback. 2. The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them.

Vanishing_Elbow · Kỳ huyễn
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A Fake Super Villain

What Jake and Eve saw on television were not television shows in general, but CCTV footage of what Justin had done while they were doing their Super Hero duties.

In the CCTV footage, Justin is seen trying to imitate the movements of The Agile Woman, which then he combines with the movements of The Ballet Man.

In the CCTV footage, it is also seen that Justin continuously fails to perform a combined movement between The Agile Woman and The Ballet Man which ends up injuring his own leg.

Eve started to shed tears when she saw what her son had done and Jake could only pat his wife on the shoulder without saying anything because the incident in the CCTV footage they saw had happened so many times.

"Honey, I'm so worried about what happened to Justin, we have to find a way to get him to stop doing that," Eve said as she sobbed into Jake's chest.

Jake stroked Eve's hair and then he said "Be patient honey, I don't know what happened to Justin either, he started acting like that after he watched the fight between ten S-Class Super Heroes against one S-Class Super Villain."

Suddenly, an idea flashed into Eve's mind as if a revelation had descended upon her.

"Hey, honey, how about... how about we create a fake Super-Villain to motivate Justin?" Eve said as she looked at Jake seriously.

Hearing what his wife said, Jake took a deep breath and then said, "Your idea is brilliant, honey, but how can we motivate Justin by creating a fake Super-Villain for him?"

Suddenly Eve heard Justin's footsteps heading to the bathroom.

"Lower your voice and let's continue this conversation in our room because we need help from that person," Eve said as she stood up.

Eve walked towards their room followed by Jake behind her.

Eve opened their room door and go in followed by Jake, and then Jake closed their room door and locked it.

Jake and Eve's room looks spacious and magnificent with various decorations and furniture that look futuristic.

Eve walked over to the landline that was on a table in their room and started pressing the buttons on the landline.

One, three, one, and two were the buttons Eve pressed in sequence.

After Eve pressed the button, their large-sized bed was lifted and there was a metal ladder going down under their large-sized bed.

Eve climbed down the metal ladder and Jake also climbed down the metal ladder following Eve.

When Eve reached the bottom of the metal ladder, seen a small room that seemed to contain only a sofa and a very large screen that turned on and illuminates the entire room.

Eve sat on the sofa followed by Jake and they looked at the very large-sized screen like they were waiting for something.

"Hey, honey, what plans do you have to contact him right now?" Jake asked.

"Just shut up and just listen to what I have to say," Eve replied to Jake's question as she looked annoyed.

The very large screen only shows black-white lines with countdown numbers.

Three, two, one.

The countdown on the very large-sized screen stopped and the black-white lines on the very large-sized screen turned into a man with jet black long, curly hair wearing a white mask with a black smile pattern on it.

"Woah, it's rare for you guys to contact me, or I should say this is the first time since you guys told me to find out your son's superpowers?" the man wearing the white mask said.

"Yes, this time we really need your help again, The Technology Doctor," Eve said.

The Technology Doctor is an S-Class Super Hero who works behind the scenes for the benefit of all Super Heroes.

With his superpower, The Technology Doctor can track and find out the whereabouts of all Super-Villains that he can track through all kinds of technology, and then he will inform the whereabouts of those Super-Villains to the nearest Super Heroes to deal with.

In addition to this, The Technology Doctor also has an important role in maintaining the security of government data and so on so that it cannot be hacked by Super-Villains.

"So, what help do you need this time?" The Technology Doctor said.

"We want you to make a show about a Super Villain winning against Super Heroes only on our television," Eve said with a serious look on her face.

The Technology Doctor held his chin in his hand that was wrapped in a tight black glove and then he said, "Is this for your son? I mean, Justin? I noticed he really likes Super-Villains."

Jake and Eve looked surprised at what The Technology Doctor had just said and it really make them annoyed.

Jake frowned and stood up, and then he said, "Hey, you dammit David, you stalking my son, huh? Are you a pervert?" as he tried to contain his anger.

Eve stood up and said, "Calm down honey, what are you doing? We're here to ask David for help, after all, he must have his own reasons to do that," as she tried to force Jake to sit back down.

"Woah, Woah, calm down, Jake the muscle brain, I'm neither a stalker nor a pervert, I just happened to sense the movements of some Super-Villains, and when I checked, it turned out to be Justin imitating some of the Super Villains' movements," David said as he raised his hands.

Hearing what David said, Jake calmed himself down and sat back on the sofa followed by Eve.

After what happened, there was only silence between the three of them until finally, David said, "So... what kind of Super-Villain do you guys want to make?"

Eve stood up and said, "Please make a Super Villain who doesn't have superpowers and he becomes very strong by his own efforts, and make him able to imitate the moves of Super-Villains and Super Heroes."

Hearing what Eve said, David laughed, "Hahaha...," and then he said, "I didn't expect that a Super Hero who strictly obeys the rules would have such a crazy idea."

Hearing what David said, Eve just kept quiet and looked at David with a serious face.

Knowing that Eve was being serious, David calmed himself down and then he said, "Okay, I'll do it, but don't let Justin know that the Super Villain he's seeing is just a fictional character because I'm going to make this show only on your television, understand?"

"Yeah, we get it," Jake and Eve said at the same time.

"Now you guys get some rest, I'll get this over with quickly," David said as he signaled Jake and Eve to go rest with his hands.

Jake and Eve nodded and then the very large-sized screen in front of them turned off.

Jake and Eve climbed up the metal ladder and as soon as they were on the floor of their room, their bed came back down.

Jake and Eve went straight to bed without changing their clothes as they hoped that Eve's idea about making a fake Super Villain would work the next day.

Meanwhile, in The Technology Doctor's lab, he is seen fiddling with his personal computer.

He seemed to be programming something very complicated on his personal computer while he was sipping a cup of coffee.

David put down his freshly sipped cup of coffee and proceeds with what he was doing faster.

"Do this, then this, add this, and done, launch," David said to himself.

David leaned back in his chair and sighed while staring at his personal computer.

As he was staring at his personal computer, David took another sip of his coffee, and then he thought, "That kid, Justin, even though he doesn't have any superpowers at all, he has another special ability."

David took another sip of his coffee as he thought, "I found out that after I've been observing him all this time, Justin actually has the ability to imitate the Super Villain moves he sees on the news on television."

David put down his coffee and then he thought, "I didn't expect Eve to notice this on her own, maybe this is what they call mother instinct?"

David stood up from his chair and then stretched his back as he thought, "Well, whatever, if Justin idolizes the Super Villain I've created above all the Super-Villains he idolizes, he will definitely be able to become the strongest Super Hero or maybe the strongest Super Villan."

The next day, Jake and Eve woke up from their sleep, they did their usual activities such as bathing and changing into their Super Hero costumes even though all the Super Hero costumes they had looked the same.

Jake and Eve had breakfast and after that, they went to Justin's room.

When they opened the door to Justin's room, Justin was seen sleeping in a messy sleeping position.

In addition to Justin's messy sleeping position, his room also looks messy so that makes Eve uses her telekinesis power to tidy up Justin's room as well as tidy up Justin's sleeping position.

Jake and Eve smiled and they went off to do their Super Hero duties.

Thanks for reading this chapter OwO

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