
I Have A Dimensional Chat Group But God Gave Me 3 Wishes

Jayden_Bower · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

New Beginning

Where am I this is not my room.Last thing I remember is that I was in my room getting ready to sleep now am in a very dark place.

What is my name I can't remember.

Hello there young one.

Who are you? Where am I? said the MC.

Me young one I am god and this place is the void.

So I am dead.

You are taking this a lot better then most.

I guess so but why are you here.

Me I am here to give you wishes and give you a

second chance at life.

Realy a second chance at life.

Yes young one but there are rules.

What are the rules.

First one is you can not reincarnate in the world you came from.Second one is you can't wish for

more wishes and lastly you can't wish for the three Omni's.

God can I ask some questions.

Go ahead.

First question do I keep my memories.


Second question can I choose where I reincarnate.

Yes and you can choose your backgrond and looks.

Last question can I transmigrate to when a am

15 years old.

Yes is that all.

I think so.

Do you not want to now your name.

No thanks God this is a new life so I don't want

to live my old life in my new life.

Then what is going to be your new name.

I don't now.

How about I give you a name.

Really God.

Yes but I don't like you calling me God all the time how about since I am going to name you

you call me granpa.

Okay granpa what is going to be my name.

My grandson your name is going to be Yuki.

Yuki I like it.

So grandson is time to start with your whises.

Okay Grampa how many do I have.

Three but I'll give you a dimensional chat group since your my grandson now.


Yes so lets start.First what world would you like

to go to.

Can I mix worlds.


Then my world is going to be a mix of Bear Bear

Bear Kuma!,Sword Art Online and BOFURI.

A peaceful life okay but you have to wish for powers because the quest from the group chat

can be dangerous my grandson.

Okay granpa I will.

Okay now your back grond and which age you

will transmigrate.

I want to be the brother of yuna from Bear Bear

Bear Kuma! and age the same as yuna 15 years

old and we are twins and we come from a rich

and we live in the city in a tree story house.

Okay now apparence.

I want to be the best chef,singer,sis-con and lazy.I want to have messy black hair,red eyes

and porcelian skin and a the most handsomes


Okay now wishes.

For my first wish I want the power to create any


Okay but you have to have the amount of mana

to create it.

Okay secondly I what infinte mana and energy

of all kind.


Lastly,Instant Mastery.

Okay my grandson.

Grandpa can you give me time to create power

