
I Got Transported To An RPG But Why Are The NPCs So Lewd? (R-18)

When Jake is invited to playtest a revised version of his favorite MMORPG, Bladecraft Online, he plunges into a realm of fantasy and wonder. It was nonother than Bladecraft’s world that he was so familiar with, but something was off… The NPCs weren’t as he remembered. They weren’t always so lewd, were they? And what’s with his abilities? Why was ground slam replaced with cock slam? ------------------------------------------------------------------ [This novel contains heavy sexual content/hentai] You can expect: Tons of exploration. A harem where no one is left out. Vivid and descriptive smut. A good amount of action. Wacky fight scenes and rather unorthodox smut scenes, lol. A very very very weird novel. Discord: https://discord.gg/ZXqM6DjvXe (Character illustrations and NSFW too!) ------------------------------------------------------------------

gnatrou · Du hí
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
34 Chs

The Kingdom of Mages and The Unconventional Buttplug *

In an awkward silence, Jake wandered behind her, unsure of what to say. It was clear that Alea didn't want people to know about her unique ability, and she wasn't eager to talk about it either. He hoped a wild forest slime would appear to break the silence.

"Hey, let's just forget I asked that, okay?" Jake sighed, trying to make eye contact. "I won't tell anyone about it in the very least."

"No, it's not your fault. Any normal person would get curious, " she reassured. "I'm not mad or anything, just caught off guard. I might tell you about it later. Besides, I'm still in your debt for lending me this shirt."

Her face was brimming with a smile, implying don't stress, but Jake knew she was worried beneath the cover-up. He began to fret himself, wondering whether the ability caused her any harm.

As the forest grew sparser, an enormous city surrounded by cobblestone walls emerged. From the distinct, he caught a glimpse of the myriad soaring wizard towers, Ludron was known for. He couldn't help but smile despite the tense atmosphere as the kingdom stood far mightier in real life.

"It's a beautiful region," he said, hoping to cheer her up.

"Haha, of course. It's the city of mages," she giggled, buttoning up the tunic he lent her.

"Is it cold?"

"Hmm…? Ah, no, it's not. It's just we'll have to go through the front gate, where there is security, and it's better not to come off as smutty."

She tugged down the tunic, covering a little more thigh. "So, sorry. You can stare at my thighs for the next few minutes," she joked with a smug.

"What? I wasn't looking—I mean… I'm into feet too, so not that I care."

"Heeeehh~ Maybe I'll show you my proeficienfy with feet someday?"


They approached the two guards, fully clad in iron armor. The guards each held a halberd ready to stop criminals or exiled through, just like he remembered. In the game, they served no other purpose than saying welcome to Ludron, so Jake was curious to see whether the developers had done something. Even from a distance, they looked more human.

One of the guards blocked the entrance to the colossal gate with his halberd. "May I see your identification?"

"Uh, erm… I might've forgotten it at home and—"

"Wait, dude! Don't you know who she is?" interrupted the other guard. "It's miss Alea, the last descendent of the Yelrora lineage! Please miss, welcome back to Ludron."

The guard immediately lifted his halberd, kneeling down to a bow. "Welcome back miss," he trembled.

"Thanks for guarding this place," she smiled. "Come on, Jake. Follow me."

"Ah… sure."

Surrounding him was a medley of medieval architecture mixed with towering wizard spires. People of all shapes and sizes bustled about their daily business, some casting spells while others haggled over goods at market stalls. The smell of baking bread mixed with the sweet aroma of magic wafting through the air and filling Jake's nostrils. "A video game could never be so lively," he thought to himself, taking in the fantastical beauty of the kingdom. "But then again, I just had the greatest sex with his girl, so why am I still surprised about this?"

"You'll need to get a residential stamp later. We got lucky that the guard reconized me earlier," she mentioned.

"What's that?" Jake asked. Residential stamps weren't a thing in the original Bladecraft since players were always welcome no matter what.

"It's a document that allows you to stay here. It needs to be stamped with a specific rune, but you don't need to worry about that yet. Residents of Ludron can always bring guests, so as long as you don't leave without me, you shouldn't have a problem entering again," she explained, walking up some stairs, accidentally exposing her soft cheeks to him below. "The most common way to get one is at the adventures guild, but there are other methods too."

Jake took a few seconds to enjoy the view while he could, even putting his hand up to block the sun. "Alea, I think there is cum leaking out of your underwear. Just a little bit."

"Eh?!" Flustered, Alea looked around, hoping no one saw her. She immediately wiped off the thick drop with her fingers and shoved them into her mouth.

