
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · Thành thị
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370 Chs

He Begged for 3 Days and 3 Nights

"Dear Mr. Zhang? Which Mr. Zhang? Is this our Chinese surname?"

  "Were there any famous painters named Zhang in China in the 16th century?"

  "Zhang Menglong's surname is also Zhang, and this painter's surname is also Zhang. Could he be the ancestor of their family?"

  "Damn! It's not impossible!"

  "Why do I feel like this has been a routine since just now? Isn't it a story that their family made up to please the public?"

  "That's right, there are 12 "Mona Lisas" in total. What kind of tribute is this? It's not them who has the final say?"

  After the mystery was revealed, the onlookers had different opinions. What happened 500 years ago is almost untraceable. Relying on one person's empty words really has no credibility.

  "I didn't expect that I have such awesome ancestors?" Zhang Mengyu, who already knew the tip of the iceberg of his family background, did not doubt Cao Yushan's words, but it was hard for him to imagine that it was true that his ancestors could make money, but how could he do it? Have you started painting as a side job? And it is unscientific to be respected by people like Leonardo da Vinci!

  "Is it that magical school again?" After thinking about it, Zhang Mengyu could only attribute everything to that school. Since it is called a school, it should teach some skills, right? Could it be that his ancestor learned his painting ability from there?

  "Do it!" Thinking of this, Zhang Mengyu slapped the table hard. He had already spent enough money. Why hasn't he spent the 100 billion US dollars yet?

  Forget about not allowing donations. Every time he spends a sum of money, it goes back to his own account the next day, as if all the companies in the world belong to him.

  "Hiss! Ah!" The strong wood was so painful that he grinned vaguely.

  "Zhang Mengyu, what's wrong with you?" Lu Yiyao looked confused. She was fine just now, why did she suddenly start to harm herself? Could it be that the incident about his ancestors had caused him such great irritation?

  "It's nothing, I just can't spend the money and I'm worried!" Zhang Mengyu blew on his red hands.

  "It's Wolf Killer," Lu Yiyao was speechless. "If others hear this, I will kill you!"

  "I'm really upset!" Zhang Menglong looked helpless, "I've spent all my money, but it's still so slow. My mentality is broken!"

  "My mentality is also broken!"


  "Mr. Cao, what about my ancestor's paintings?"

  "Of course, we also brought it!" Cao Yushan said, "Whether it is Chinese ink painting, foreign oil painting and other styles and themes, we have dabbled in it, but your ancestors did not leave too many works, and they all left By his side, otherwise there will be another unparalleled painter in the world."

  "Yes, even a master like Leonardo da Vinci can give such an evaluation. This level must be unparalleled."

  "Mr. Zhang, since there is such a work, why not show it for everyone to see?"

  "Yes, Mr. Zhang, let us pay our respects!"

  Some people are looking forward to it, and some are a little bit weird, but everyone is full of curiosity about this authentic copy of the "Mona Lisa".

  "Then take it out." Zhang Mengyu ordered.

  "Take it out!" Cao Yushan waved his hand, and an extremely exquisite box was carried up by two people. Compared with the famous paintings packed in broken boxes, this box can be called luxurious!

  The metal shell is dotted with gorgeous gems. This box alone is probably worth a lot of money.

  "Isn't this too exaggerated?"

  "Mr. Zhang is very particular about his works. This box should have been made with the most outstanding craftsmanship at that time. Under the conditions at that time, no external force could open it. Even now, it is impossible to cut this box at temperatures below 5,000 degrees. box."

  "So awesome?" Zhang Mengyu looked at the box, "This thing doesn't look like it could have been made with craftsmanship more than five hundred years ago."

  "Mr. Zhang, your ancestors have been extremely wealthy for thousands of years. In the extra time, some of them traveled around the world and some began to study various things. The achievements they achieved are beyond the reach of modern people. ."

  "Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's look at the paintings first." Zhang Mengyu ordered.

  Cao Yushan walked up to the box and quietly tapped it a few times. An extremely delicate button appeared on the extremely smooth surface. With a mechanical sound of "clicking, clicking", the top of the box began to disintegrate. !

  "This...is this really something from 500 years ago?" Not to mention other people, even Zhang Mengyu was shocked by this scene. Not to mention that 500 years ago, modern technology could do this Such a thing?

  "We must unlock the secrets of that academy as soon as possible!" Zhang Mengyu secretly made up his mind.

  The box is large, but there are only a few paintings inside. On a well-preserved wooden board, there is a "Mona Lisa"!

  "There really are other Mona Lisas!" The people around him gathered around excitedly.

  Cao Yushan hung up the painting, "This painting is quite special. I hope you can watch it in a civilized manner."

  "Oh my God! Who drew this?"

  "I have seen Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa". No matter you stand in front of the painting from any angle, you can feel the pair of eyes looking at you, but I am standing behind this painting! Why can I feel it? Did I see a look on me?"

  "This unscientific!"

  "Look, the corner of her mouth is smiling! It's really moving! How is this possible!"

  "Although you can see Mona Lisa's smile in Da Vinci's painting, you need to change the perspective and focus, and you can see the smile through the combination of various details. I have been looking at this painting. She was actually laughing in the same place!"

  "It's incredible, it's incredible!"

  The audience may not be outstanding painters, but their ability to appreciate paintings is absolutely impeccable. This painting is actually more magical than Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa"!

  It feels as if this is not a painting at all, but a real person!

  "This painting was painted by Mr. Zhang Jingzhi when he was 21 years old. At that time, this painting only appeared in a small circle in Europe. Everyone who saw it was surprised. Even many nobles at that time wanted to pay a high price. Buy it."

  "But my ancestors didn't sell it?"

  "Of course, Mr. Jingzhi didn't even notice that little money. Europe was in the Renaissance at that time. After that painting was exhibited, I don't know how many painters wanted to learn from it, including Leonardo da Vinci. But in the end, you Mr. Jingzhi only lent it to Leonardo da Vinci for three days."

  "Why was the light lent to him?"

  "It is said that Mr. Leonardo da Vinci begged for help outside Mr. Jingzhi's residence for three days and three nights. He was so annoyed that he lent him the painting."

  "Keep blowing, I can hold on." Leonardo da Vinci, one of the three masters of the Renaissance, begged for three days and three nights outside his ancestor's house. Zhang Mengyu was really unimaginable to see such a scene. It was too coquettish. ?

  "At that time, Mr. Da Vinci was actually just starting out," Cao Yushan continued. "Later, Mr. Jingzhi felt that Da Vinci had some talent and gave him some guidance for a few minutes. Only then did he have this artistic giant. ."