
Chapter 595: The Ancient Elegance of Crane Pavilion

"Stealing bamboo shoots! You've taken all the bamboo shoots from the mountain!"

"Hahaha, the raccoon looks so aggrieved!"

"Landlord, did you steal my cotton candy?"

"Don't cry, raccoon. If the cotton candy is gone, just drink some sugar water!"

"At least this time it got to eat a bit!"

The raccoon looked utterly dejected!

I was watching the cotton candy so closely, how did it disappear again?

It frantically searched the water earlier, but this time, it only pawed at the water a couple of times before stopping, as if it had lost all hope.

Smacking its lips, it ate the small piece it had in its mouth and then took a couple of sips of water.

Once, there was a delicious cotton candy in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. Only when it was gone did I regret it deeply. The most painful thing in the world is this.

If heaven could give me another chance...

Duang! Another cotton candy fell from the sky, landing not far away!

Huh, wish granted!

This time, the raccoon came out of the pool, grabbed the cotton candy, and walked to a patch of grass, not bothering to wash it.

Ah, miam miam miam, it happily hugged the cotton candy and started eating!

Its eyes seemed to sparkle even more, hahaha, it's so delicious!

The viewers, watching the raccoon happily munching, could almost taste the sweetness of the cotton candy themselves and felt happy for it!

"This time, it finally learned its lesson!"

"Raccoons are very smart! They learn quickly."

"So cute."

"While the raccoon learned not to wash cotton candy by the third time, humans keep spending money on games."

"Stop, stop! I just got another bad pull from the gacha, 176 tries and still nothing!"

"Too real, I've reported you already. Did I do the right thing, brothers?"

"The raccoon got to eat cotton candy by not washing it. I get nothing without spending money /dogface"

Xiao Nie came out with more cotton candy and asked, "Director, what about the rest..."

They had bought six, and after the experiment, three were left.

"You can have one yourself!"

Fang Ye handed another one to Lan Li: "Honey, here!"

Lan Li took it with a sweet smile, feeling a warm sweetness inside.

"Wow, so much PDA!"

"Ugh, even the Director, a straight-laced guy, has a girl chasing after him. I message my crush every day, and she still ignores me!"

Fang Ye planned to eat the last cotton candy himself, but then he saw a little boy looking enviously at the raccoon eating cotton candy, tugging at his mother's sleeve: "Mom, I want one too, can you buy me one?"

But the mother firmly shook her head: "Look at all those colors, it's full of artificial dyes. If you eat it, your intestines will be dyed too!"

"Then buy a white one."

The mother was momentarily speechless, then tapped the boy's forehead: "It'll give you cavities!"

Fang Ye walked over, gently tapped the boy on the shoulder.

When the boy looked at him in confusion, Fang Ye put a finger to his lips in a "shh" gesture, smiled, and handed the cotton candy to him.

A nearby visitor saw this and smiled knowingly but said nothing.

The boy took the cotton candy, his eyes filled with excitement and admiration, as if he had seen Santa Claus descending from the sky with gifts and reindeer!

Lan Li covered her mouth, giggling. Sometimes, the Director could be quite childlike.

This genuine love and kindness towards animals and children was what she loved most about Fang Ye.

The viewers were laughing hard!

"The boy accepted food from a stranger too easily, but I still want to say, well done!"

"Reminds me of my childhood. Whenever I saw cotton candy or stinky tofu vendors, my mom would drag me away like she had a radar."

"Today's experience will surely become a cherished memory for the boy!"

"I'm really touched. I wish I had a Director in my childhood too!"

Fang Ye returned, acting nonchalant: "Where should we go next? Let's leave before the boy's mom finds out!"

Hiding his achievements and fame!

After they left, the mother, watching the raccoons play, felt puzzled.

Usually, when the boy wanted something, he would pester her endlessly until she gave in.

Why was he so well-behaved today, giving up so easily? Maybe he deserved a reward for being so good?

Turning around, she saw her son quietly eating cotton candy!

She was stunned: "Hey, where did you get that!?"

The boy, afraid she would take it away, quickly finished it in a few bites and smiled sheepishly: "A handsome big brother gave it to me!"


Behind the raccoon exhibit was the Monkey Pavilion.

The gibbon exhibit wasn't ready yet, so the two gibbons were in the back area, and Fang Ye decided not to show them to the viewers.

Seeing the gibbons without their agile movements in the trees or hearing their melodious songs wouldn't do them justice.

Better to leave a good impression for the first viewing.

Behind the Monkey Pavilion, the Crane Pavilion had been open for a while.

Fang Ye smiled, "Let's go see the cranes! Our zoo has introduced quite a few species: red-crowned cranes, white-naped cranes, demoiselle cranes, common cranes, and white storks, as well as birds that aren't cranes like the crested ibis."

Arriving at the Crane Pavilion!

Bright sunlight filtered through the trees, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves.

Clear water flowed through a winding stream, the sound of the water adding to the tranquil atmosphere, making the summer heat seem to dissipate.

Under the shade, you could see pebbles at the bottom of the stream, with various sized stones on the banks, creating a natural, wild stream look.

Green and yellow leaves floated quietly along the stream, exuding a simple, fresh, and serene charm.

"The environment is truly beautiful!"

"It looks so ethereal!"

"Every exhibit at Linhai Zoo has its own unique charm!"

The viewers were full of praise.

The corridors of the Crane Pavilion were designed to mimic traditional gardens, with an ancient and elegant feel, winding paths leading to secluded spots.

Some willow branches dipped into the stream, bamboo groves and rockeries blocking the view, creating a sense of wildness.

In Chinese culture, cranes are considered very ethereal animals, often associated with immortals, so the Crane Pavilion incorporated some classical garden elements.

Turning a corner, they saw a red-crowned crane!

It stood gracefully in the shallow stream, its slender legs and elegant neck making it look like a beautiful maiden.

Its feathers were pure white, like flawless snow, with black feathers on its neck and tail, and a striking red crown on its head.

The black, white, and red colors made it look like it had stepped out of an ink painting.