"What the?" Jake winced slightly. "Didn't that leak out of your ass? And you're putting it back into your mouth?"

"I said it's always clean? Remember?" she started picking up the pace.

"What do you mean? There is like… shit and stuff in there," he doubted, wondering what she meant. There were so such things as rectum-cleaning instruments for anal sex in medieval times, after all.

"Ah… Erm, well, it's a little embarrassing to say, but once you have mastered your element, there are some niche things you can do."

"I'm not following. What do you mean?"

"Promise you won't laugh, okay?"

Jake raised an eyebrow, a little confused. "I won't."

She tugged on her underwear a little. "I can cast poison from anywhere on my body. Even inside." She said, scratching her face with a finger." So I tend to melt my poop with acid and convert it into mana."

"BWAHAHA," Jake laughed. "No, I meant for real. What do you mean?"

She turned her head, pouting slightly. "And I'm completely serious. You literally can't make that up."

He stood still for a second, processing what she admitted. "Huh… So did I get any poison on my dick?" His face suddenly grew pale as his hands held over his crotch, trying to feel if something was missing. Fortunately, it seemed intact.

"No, don't worry. I have absolute control of my element," she winked. "I can cancel it at any time, so I made sure to stop it before we began."

"To think you'd even come up with an idea like that… I never thought you were this experience," he said. "You barely look twenty, so how are you so promiscuous already?"

"Promiscuous?" she inquired, tilting her head and looking up at him. "Why'd you say that?"

"Well, you always keep your ass clean for anal with a random guy like me, so you must've had a bunch of sexual partners, right?"

She opened a small gate leading to a garden and a cozy hut, inviting him inside. "Believe me or not, I've only had sex thrice, this being my first getting it up the butt. So perhaps I've got a bit of experience, but I wouldn't call myself promiscuous at all."

Jake glanced around her garden, taking in the sights and sounds of the lush surroundings. An array of colorful flowers bloomed along the edges of the path, their sweet scents wafting on the breeze. Here and there, small decorative touches could be seen, like a birdhouse hanging from a tree branch or a small statue nestled amongst the greenery. It was a peaceful and serene space—a little slice of nature amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

"But the first thing you wanted to do when you met me was to fuck?"

"Yeah… About that… Uh crap, your cum is leaking from my panties again. I'll explain things later."

She quickly pointed her finger towards the door and, with a flick of her wrist, incanted the spell that unlocked it. The familiar tingling sensation ran down her arm as she watched the lock disengage, the door creaking open as if beckoning her to step through. "Anyway, welcome to my place. Make yourself at home," she said, quickly sprinting into a room.

As they stepped inside the room, Jake took in its modest but attractive decor. The walls were adorned with tasteful paintings, adding a touch of elegance without overwhelming the space. Despite its small size, the room had a warm and inviting atmosphere that made Jake feel right at home.

"It's quite nice here," he said, entering her room.

She had already grabbed her staff and hopped onto her bed, sliding off her wet panties. "Thanks, and mind helping out? Just insert it and I'll do the rest," she requested, spreading her legs and revealing her cum pumped butthole.

At the tip of the willow staff sat a crystal sphere radiating with mana. He stared at it for a second, feeling nostalgic as it was the same staff he wielded on his mage account.

"Ready?" he asked, resting his hand on her thigh.

She reached out her hand from between her legs, laying her fingers on the staff's orb. "Now, I'm ready."

With a firm grip, Jake held the ancient staff and carefully positioned the tip on her ass, and pushed it in.

"Nnh! Ahhnn~" she moaned as her ass gulped the sphere. A wave of energy pulsed through them as she activated the staff. It began to glow softly as it sucked in the thick, viscous cum, converting it into valuable mana.

"Mmmfff, haa… I can feel it sucking inside me."

"Tell me when you're done," he said, wondering if it really felt that good.

"I think it's finished now. You can take it out."

As he carefully pulled it out, her butt muscles clenched onto the orb until her body spat it out with a plop. It had gotten slimy from his cum but still kept its glossy texture.

"Here ya go," he said, handing it over to Alea.

"Ahhh, yes! It worked," she blurted. "Wanna taste?"

"No thanks, I'm not really into that."

She licked the cum-coated staff and it in her mouth like a lollipop, her satisfied face implying she enjoyed the taste.

Jake could only stare at her with a bruh face. "And you said you weren't promiscuous…."

Feel free to comment with ideas for future smut scenes, but keep it light and fun without weird stuff like rape, minors, drugging and etc.

gnatroucreators' thoughts