
Last day or not

I rushed home , picked up my books and ran back to school . Aashia and Isha reached there before me and were waiting for me at the entrance gate of school .

~"Did I keep you waiting for too long..?"

~"nope..!! Did you bring the chocolate ?"



I explained what happened to both of them .

As they heard the whole story they started laughing hard and teasing me .

~"Gosh anaya..!!..your luck..!!.."

~"so basically you and sir are...exchanging chocolates now ...right..??"

I blushed slightly and replied...

~"yea...kind of.."


They started laughing again .

~"Ahh...cmon...we are going to be late...just stop laughing and start moving...!!"

We all rushed inside the school and went to apoorv sir and sat in front of him as usual .

~"Good afternoon..!!"

~"Good afternoon sir..!!"

We three replied with a smile on our faces .

~"so... tomorrow is your test ...are you prepared..??"

All three of us laughed awkwardly and nodded .

~"what..??..are you not confident enough..??...listen..chill...its not going to be that tough..!!..just belive in yourself and do your best...I can gurantee...you can do it..!!"

~"yes sir...thanks a lot..!!"

We all cheered up .

~"umm...sir we wanted to say something.."

~"yea...go on.."

~"actually ...we are really thankful to you for completing our syllabus in such a short period of time...you worked so hard...just for us...we wanted to give you something ...as a thanks gift from our side.."

Isha explained..


I opened my bag and slowly pulled out the chocolate I bought for him . As soon as he saw the chocolate in my hand he started laughing . I blushed and kept the chocolate on his table...

~"so ...I'm the one you were buying this chocolate for..??"

~"umm...yes...that's why I stopped you from paying for it..."

He chuckled and took the chocolate . He looked at me and said ...

~"Thanks a lot...'it's my favorite chocolate!!' "

I giggled and looked away .

~"So let's start studying now...we can share this chocolate while discussing your doubts...!!"

We all ate the chocolate together and completed our daily course .

~"Today is our last day together for this topic...but you can come to me for any topic that you can't understand...any day...anytime..!!"

~"Thanks a lot again sir..!!"

~"Do your best tomorrow...and do tell me your marks and ranks after the result comes...ok??"

~"YES SIR..!!"

We thanked him a last time and went back home .

Next day...

~"Students ...keep your belongings outside the class and sit on your respective seats.."

It was the day of our first exam...we were damn nervous . we sat on our seats and the exam started...

After the exam was over...

~"Ahh....physics..!!...it was so tough..!!"

Complained Aashia . Isha was sulking in her seat . She joined Aashia...

~"Damn true...!!...where the hell did they find these questions from..??.."

I was sitting in my seat silently , as nervous and upset as both of them about physics paper...

~"I don't think...we would be able to show our faces to apoorv sir ever again after the result comes..."

I said...

They both looked at each other and nodded in agreement ...

~"GOD...WHY..!!??..out of all the subjects why should physics be the toughest..??..we did so much hardwork in it but still..."

I cried...

Aashia and Isha... were silently sitting on their seats...still thinking about the paper...

But ...I was worried about ....someone else...

Would he be upset.??..would he be angry...??

Maybe ...it's better if I never meet him again...that way he won't know my marks...atleast then he won't think that he taught a useless child as me...

so...was it the last time I met him...or....
