
Main Character Concept Representative

Like a vortex where everything converged, the attacks from the Genre Representatives swirled among the meat shield formed by the cluster of Haggons, formed by pretty much every single Secret Society member.


Energy flashed as deathly presence loomed everywhere, enough to destroy life among hundreds of worlds in an instant. But before these energy attacks could strike their target, time paused, throughout the multiverse even.


In this situation, every single peak entity could only stare at the blood mist cluster at the focal point of their attacks, helpless.


Compass Carburettor's actions were so high profile that they even attracted the attention of the most dangerous existence in the multiverse.


"Even my own time has been stopped." Mystique wore a smile of amazement as he stared at his still body, "It's only for three seconds, but this a first, even for me."