
I Got Trapped Inside my mobile game and became the Legendary Spearmen

A person trapped inside a mobile game only way to get out of the game is to change the ending of the world and beat all the floors can he make it’s through

Blue_Hiatous · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


As raid team 2 come back from their raid they all look very exhausted even though they were healed, "So how was it"Ben asked in a sarcastic smirky way, "Why I outta"Butch says as he was getting ready to swing his hammer, "Everyone stop!"Keith yelled, "Can we talk somewhere in private" he asked, Kim nodded as Kim, Jung and Keith walk away the two teams are just left behind still with their grudges, "Hey Ronald how come you've been holding out on us? I never knew you could use that skill"Butch asked. "I wasn't holding out, I was just getting frustrated and I wanted to get to Beth but at the same time stop the monsters and that's when it happened I created a new skill"he claimed, "Wait! you made a skill?"Stacey asked intrigued, Ron smirking and using his index finger to push his glasses up toward his face "Hmph I have no thoughts of discussing this matter with you until the captain and me discuss it"he said feeling proud, "Oh brother"Ben said. As kim and the other two stop on the bridge looking at the river "That was dangerous"Keith said realizing he was over his head, "Yeah we know we seen what was happening to your squad in the raid like the teams exhaustion and the health but you still won"Kim said reassuring Keith, "I think we need to work together and I don't mean by just training, maybe sometimes we need to switch our party members" Keith suggested, "Would you look at him"Kim thought, "I know but now's not the time I think the only one we would change out for is Stacey from our side and Ronald or Elizabeth from your side besides that we are pretty much the same" he stated, "In your opinion what does your team need?"Jung asked, Keith pauses getting ready to speak, "If anything we need more practice, this game that we are in, it can make us stronger than we would ever be able to in the real world but my team we were arrogant we seen how your team was and how people just lolly gagged around and thought it was nothing special."he said, "We can help with the training but team wise right now, there's not much we can change you have a advantage with the mage though! That's what really separates your team from ours"Kim said, "We won't disrupt your team or anyone else I promise"Keith said seriously, "I believe you"Kim said, "On the bright side we passed but let's get back down there before they kill each other"Keith said laughing, they go back to their groups -Team one head to the portal-, Tink pops up "you guys are going on the second floor raid as well good luck" she said "Wow right off the bat"Stacey said, Chris and Tonto come running from the training center. "Masters can we come with you?"Chris asked, Tonto looking at Jung like he wants to help, "Although we can have 5 people on one raid team you two aren't ready plus I think you're going to have your hands full in a second"Kim said, -Team 3 go into the portal- team 3 is going into floor one, "Don't worry I can handle the young whipper snappers"Rufus said. As they go into the portal team one goes into the portal too after getting a few tips from Keith's team, long after team 3 notification were -Chris has been put in a state of fear minus 15% to all stars-, -Tonto health dropped below 50%-, they passed -MVP:Tonto-, as they came out of the portal after completing the mission, already knowing what the raid was is different from experiencing it. Raid one passed after 30 minutes it weren't to hard as Kim already knew what the raid was and had a plan and -MVP:Jung-. Everyone came out and everyone levels up with new stats but then it hit them that they might really need to change up the way their lineup is so a meeting was called, "Okay everyone I'm sure that a concern has come to your attention, that while team one and two parties work for each other the same can not be said for team 3 and also as they have the least amount of members"Ronald said, "So the captains of each team have come to a agreement that we should switch it up a bit" Ronald steps away from the front of the dinning hall with just them in it, "Okay so we want each team to have a balance of a close range, and long range, and medium and while those are three positions we want each team to have at least four people so we brought this young lady In and she will be using the cross bow"Kim said, A young girl 1star probably around 15-16 the same age as Chris and tonto she has red short hair with firey red eyes and white black stockings with heels and hand on black gloves with a red shirt that hugged her small chest and black suspenders with a crossbow on her back and small throwing knives attached to each thigh. "Her names syndey"he introduced her, "OKAY! Now that we have 12 people in all let's categorize ourselves we have 7 close range fighters:

chris,tonto,rufus,Jung,Elizabeth,Keith,Ben, medium range fighters: Me(Kim) long range:Stacey,Sydney, Mage:Ronald, tank: Butch. So Raid team 1: Ben, Kim, Stacey, Rufus, Raid team 2: Keith, Butch, Ronald, Elizabeth, Raid Team 3:Jung, Chris, Tonto, Sydney" Kim stated, Everone liking the new team the team captains of each team all head to the training facility. They all work on their formation to increase their stats and each trying to get stronger than the other

Sydney Crossbow:







Skills: None