
I Got Transmigrated and Thrown Through Time

I died and woke up as Sanada Seiji with some superpowers beside the Time-Travel. As the clichéd Isekai tropes dictated, I will become powerful, build harem, and enjoy a slow, fulfilling life! ***** [Author's Note!] This fan-fictional work is a short story I write while I am in a slump concerning my main work. Until I recover my motivation, I will write this to entertain my loyal reader. This work is a fanfiction of [The Results When I Time Leaped to My Second-Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked at the Time] or [Kou2TL]. That story is about Sanada Seiji, a late 20s corporate slave who leaped back and forth in time. He would use his mysterious ability to get the best ending with his love interest that was a beautiful and popular teacher in his sophomore days. That story had 170 chapters (as a web novel) or 5 volumes light novels in total and was quite fun to read if a bit annoying because of the Male Lead's indecisiveness. There is also the manga version. I recommend this series if you like a Slice-of-Life, Romance-Comedy type light novel. To read the English version of the web novel: [https://gakuseitranslation.com] If you can read Japanese or can stomach the produced by the Machine Translation, you can visit this link: [https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4976ea] For the manga, just search it with your preferred search engine on the internet! If you have never heard that story and want to check it out, but you dislike spoiler, I warn you that this story is full of a spoiler for that series. Well, then. Please enjoy this fanfiction work. Yours truly, I Am Not Siscon ***** [Obligatory Disclaimer!] [The Results When I Time Leaped to my Second Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked that Time] belongs to Kennoji and Softbank Creative, and GA Bunko. The cover art of this fan-fiction belongs to Yasuyuki, which I edited. I only own half of the Male Lead and the changes from canon. ***** If you like this work of fanfiction, please consider supporting me in my Pa treon. There are also advanced chapters in there. [https://www.pa treon.com/515con] ***** Release Schedule: ±10,000 words per week (Number of chapters is inconsistent). My monthly target is ±45,000 words.

I_Am_Not_Siscon · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs


[Author's Note]: For this chapter onward, other perspectives besides Male Lead's will be written in 3rd person point of view.


In the first place, when Haruka planned their trip to a high-class hot-spring inn, she never guessed that it would turn like this.

—Full of revelations and shocks.

This trip was planned by Haruka after she saw her beloved Seiji had a breakdown in her presence. She wanted them to enjoy their trip and forget their stress-inducing problems.

When Seiji had his breakdown, Haruka felt worried, helpless, and hurt. She never wanted to see her Seiji like that ever again.

Concerning Seiji's confession as a Time-Traveller, Haruka did not really put her thought to it. Admittedly, it was too unbelievable, like something that came from sci-fi or fantasy stories.

Oh, sure that Seiji seemed to know about something that she never shared with him, and he was far mature than the boys at his age. However, she willfully ignored it because it did not seem to be relevant at that moment.

To Haruka, Seiji is Seiji, the man that moved her heart and introduced the beautiful thing called love to her. Haruka did not care if Seiji is a Time Traveller or not.

Still, there was something that stuck in her mind after Seiji told her about one of the infinity futures they would have together. And it was not about her life as Seiji's bride.

Don't get her wrong. Haruka was over the moon when she heard that they would marry and had a daughter together. Even though Seiji seemed to be unstable when he talked about it, she was so happy when she found that they would marry and had a kid.

Anyway, what weighed her mind was a particular little detail that Haruka thought she misheard it.

Seiji had talked about Harumi, their daughter, whose name was taken from Haruka's alter ego used for their secret dates. Nevertheless, it was his plural choice of word when he talked about his children that bothered her.

Indeed, plural. Yet, Seiji told her that she only had one daughter.

Whose children are the others? Haruka wanted to know. Therefore, on the second day of their trip, when they are enjoying the beautiful view of the beach, Haruka gathered her courage and asked…

The result was shocking, to say the least.

Haruka was upset when she found that the polygamy practice became legal in the future, and she would not be Seiji's only woman!

It seems like the declining birth rate pushed the government to legalize polygamy. Even now, the declining birth rate is concerning.

That aside, Haruka is upset.

Haruka wants Seiji for herself. It is only natural for a woman to be selfish in her relationship.

Haruka does not want to share with others. Seiji is hers!

Then, she asked about those women—her sister-wives. Did she know them?

Haruka had a hunch that she would know those women. To her chagrin, she indeed knows Seiji's third wife.

Ii Kanata. The member of the Home Economics club. A sophomore student just like her Seiji.

Haruka never thought the quiet girl would become a threat to her otherwise perfect marriage life with her Seiji.

In truth, Haruka thought that Sana would become the biggest obstacle in her path.

It is funny how the world often throws something surprising in your life. It seems like the world made it its mission to make the life of everyone hell. One way or another…

As Haruka was thinking about some plans to keep Seiji for herself, her future husband dropped another bomb that made her mind halt…

"About my second wife, as well as the mother of my youngest child, my second daughter, her name is Natsumi. And you know her…"

"I see… So, it was Natsu—wait for a sec! Natsumi?! As in, Hiragi Natsumi?! My little sister was your second wife?!" Haruka screamed. Her eyes widened, and her jaw fell in utter disbelief.

Admittedly, it was a natural reaction when Haruka discovered that her own sister would become Seiji's second wife.

Haruka looks at Seiji, trying and failing to find a sign of a lie in his face. When she sees his resigned, wry smile, Haruka is aware that Seiji was not joking.

Haruka is at a loss, and she does not know what to do. The revelation flips her world upside down.

"How?" Haruka asked.

She could only utter that word. Her mind was shaken.

