
Chapter 1: Game Designer from Another World

"It's uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable. Sitting

in the most luxurious two-story wooden building in the village, looking up at the starry night sky from the broken roof, Flynn only felt that the corners of his eyes... There is a glide past.

Flynn's mood was simple.

One word.


Flynn was originally a very successful young game designer on Earth, and his debut film, Chronicles of the Mighty 10 years ago, became an instant hit around the world.

And "Super Warrior 2" is one of the most anticipated satellites in the game industry, comparable to "San Lodu Fengyun 6" at its peak.

Flynn, who was at the peak of his life, after attending an awards ceremony, posted a Weibo message of moaning and yearning for freedom without illness, and then shook his red wine glass and slept beautifully on the luxury electric bed.

In his sleep, Flynn dreamed that he had traveled a long time and space.

When he wakes up, Flynn finds himself a Knight of Flynn from another world.

The Knight of Flynn looks exactly like Flynn in a handsome, tall and handsome manner, with a large family and a small but wealthy territory.

At the same time, Knight Flynn is personally brave, and among the young knights of the entire kingdom, he can be regarded as the best.

Despite being tall and handsome, Flynn still feels very pitted - he is a famous game designer with countless fans on Earth, and he is not much taller than this Rausch Knight?

Fortunately, Flynn is an optimistic person, so Flynn quickly accepts his new identity - Flynn, a young knight in the imperial capital.

But this status lasted less than a day.

The next day Flynn was summoned to the court, and the king announced that Flynn had been stripped of his lands and possessions because of his close relationship with the rebellious lord, and was given a frontier! Heaven and earth conscience!

Flynn searched his memories and found that his encounter with the rebel lord was a banquet he had hosted, and they had spoken no more than three words to each other.


Have you eaten?

See you soon!

Obviously, this is an unjust case.

But there is no Bao Longxing in this world to avenge Flynn.

So Flynn packed his bags and rode to his new territory in the border region, Potato Village.

Before he set out, Flynn already knew that Potato Village was a poor village on the border, and it was not as rich as his previous territory.

So Flynn has already vaccinated himself.

Flynn knew that Potato Village was poor, but Flynn didn't expect this Potato Village to be so poor!

The former lords of Potato Village have all abandoned this place and run away, how poor do you say this place must be?

The whole village has a two-story dilapidated wooden building as the lord's residence, and the remaining dozens of villagers live in dilapidated grass, wood and concrete houses.

The annual GDP of more than 100 people in the village is probably not enough for the original Flynn Knight to hold a banquet in the imperial capital.

It can really be described as the poorest of the poor, the most inexplicable, the exploding poor.

And what's even more terrifying: know that this is a different world of swords and magic!

The dilapidated village of Tudou Village is not only poor, but also very unsafe.

Why is Potato Village a border?

Because the creatures beyond the border are not people! Here, not only can you not live the life of a decaying and declining feudal lord, but you are also facing the danger of your life at any time!

Flynn collapsed in his chair in a depressed mood and flipped through a dusty book—the Potato Village Chronicles left by the previous lord.

Suddenly a clanging sound rang out in Flynn's head.

Accompanied by a pleasant mechanical sound, Flynn heard an emotionless but heavenly voice.

"System loading..."

"The small wooden door system was loaded successfully. The

name Flynn is familiar with - when he was on Earth, Flynn announced the news that "Super Warrior 2" was being developed as early as 5 years ago.

And the development tool of the game "Super Warriors 2" is being named a small wooden door by Flynn.

I wonder if it's a coincidence?

Flynn couldn't manage that much for the time being, but couldn't wait to fumble for the system in his mind.

But Flynn didn't know how to use it, so he asked, "Little wooden door, how do you use this system, what are its functions? Can you introduce it to me?"

The system's emotionless mechanical voice introduced itself as Flynn wished.

"This system is called the Small Wooden Door System, and it was born out of the development tools you created for Super Chronicles 2.

"The news that Super Chronicles 2 is in development was released 5 years ago was already a game 10 years ago, and that Super Chronicles 2 is in development was released by you 5 years ago.

"In the past 5 years, every time fan reporters ask you about the sequel, you say it's fast and you're doing it.

"But in reality, the game's progress was 0% five years ago and still 0% five years later.

