
I have programming software in the world of cultivation?

I have a programming tool in the world of cultivation.

Mypantsisnotsquare · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Immortality Code?

"Is this..." Mark was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to react. "It's a game code for a character's 'action'... wait... Is this how my golden finger works?"

His eyes brightened as if enlightened, and immediately, he realized the teal function of SDT.

It turns out that it compiles a program according to his actions.

"Wait, does that mean that any action of mine could be compiled into codes?" Mark couldn't help but recall how his acting suddenly improved to an almost Oscar-level performance a while ago.

Is it a coincidence?

Can the compiled codes instantly elevate his acting skills to such a level?

How does it work?

"By the way... Can the program that was compiled be edited too?" His eyes brightened as a bold idea suddenly popped out of nowhere, and he couldn't wait but to try it.

Turning his attention back to the code on the SDT before him, he began editing it according to his ideas.

The core program was already good, so there's no need to change it; all he needed to do was to add more 'acting 'class' to the program, such as Sad, Happy, Excitement, Insane, Casual, Lazy, Irritation, and more.

Mark coded all kinds of acting he could think of until he ran out of ideas, and this process lasted for an hour.

Looking at the brand new program before him, he nodded in satisfaction, saved it, and then renamed it [Acting Skill].

"Next is to try whether it could work or not," Mark said, then began testing the effect of the newly created [Acting Skill] program to verify his guess.

At first, the way he acted was awkward; he even doubted that the program he made had failed. However, after a while, he noticed that, like before, his acting suddenly transitioned from novice to a professional level.

The subtle nuances and minor details in his expressions and delivery were remarkably refined, making him pleasantly surprised.

"Pfftt, so that's it! Hahahaha, that's why!" He laughed out of excitement, then began acting various emotions like Happy, Scared, Angry, Insane.

For a while, a figure could be seen laughing, crying, and acting various kinds of plays in his room. If others were to see him right now, they would definitely be frightened at how fast he changed from one character to another and think that he was possessed.

"Hiss... it's too amazing," Mark exclaimed after his experiment, feeling both amazed and astonished at the effect of the program.

"However, the acting codes are not just an act; they can also simulate real emotions. For example, if I act angry, then I would really feel angry... And this anger was very intense." He frowned as he summed up the previous experience, feeling worried that it might affect his psychology if used often.

"Perhaps I could also create a safety mechanism program code to protect me from the psychological effects of acting?" Mark mused, coming up with another idea.

Thinking that, since editing a program is possible, creating another program should be possible... After all, it was SDT's original function.

"The only question, what is the limit of what could be done?" Another question arose in his heart, turning back his attention to the SDT, he clicked the '+' sign on the upper right corner to create a new file, then began typing codes that was in light with his thought.

The whole process of programming this time took longer than before, as he had to create something from scractch, there's also no reference to copy so the frame work is up to him.

Time passed, Mark immerse himself in coding and before he knew it, the program was finally created.

This time, he named the new program [Psychology Stabilizer], and just like its name, its core function is to stabilize psychology.

The core idea was similar to the [acting skill] program a while ago, and, in a way, it's also an acting program. However, unlike before, it is in a passive mode—an 'acting' state where he could remain unfazed in whatever situation he was.

The program doesn't necessarily make him immune to psychological effects caused by intense emotions; hence, it did not remove the psychological effect of the [Acting skill] program.

What it did was simply stabilize and balance the multiple physiological effects caused by it by turning the class 'Act: Rationality' code into a dominant identifier.

After saving the new program, he wasted no time; immediately, he activated it. As soon as he ran it, he felt that his state of mind was refreshed, as if a certain hazy mist that had always been limiting his senses was removed, making the surroundings clearer.

The various emotions caused by the sudden travel—fear, helplessness, panic, confusion, disbelief, and others—were stabilized.

Honestly, his mind was a tangled mess the whole time.

The sudden crossing gave him a jolt, and the way he acted casually before, as if it was nothing serious, was just a façade, It was just his coping method to calm himself down, when in reality, he kept repeating to himself, urging to wake up from what felt like a surreal dream.

But now... After the new program took effect, all this confusion and hesitation were cleared, the heavy feeling on his shoulders was lifted.

At the same time, as his mind becomes clearer, he also reflected on his previous actions, thinking of how he 'demanded' Wu Ke for the Wu family's Mana refining method and technique. Sweat drops formed on his forehead as he realized how impulsive he was.

The Wu Clan was one of the five clans in the village, and their power and influence were second only to the Su clan, the strongest clan in the village. If Wu Ke were ever to tell them that he was asking for their Mana refining method and technique, he would be finished.

Not only him, but the original's parents will also be implicated... Well, he didn't really care about them, but after all, the body he occupied was their son. So, even though he couldn't treat them as his parents like the original, he wouldn't want to put them in danger.

"This... hiss..." Mark was about to panic as he realized the danger of his actions, but soon the [Psychology Stabilizer] program took effect, calming him down.

"No, that wasnt the case." He shook his head as another conclusion came into his mind.

According to Wu Ke's psychology, he would definitely not tell anyone about it as he was afraid of revealing his actions, which could lead to breaking his engagement with Su Mi... As for whether Du Lin would tell someone, it's even more unlikely. Unlike Wu Ke, she was just a commoner, and nobody would believe her.

"Still, that was dangerous," he sighed, reflecting on the peril of his actions. He felt both relieved and scared, thankful that the new program was effective; otherwise, he would have been packing up his belongings to evacuate the village.

"Speaking of the program..." Mark temporarily put away his worries and stared at his SDT. His eyes brightened as another bold idea came into his mind.

"Since I can create the [Psychological Stabilizer] code, doesn't that mean I can also create others? What if I directly code 'immortality' and turn myself into an immortal?" His eyes brightened in excitememt, his mind runs wildly as various ideas come one after another.

"Do it!" Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself. Returning to the front page, he clicked the '+' sign on the SDT to create a new folder and began working on a new code to turn himself into an immortal.

An hour later.


Immortality Code:

public class ImmortalCharacter {

private String name;

public ImmortalCharacter(String name) {

this.name = name;


public static void main(String[] args) {

ImmortalCharacter immortal = new ImmortalCharacter("Fan Li");

// Display immortality





Looking at the new program he created, he double-checked it a few times, ensuring that nothing was wrong, and then finally clicked 'Run'.

With excitement and anticipation all over his face, he waited.



// javac /tmp/7QO4MmN3l0/ImmortalCharacter.java

// /tmp/7QO4MmN3l0/ImmortalCharacter.java:9: error: cannot find symbol

// immortal.displayImmortality();

// symbol: method displayImmortality()

// location: variable immortal of type ImmortalCharacter

// 1 error

// immortality source cannot be found

immortal.displayImmortality(); // immortality source cannot be found.


"... What? Why?" Looking at the error of the program, Mark was stunned.

"Immortality source cannot be found?" His expression become confused as he couldnt understand it.

What is the difference between [Acting] and [Psychological Stabilizer]? Does it have anything to do with the subconscious? After all, I'm familiar with them.

"Is it because I understand the essence and principle of [Acting] and [Psychological Stabilizer] that they work?"

"If that's the case, it's indeed reasonable for immortality to fail. After all, I don't understand it."

Mark's mind ran wildly as various speculations were formulated one after another. The more he thought, the more he felt that it made sense.

"But again, it's just a speculation, without a basis. I cannot confirm it with just the 'immortality code."