
One strange way to disaster

Hello?, Is anybody there?

(Deep silence, Ashley panicking looks around, finding a trail of blood leading to a dead corpse. It's not human nor animal, it's a demon.)

W-who could've done something like this!?!?

I haven't seen anyone around here or even heard anything.

Where am I this looks nothing like my hometown. I just wish I knew were I'm at and how I got here.

( Ashley takes a deep breath and calms herself. Trying to remember what happened the last hour before appearing at this strange place)

I remember grandma was telling me about a world opening when you fell asleep, that's probably what happened.

-She struggles to remember but keeps trying- A world full of.... d-deadly creatures !!!

If I'm not incorrect Grandma said this starts when you turn 16 and ends when you turn 18. When sun rises you can go back to the real world. S-she also said that barely anyone comes back alive.

-With all her determination. Ashley stands up- THEN I WILL HAVE TO SURVIVE!! I won't go down, I will be a survivor until I see the light again.