
I Got Transmigrated and Thrown Through Time

I died and woke up as Sanada Seiji with some superpowers beside the Time-Travel. As the clichéd Isekai tropes dictated, I will become powerful, build harem, and enjoy a slow, fulfilling life! ***** [Author's Note!] This fan-fictional work is a short story I write while I am in a slump concerning my main work. Until I recover my motivation, I will write this to entertain my loyal reader. This work is a fanfiction of [The Results When I Time Leaped to My Second-Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked at the Time] or [Kou2TL]. That story is about Sanada Seiji, a late 20s corporate slave who leaped back and forth in time. He would use his mysterious ability to get the best ending with his love interest that was a beautiful and popular teacher in his sophomore days. That story had 170 chapters (as a web novel) or 5 volumes light novels in total and was quite fun to read if a bit annoying because of the Male Lead's indecisiveness. There is also the manga version. I recommend this series if you like a Slice-of-Life, Romance-Comedy type light novel. To read the English version of the web novel: [https://gakuseitranslation.com] If you can read Japanese or can stomach the produced by the Machine Translation, you can visit this link: [https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4976ea] For the manga, just search it with your preferred search engine on the internet! If you have never heard that story and want to check it out, but you dislike spoiler, I warn you that this story is full of a spoiler for that series. Well, then. Please enjoy this fanfiction work. Yours truly, I Am Not Siscon ***** [Obligatory Disclaimer!] [The Results When I Time Leaped to my Second Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked that Time] belongs to Kennoji and Softbank Creative, and GA Bunko. The cover art of this fan-fiction belongs to Yasuyuki, which I edited. I only own half of the Male Lead and the changes from canon. ***** If you like this work of fanfiction, please consider supporting me in my Pa treon. There are also advanced chapters in there. [https://www.pa treon.com/515con] ***** Release Schedule: ±10,000 words per week (Number of chapters is inconsistent). My monthly target is ±45,000 words.

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33 Chs


After giving Haruka a flat stare for a while, I finally give her a break.

"Repent," I curtly said.

In return, Haruka obediently nods her head and gives me a pitiful look. She stopped flailing her arms.

No matter how you see it, she does not look like an adult. She looks more like a woman-child.

After a few moments passed, Haruka's eyes become teary.

I suddenly have the urge to punish her more after being targeted by her teary, upturned eyes.

That is right. I am a sadist. If I remember correctly, Haruka is M, isn't she?

"Alright. I will stop your punishment. But, you must return my Career Survey back to Sakai-sensei's desk later! Be careful when you return it, okay? Don't let other teachers find out your mistake. Understood?"

After Haruka obediently nodded her head, I release her cheeks.

Her cheeks have become red because of my punishment.

"Seiji-kun is super meany," said Haruka as she rubbed her abused cheeks. She also gave me a deep pout and a blaming look.

Sigh! "What you have done is bad. Don't cause trouble for others. You're an adult, so act like one!" I said as I shook my head in dismay.

"Sorry about that. But, when I saw Seiji-kun's career survey on Sakai-sensei's desk, I got super curious. After looking at it, my heart went "Doki-Doki" because of what you have written there. So, I impulsively picked it."

"Alright. It cannot be helped, then. But, you must return my career survey back to Sakai-sensei's desk, okay? Promise?"

"I promise," said Haruka as she nodded her head.

"Then, let's forget this matter! Now, let's start our lunch. We have wasted times already."

"That was Seiji-kun's fault…" mumbled Haruka.

"Blaming me, aren't we?" I gave her a genial smile. My eyes were not smiling, though. "Whose fault we wasted our time? I am not the one who stole something from Sakai-sensei's desk."

"Eheheh…" Haruka awkwardly chuckled as she scratched her head.

Haruka seems nervous due to my frosty glare. At least, she can read the mood. She is not really helpless. Or is she?

"Anyway, come! Let's begin our lunch! I have prepared your favorite!" Haruka suddenly changed the topic and moved to her chair in a hurry.

I watch her in exasperation. Then, I follow her and sit down on my chair. After that, we enjoy our lunch while chatting about my career survey.

Time continued to pass, uncaring of the lives that wished it to move slower. It is at the end of April, and May will start soon.

"Sanada. I never know you are good with soccer!" said Fujimoto as we went to the locker room after we ended Physical Education class.

We had a soccer match for male students today. Meanwhile, the female students were exempted from physical activity after the obligatory warm-up. They cheered for the male students who tried to show off in the field.

Their cheering gave the boys a much-needed confidence boost and fueled their delusions. Those boys were fired up.

Of course, Haruka visited my P.E. class because she coincidentally had no class to teach. She even brought her digital camera to take some pictures.

It also happened in the original story. Haruka's appearance took many students' attention.

Thankfully, Haruka gave an excuse for taking those photos, citing that they were for the students, who later graduate.

Even so, it was a close call. Students with sharper minds would be suspicious. After all, Haruka only cared about our class. Perceptive fellows would notice her giving more attention to me than the rest of the students. That would be bad.

