

"Your Majesty!!.... her Highness..."

A lady barged into the king's office rudely,

"Calm down."

The king said in a stern and authoritative tone, just then did she realise what she had done.

"Please forgive my insolence your majesty." She said as she looked down at her formal maid attire.

"Speak, tell me the reason for this foolish act." "Am terribly sorry your majesty." Her head still bowed in remorse.

"It's just that her highness....her highness has gone into labour." Lifting her head just enough so the worried expression on her face could be seen.

"what?" The king asked surprised simultaneously standing from his luxurious chair which was made from gold threads.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" He could feel irritation slightly building up inside him.

"isn't it too early?" He asked clicking his tongue as he made his way for the exit where the maid humbly stood.

"It is your Majesty but most importantly her 'situation '." She said as she followed behind him.

"Who is with her?"

"Her right hand maid and the palace doctor and healing mages."

The king hastened in his steps causing the maid behind to almost start running.

On arrival on the queen's court, a middle-aged man came out with sweat running down from his hair to his eyelids.

"Your Eminence." The man said on spotting the king as he almost simultaneously bowed in recognition and respect.

"what's the update?"

"well, all we know for sure is that she is having that baby today, and while we may not know the cause as to why it's happening two months before the appointed time because everything was fine yesterday, we do know that she would not deliver the child on her own because of her 'situation'."

The middle-aged man who was undoubtedly the doctor explained and went further.

"I have already had the maids set up for event, so we should have this taken care of in a short period of time."

The king seemed to be thinking something over.

"I entrust you with the life of my queen and heir." The king replied calmly.

The maid was shocked at how calm the king appeared but the doctor seemed to understand the king and see through his poker face before bowing one last time before going back into the queen's court.

Just as the doctor drew closer to where the queen was laid he started thinking out loud.

"The king is really worried about the queen and his heir but as the Supreme ruler he is he must not falter, not even for a split second, even if at this point his subjects would understand, but I guess that would be the difference between 'a king and his subjects '."

"The burden of a king is heavy."

hmm this is the first story I've really written for the general public ?I really hope you guys enjoy this story ?

shiraukicreators' thoughts