

"Ahh... summer.." Nash chilling outside at the pool. " Nash!! Come here quick! " As mom breaking the silence, I got shocked and accidentally fell at the pool. "WAAAHHHHHH!!!!! COLD COLD COLD!!". minutes later, *shower splashing sound* " br.. br... " as my face staring at the soap. After the shower I got dressed (Again). I went to the living room where my mom is sitting waiting for me, " So mom why did you call me for? " I said slightly mad at her because of what happened. " Hmm... Take a guess " she said weirdly. Now im confused, " Is it something gonna do with me? " Yes " she said even weirder. " Hmm.. oh! is it dinner??? " Bruh. " What? Nash how could you forgotten??? Summer is almost ending and now im planning on enrolling you!! Arent you happy about it?! " mom said. ".. S-school?! "

At my brain I was like Mind! Blown! I quickly charged at the calendar and, " april 25 " MIND BLOWN PT.2 I dont want to say to mom that I hate school but oh well, " School! yes i am VEERYY exited about it " Said it myself sarcastic " when do I enroll? " I said, " Oh, about that, I already did ^w^ " MIND BLOWN PT.3 " At what school? " i asked. " You'll see it soon " Damn, now I feel betrayed by my own mother.

The next week, first day of school.

" DO I REALLY NEED TO BRING ALL THIS THINGS????!!!! " " My hand is streching, i feel my abs getting thicc " Hoho! Sorry Nashie but you dont have any " mom said, I feel betrade pt. 2 . " Now now, put the things inside the car " I followed moms order and quickly stayed at the back seat at the car. My mom seated at the drivers seat and started driving. While on the road, just staring outside of the window makes me bored. I grabbed my phone and go through the internet, i was scrolling at my Bookface and found so many memes that makes me happy, i kept on scrolling till I found this annoying post of some kind of girls crowding against a boy from a girl. "AHHHH!!! LEVI IS SO HANDSOMEEE!! CANNOT STOP STARING AT HIS BEAUTIFUL EYES AAHHH!!!! HE JUST SHINES!!!!" "blegh, why would people post this online -_- " I closed my Bookface and played some games, minutes later, " Nash, were here! " I stopped playing games and looked at the window and- OH MY GOD THE SCHOOL IS SO BIG. " Quick quick lets gooooo!! " mom said. "What" "Oh, also bring all of your things." I bought all of my things out of the car's back, well, it is not ALL of my things but it is still heavy T^T. "mom wait for me!!!" As we kept on walking, like I said earlier, THE SCHOOL IS SO BIG!! not only big but also awesome! "mom, what did you cost on enrolling me here?" I said sweating the hell out because of the things even tho there is aircon everywhere, "Hmm.. In about.. 5,000 dollars" 5,000 DOLLARS!? "mom, seriously? 5,000?" "Oh, it is because we do not have any more money so I spend all of it by enrolling you here, it is hard spending money for all of your eating. If I total it out, it is 6,000" I got no words, Mom enrolled me in a rich school with dormitory so that she wont spend any more money on my eating, TYPICAL MOM THESE DAYS.