
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

I’ve Heard of This Reason:

"Hahaha! Talent, this Oliver is really a talent!"

While making this call, Oliver's other mobile phone was connected to Zhang Mengyu. He really wanted to see the angry faces of those people in the world.

Zhang Menglong listened to every word of their conversation just now. These words were not taught to him by Zhang Menglong. Oliver's speaking of the underworld was no worse than his own!

The bid is higher than Zhang Menglong? That is simply nonsense. The annual funding for the Jiepeng Power System comes from the state. The state only has a small budget in total. Due to the impact of the epidemic and the country's economic contraction, this year's funding for coal power generation is less than 10 billion. Dollar.

The liquidated damages in the contract signed by Zhang Mengyu and Oliver were 10 billion U.S. dollars. With their pitiful funds, even paying the liquidated damages was not enough!

"More money, give him more money!" Zhang Menglong said with a smile, such a person must add money!

"Mr. Oliver, considering our previous cooperation, can you answer a question for me?" Masumi Aoki asked.

He is not an idiot. Zhang Mengyu's behavior is obviously aimed at their company, Shang Marubeni Co., Ltd., but this kind of targeting is definitely not without reason! Inexplicably spending tens of billions of dollars to persecute people, isn't the cost too high?

But he didn't understand why Zhang Menglong purchased those coals. Their company, Marubeni Co., Ltd., and Zhang Menglong had no intersection at all, let alone any disputes.

"Mr. Aoki, you can still ask and answer some questions."

"Mr. Oliver, at what point did our Shomarubeni Co., Ltd. accidentally offend Mr. Zhang Menglong?" Masumi Aoki asked.

"No, no, no," Oliver laughed immediately, "Shang Marubeni Co., Ltd. is not worthy of being offended by Mr. Zhang!"

Although Shomarubeni Co., Ltd. is a mixed private and state-owned enterprise, its valuation is only US$20 billion.

For a company of this size, Zhang Menglong can turn their entire company upside down with just a few tens of billions of dollars. In Zhang Menglong's eyes, this kind of small company is like an ant in the eyes of a lion. There is no such thing as an ant at all. Qualification to be targeted by him!

After hearing these words, Masumi Aoki felt like scolding her. A company with a market value of tens of billions didn't even have the qualifications to offend Zhang Mengyu?


"I think it is your Jiepeng country that has offended Mr. Zhang Menglong," Oliver said with a smile, "because not only your Jiepeng country's share in our Bowen coalfield, but also our other coal fields in Australia, Mr. Zhang Menglong has also bought Cut off all the coal!"

"What?" Cang Mu's expression changed. What on earth is Zhang Mengyu doing?

"I think it won't be long before other coalfields will also pay Mr. Cangmu liquidated damages!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of hurried footsteps broke into Masumi Aoki's office.

"Section Chief, President, we have received another transfer of US$500 million from Sydney Goa Energy Group!"

"How could this happen? They all..."

"I can answer this for you," Oliver said, "I took care of this for Mr. Zhang. Now Australia will no longer sell half a block of coal to Jie Peng!"

"You...you are engaging in a monopoly!" Cang Mu's face was a little ferocious.

"Monopoly? No!" Oliver smiled, "Our coal is still exported to China, India and other countries. How can this be called a monopoly? It's just that our share is not enough. It is really not enough to supply your country. We still hope Please bear with me, Mr. Aoki!"

"Why do you want to help him?" Cangmu asked. To take over the entire Australian coalfield in such a short period of time, you not only need money, but also connections. Oliver must have played a big role in this.

"Well," Oliver laughed "hehehe", "Mr. Zhang Menglong personally gave me 1 billion U.S. dollars to help him do this. It's 1 billion U.S. dollars! Isn't the money good? And Mr. Zhang gave it to me The price is several times yours, and those who don't sell are fools. I can only do a few phone calls, so why don't I help with such a big deal?"

Oliver continued, "Rather than this, I still suggest that Mr. Cangmu investigate where your country has offended Mr. Zhang. When I just heard about Mr. Zhang, it seemed that this was just the beginning."

"It's just the beginning? What do you mean?" Masumi Aoki suddenly panicked.

There are many rich people in the world, but no one can stand up to a state machine.

But Zhang Mengyu used practical actions to explain that the reason why they cannot shake a country is simply because they are not rich enough. As long as they are rich enough to shake a country's economy, they can shake the country.

"I'm afraid Mr. Cangmu will have to investigate this himself. Of course, you can also wait a little. Maybe it won't be long before you know it!"

Aoki Masumi put down her mobile phone and sat blankly in front of the window, wondering what the thinker was.

"Mr. Aoki, Mr. Takao is here!" Masumi Aoki's secretary knocked on the door.

"Invite him in quickly!" Masumi Aoki said quickly.

Mr. Takao's full name is Takao Aoyama, and he is the deputy to the Minister of Energy in their country. These companies communicate with the Ministry of Energy through Takao Aoyama. Orders and some important instructions from the Ministry of Energy are also conveyed through him. .

"Mr. Takao, do you have anything to explain when you come this time?" Masumi Aoki asked.

He didn't dare to speak out about the issue of coal imports. This was an issue related to the country's people's livelihood. If it were more serious, he, the president, would have to apologize to the people of the country!

"There is an emergency meeting!" Takao Aoyama said, "The car is already outside. Mr. Aoki, pack up immediately and leave with me!"

"Is there any special situation?" Masumi Aoki was a little worried. Takao Aoyama came to pick him up in person. Such a thing had never happened before.

"The minister didn't say anything, he just asked me to pick you up."

Takao Aoyama's expression was extremely serious. Masumi Aoki didn't dare to ask any more questions and quickly left the company with him.


"President Tsutsuki, President Ryuichi?" When he rushed to the conference room, Aoki Masumi saw several old acquaintances. They were all other coal power developers in Jie Peng Country. Of course, none of them together could reach the level of The size of Shomarubeni Co., Ltd.

"You..." Masumi Aoki was about to ask something when there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.


Several people stood up immediately, and the minister of the Ministry of Energy actually came in person!

The minister of the Ministry of Energy is a very burly middle-aged man. There are several assistants beside him. The minister's face looks extremely serious.

"Everyone, because the situation is urgent, I have to gather you here," the Minister of Energy said. "I just received news that several countries in the Middle East have stopped providing natural gas to our country!"


"how so?"


Natural gas power generation accounts for a quarter of Jie Peng's power generation. If the supply of natural gas is cut off, the pressure on their nuclear power plants and coal power plants will increase significantly.

The Minister of Energy smiled sadly, "The reason is ridiculous. They actually said it was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions!"

"What bullshit reason is this?"

"This..." Masumi Aoki's forehead suddenly began to sweat, "Why do I seem to have heard this reason somewhere?"