"How? You meant how I got together with Natsumi in that future?"

Haruka nods at Seiji.

"You see, Natsumi found us being lovey-dovey and flirty in your place."

Haruka unconsciously tensed her body when she heard that, but she did not stop Seiji.

"You were trying to hide our relationship. However, I decided to be upfront and told Natsumi the truth of our relationship. From your confused look, you must be wondering "why?", right? You have the same expression as that time too…"

Haruka wordlessly nods her head, and Seiji goes on.

"You are underestimating Natsumi too much, Haruka. Natsumi is sharp, smart, and sensitive. Furthermore, she won't reject our relationship if she finds that we are really into each other."

"Won't Natsumi have a problem because of your age?" Haruka quickly asked.

"As I said, you underestimated your little sister too much. Although Natsumi seems more like an energetic and cheerful younger version of Airi-san, Natsumi is quite a romantic girl, you know. She is open-minded."

"Did Natsumi-chan have no problems with our relationship?" Haruka anxiously asked.

It is understandable for Haruka to be anxious. Natsumi is her closest direct relative.

"After Natsumi threatened me to hurt me if I ever made you sad, she approved our relationship."



"Oh, good! I am so relieved." Haruka released a sigh in relief.

Haruka feels weights on her shoulder disappear.

Natsumi's approval is quite significant in her mind because Haruka dearly loves Natsumi.

Since Haruka is in a complicated situation with her parents, mostly her mother, Haruka puts them after Natsumi, who has a better relationship with her.

However, Haruka realizes that Natsumi does not know about her relationship with Seiji yet. After all, Seiji is talking about the future, which won't likely happen anymore. She remembers Seiji's explanation about the simplest change in the present can change the future.

With that realization, Haruka is worried and anxious again.

Still, her anxiety and worry are not as stressful as before. She finally noticed that her secret relationship with Seiji has been weighing her heart.

Haruka pushes that topic aside for the time being. She is curious about how Natsumi ended up as Seiji's second wife in that future.

"Well, at first, we were just being friendly with each other. I just normally treated Natsumi. However, she started having a crush on me. I am not sure since when she had that feeling…"

Haruka does not know that Seiji's statement contained both of the truth and lie.

Still, Haruka thinks that she understands why Natsumi would fall for Seiji. His 'normal' treatment is unique. It feels both refreshing and flattering, and it makes her days always be fun.

"I see, I get it, but how did Natsumi end up as your second wife? You told me about Natsumi's feeling but not when she became your bride, and how it happened."

"Be patient. I was going there before you interrupted me," chided Seiji.

Haruka feels sheepish. Then, she waits for Seiji to continue his story.

"Anyway, after I had had a serious discussion with Airi-san, she got to like me. I am not sure why, though. Anyway, she offered Natsumi to marry me instead. Natsumi's refusal was quite ambiguous. I thought that she had a good impression about me and wasn't against the idea…"

Alright. Haruka felt irked when she heard that. Her brow involuntarily twitched.

Haruka can imagine that. In her biased perspective, Hiragi Airi will do something like that just to spite her.

Haruka also feels torn that Natsumi, her little sister, likes the man she dearly loves. She is torn about how she must react at this…

In the end, Haruka opts to wait until Seiji concludes his story. She has faith that everything will end up alright because Seiji said that their big family was happy and content despite its polygamous nature.

"In the end, Natsumi backed off because she was being considerate to you. But, Airi-san noticed Natsumi's feelings. After that, Natsumi and I kept our relationship cordial until the government legalized polygamy…"

"Did Natsumi confess to you?" Curious, Haruka asked.

"No. Well, I felt like Natsumi was gathering her courage to confess her feelings to us, though. However, Airi-san overtook her because she was too long in preparing herself."

"What did Okaa-sama do?" Haruka sharply asked.

"She called the three of us to Hiragi estate and announced Natsumi's engagement to me. Natsumi will be wed to me as my second wife."

"Curse that woman!" Haruka impulsively cursed her own mother.

She could not help it. She is angry at her mother's 'selfish' decision without asking Natsumi's consent. She does have a hunch that Natsumi was not really against it, though. Well, if Seiji's story could be believed, and she believes in him.

"Okay. Calm down, Haruka. I understand your anger. However, you need to cool down."

"Sorry, sorry. I am really angry at Okaa-sama. She is always like that, so selfish and demanding, never caring about her daughters' feelings at all! She cares more about Hiragi's image than her daughters' happiness!" ranted Haruka as she vented her anger at her mother.

"Okay. I understand that you are angry at Airi-san. However, I don't think that you really know about Airi-san despite being her daughter," said Seiji after Haruka ended her rant.

"What did you mean?" Haruka looked at Seiji, hurt and in disbelief.

"Airi-san dearly loves you and Natsumi. She is your mother, and a mother always unconditionally loves their children and wants them happy. Well, not all mothers. But, Airi-san is! It is just that, you see, she is burdened with her obligation and responsibility as the matriarch of Hiragi Family. In fact, she has prepared to be forever hated by the daughter she dearly loves to fulfill her obligation and responsibility. She has chosen to shoulder all repercussions of her decision as the matriarch of your family. Of course, I don't think that your anger and hatred for your mother is unjustified. However, I want you to think about Airi-san's position. I also know that you love and respect your mother, Haruka," said Seiji in a hurry.

Haruka is flummoxed and conflicted after listening to Seiji's words. She is at a loss.

She turns her body around and tightly hugs Seiji. She needs to calm down first, and Seiji's warmth and smell help her calm.

"What should I do, Seiji?" asked Haruka with a loss tone.

Word Count: ±1,800

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