"You just made a backstage development tool called Little Wooden Door, and then you lay down on the credit book of 'Chronicles of the Mighty'.

"Finally, on the day you attended the awards, the reporter sneaked into your studio, got the information, and broke the news that the development progress of "Super Warriors 2" was 0%.

"On that night, you received over 10 million player curses.

"A great grudge has prompted your rebirth and the birth of this system.

"This system will be at your service and allow you to create your own game world in the Atlas.

"You'll be able to use the small wooden door to connect with the humans on Earth and summon them to come to this world and become your players and experience the game you've designed.

"Chronicles of the Mighty 2, which has been difficult to give birth for many years, you will have the opportunity to make it happen.

After some communication with the system, Flynn also sighed.

"I used to be an aspiring and talented teenage game designer, but then I became a pigeon.

"Hey, I'm really sorry for the players. "

"If being born again is my punishment, I am willing to accept it.

Glancing out the window

at the low, dilapidated houses, Flynn said, "The small wooden door system, it's very interesting, I can use the small wooden door to gradually create an idealized game world."

"In order to give an account to the fans on the planet, and also to make a better life for yourself.

"I'm going to make a game!"

Flynn, who is optimistic by nature, is determined to use the system to make "Super Warriors 2" in another world.

An incomparably high-quality "Super Warriors 2".

The system was double-checked and asked a number of important questions such as the number of players, respawns, equipment, skills, and more.

After some consultation, Flynn learned that the current system of small wooden doors was still very rudimentary.

For example, the most critical number of players, the small wooden door system currently only supports the simultaneous link of 5 earth players.

The rest of the features are also very rudimentary.

To put it simply, it's already a very euphemistic statement - in fact, the current small wooden door system basically only has two functions: summoning players and issuing announcements...

This is also Flynn's own sin: who called the small wooden door development tool that he had been lazy at the beginning was just a prototype?

Fortunately, although the small wooden door is simple, it has considerable growth.

There are a number of hidden and unhidden achievements, and when completed, the small wooden door will unlock many new features.

And as long as he has the resources, Flynn will be able to use the power of the small wooden door system to accomplish more.

Complete Achievements - Unlock Features - Use Resources - Complete New Achievements - Unlock New Features...

This is how the virtuous circle is theoretically formed.

The key to a virtuous circle is resources!

To develop a game on Earth with a small wooden door, you need to use the computing power of a computer.

And in this other world, developing a game with a small wooden door requires Mithril.

Mithril is an important mineral in this fantasy world.

When Mithril ore is mined, it is often turned into Mithril powder, which is used in all aspects of life.

The addition of Mithril to the weapon is made lighter and tougher, and it has the ability to enchant.

The armor with Mithril powder also has stronger toughness and magical defense.

When a rich magician rubs a fireball, he can pinch a handful of Mithril powder in his hand, which can exert more power.

Top craftsmen also like to use Mithril tools to carve more delicate and perfect works of art.

It can be said that the Mithril powder in this world is extremely versatile and is an extremely important resource.

For the small wooden door system, Mithril powder is an important carrier to undertake information technology and strengthen computing power.

With enough Mithril powder, Flynn can improve the functionality of the small wooden door system and create an entire game world!

However, although Mithril Ore is widely distributed, because Mithril is so useful, it is still in short supply, and its price is naturally expensive.

The price of 1 gram of Mithril is as high as 1 gold coin.

And the Mithril that Flynn now has is: zero.

Oh, by the way, Flynn was a once generous knight, and his sword and armor were Mithril products.

But you can't let Flynn melt his weapons and armor, right? Fortunately, although Flynn doesn't have Mithril for the time being,

players can provide Flynn with Mithril.

According to the system, for every 24 hours a player is online, they can provide Flynn with 1 gram of Mithril powder.

It's kind of like a dot card on the earth.

So theoretically, as long as Flynn can attract a large number of players to be online for a long time, he can have a large number of Mithril resources.

But with the unprecedented prosperity of the gaming industry on the planet and fierce competition, can the games created by Flynn attract players?

Flynn, a genius teenage game designer, has confidence!

A new book has been uploaded, kneeling down and begging for collection recommendations and so on and so forth...

(End of chapter)

Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off.

I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one.

I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you!