
Chapter 661: Adorable!

The assistant keeper explained, "Standing training can also strengthen the red panda's lower limbs!"

Chestnut successfully completed several training exercises in a row.

Shan praised, "Well done, good girl!"

Thinking the training was over, Chestnut dashed towards the exit.

Shan quickly clapped her hands twice and called out, "Wait! There's still an apple!"

Chestnut ran back and completed another high-five training session.

Shan lightly clapped her hands and then gently patted Chestnut's chest.

After feeding Chestnut two pieces of apple, Shan opened her empty palms, gently saying, "All done! You did great today!"

The assistant keeper led Chestnut back to the enclosure.

Shan stood up and smiled at everyone, asking, "How do you all feel about our training?"

"The red panda is so smart!"

"So cooperative!"

The visitors applauded enthusiastically.

Shan remarked, "Today, Chestnut was very cooperative. Training isn't always this smooth; sometimes they can be a bit distracted."

Back in the activity area, Chestnut climbed onto the perch, while Hongdou emerged from the birthing room and took a stroll in the activity area.

Seeing Chestnut and Hongdou's interaction, Chestnut hooked one front paw and foot on a tree trunk, hanging upside down, while waving with the other paw towards Hongdou.

"Honey, honey~ come out and play~"

Upon seeing Chestnut beckoning, Hongdou stood up and high-fived Chestnut.

Despite being a red panda and not a monkey, hanging on the perch soon became unbalanced for Chestnut.

Chestnut jumped down from the perch, landed with raised hands, and playfully pounced towards Hongdou.

Hongdou was knocked down and rolled over, looking a bit dazed, searching around for Chestnut's figure.

Meanwhile, Chestnut had leaped lightly over Hongdou and joyfully ran behind a bush.

The two red pandas frolicked and chased each other for a while!

Yumiko watched, laughing uncontrollably, continuously exclaiming "Adorable" and taking numerous photos.

Liu Wei remembered something and said to Yumiko, "By the way, the red pandas here recently had a cub! But it's still too young, only a month old, so it can't come out yet. We should be able to see it during the National Day."

Yumiko exclaimed, "Wow, being able to see cute cubs, this place is truly a paradise!"

Continuing on, they went to see the giant pandas!

Upon arriving at the Giant Panda Pavilion, Yumiko suddenly ran excitedly.

Pointing at the glass enclosure, her voice trembling with excitement and a hint of tears, she exclaimed, "Panda! I see a panda!"

She was as thrilled as a fan meeting an idol!

Feeling a bit embarrassed about her excitement as a beautiful girl, she covered her mouth with her palm but continued to smile adoringly.

"Hey, look, it's eating bamboo shoots!"

Observing this, Liu Wei couldn't help but marvel at the deep love international friends had for giant pandas!

Just watching the panda eat bamboo shoots made her so excited.

At that moment, Zhuang Zhuang sat by the water pool, leisurely enjoying breakfast. With its two black paws apart, it looked incredibly comfortable.

Next to it was a small mountain of bamboo shoots, and its round belly was adorned with many discarded bamboo peelings.

Taking a long bamboo shoot, it effortlessly snapped it into two pieces.

Starting from the thicker end of the bamboo shoot, it bit off a piece, chewed it with satisfaction, then inserted another piece.

When needing to peel the bamboo shoot, it bit the edge with its teeth, twisted lightly, and the peel came off.

Yumiko marveled, "Oh, it eats so quickly! It's so skillful, even peeling the bamboo shoot! It's so majestic, just like a king!"

She giggled while watching!

Liu Wei remarked, "Eating bamboo is the giant panda's specialty. Why do you all love pandas so much?"

Yumiko explained, "In Tokyo's zoo, we only have giant pandas, and I've visited a few times. But every time I go, there are so many people! Especially a lot of people, long queues, and limited visitation times, only allowing 10 minutes, or even 5 minutes, which is not enough time at all.

Usually, we can only see them on TV.

Sometimes, major news flashes on TV, such as earthquakes or typhoons. When Xiang Xiang was born at Tokyo Zoo a few years ago, all TV stations urgently broadcasted this news."

Liu Wei understood, "I see!"

The number of pandas on Blue Star is even fewer than on Earth, and artificial breeding is not as mature as on Earth. In Japan, only Tokyo Zoo has giant pandas, which can't meet the public's demand.

For several years, they have been trying to lease more pandas from China.

If the lease is successful, the public will surely be overjoyed, celebrating with drums, firecrackers, and festivities.

Yumiko, feeling envious, said, "You are so lucky to have so many giant pandas."

Liu Wei replied, "You're studying here, so you can come to see them often in the future. The zoo is right next to our university, so convenient."

Upon hearing this, Yumiko couldn't help but smile foolishly.

"Oh, adorable!"

Suddenly, she exclaimed in excitement!

It turned out that Zhuang Zhuang, while eating, shifted to a more relaxed position, lying back with its head resting on a stone at the edge of the pool.

With one paw holding each bamboo shoot, it raised them one by one, seemingly comparing and evaluating which one was more delicious and tender.

The sight of Zhuang Zhuang lying back conveyed a sense of utmost comfort and leisure.

"Adorable! So adorable!"

Liu Wei suggested, "Besides Zhuang Zhuang, there's another panda named Yunduo on the other side. Do you want to go see?"

"Zhuang Zhuang? Is that its name?"

"Yes, I remember there's an information board over there!"

The information board not only introduced Zhuang Zhuang's name and birthday but also its personality, family history, and included several photos of its daily life.

Yumiko watched with great interest, "Zhuang Zhuang is a bit careless, once fell from a three-meter-high tree as a cub, oh! So dangerous, but fortunately nothing serious happened. It quickly adapts to new environments, immediately started eating bamboo upon arrival. Its favorite activity is practicing boxing, tearing and biting at a sandbag covered with bamboo leaves. Wow, it's truly a Kung Fu panda!"

They then went to see Yunduo.

Yunduo was as lovely and charming as ever today!

Sitting on a tree trunk, leaning forward, with its two feet apart on either side of the trunk, one small foot swinging below.

Its arms were hugging the trunk, basking in the bright golden sunlight, with a layer of light shining on its back.

With its chubby cheek resting on the trunk, its big eyes blinked, enjoying the fresh morning breeze and the scenery.

Looking cute and adorable, it had a healing smile on its face.

Yumiko felt as though Yunduo was looking at her, smiling back at her!

Excitedly, she exclaimed, "Adorable! So incredibly adorable!"

Laughing and smiling throughout!