Thankfully, I was the center of attention in the match. I showed the results of my daily workout and improved coordination. I dominated the field like a professional soccer player.

Everyone was surprised by my capability. I even got an invitation to join the Soccer Club, but I declined because it would disrupt my schedule.

I am already busy with juggling my secret relationship with Haruka and scoring more affection from Sana. If I accepted that offer, I would not be able to focus on them and my grand plan.

By the way, Fujimoto and I had been in opposing teams. Even though we were so competitive in our match, we returned to our usual demeanor after the soccer match ended.

Then, we entered the change room.

"Wow, your body has developed nicely, Sanada. How envious!"

Once again, Fujimoto acted like a clown. He commented on my lean figure, adorned with compact muscles, as I took off my P.E. uniform.

Fujimoto's exclamation has caught the attention of everyone, and I can feel the gaze of other male students at me.

"Well, I have been working out… I suppose it finally showed the results," I vaguely replied to Fujimoto.

Then, I disregard the students' stares and quickly move to the shower to clean my body from sweats and grimes.

As I wash my body, my mind is thinking… I remember that the Original Seiji was injured in the match and went to the infirmary. In there, he and Haruka were almost caught by Sana. However, such a scenario did not happen because I am not injured.

I also think about other things.

(...Tou-san promised that he will buy a laptop for me in May, right?)

That is right. My father promised to give me a laptop after I asked him several days ago. I cannot wait for it!

I want to get money as soon as possible to fund my harem plan and some experiments to achieve my noble goal.

Concerning my harem plan, I am going to focus on Haruka and Sana first. I am going to deepen our relationship until they are in love with me and cannot help but agree to share.

To max out their affection points, I must go to spend my time with Haruka and Sana. That kind of thing needs money, and I plan to become an excellent hacker.

Indeed, I am going to rob some rich people to fill my covers. At the same time, I will become a novelist, also known as a light novel writer, as an alibi for the source of my income.

Even though taking Haruka and Sana to some dates will cost me, I need money mostly to start my experiments.

What kind of experiments? You see, I am going to develop a hypnotic serum. Before your mind creates a wrong conclusion, I will tell you this, that hypnotic serum is going to help me legalize polygamy in Japan. I am not going to use it for my girls.

I do not need a hypnotic serum or other kinds of mind-control to get into woman's skirts. I have confidence in my skill as a man, after all.

For your information, Japan is almost similar to Japan in my previous life. Polygamy is illegal here. Therefore, I plan to hypnotize some of Japan's diet members to vote for polygamy's legality.

I am aware that I am going to face some setbacks. However, I am ready to give my best to make it happen.

I will make it happen!

So far, I have been reading plant encyclopedia and chemistry books to find excellent reagents. Of course, I need to do some experiments and make sure that I can create that hypnotic serum first. Getting materials for those experiments will cost me a pretty sum of money.

That was why I need a big sum of money.

I feel that I have been in the shower long enough. Then, I dry my body and leave my booth before wearing my spring uniform.

After the P.E. class, there will be a lunch break. Today, I can have my rendezvous with Haruka in World History Prep Room. Thus, I do not want to be late for our clandestine meeting.


There is a saying that goes, "No plan will survive when meeting the enemy," or something like that.

When I am on my way to the World History Prep room, I meet Sana.

"Sei-kun. Can we have lunch together?"

I look at Sana, who is carrying her lunch box.

Usually, I would visit her class to get her for lunch together when I could not have my rendezvous with Haruka. However, Sana approached me first today.

(This is bad, isn't it?)

I have been slowly and steadily increasing Sana's affection points in the past several days. She is still a Tsundere, still unable to be honest with her feelings. However, she has mellowed compared to the time before I proactively get to her.

Sana has changed her way of calling me. She has stopped calling me "Nii-san" and prefers to refer me with a nickname—Sei-kun.

Unlike what happened in the original story, I never negatively reacted when Sana called me that. In the Canon, the original Seiji felt disgusted when he heard the over-affectionate call of Sana. However, I am not. I use that to advance my relationship with Sana instead.

"Sorry, Sana. But, today is not good."

"Did you have an appointment with someone else?"

I nod my head.

"Who is that? Can Sana join Sei-kun?"

I resist the urge to sigh. My feelings are complicated now.

I have noticed that Sana is carrying a two-tiered lunch box than her usual single-tiered box. I guess she has asked our mom to prepare more food this morning.

"A (girl)friend of mine. We promised to have lunch together today. I also promised to lend my ears because my (girl)friend asked me. I am really sorry, Sana."

I told her while correcting myself in my head.

Sana has a wide-eyed, dumbstruck expression as if she cannot believe what she just heard.

"I promise that I will make up to you. Alright. I am already late. See you later, Sana."

I gave her a regretful look before turning around my body.

When I am about to leave, something pops up in my mind. Coincidentally, no one is close by. There are only two of us in this corridor.

I am aware that what I am going to do is risky, but… "Fortune favors the bold." Or so, the saying goes.

I turn my body around and move my left hand to the back of her head. My sudden movement snaps Sana out of her shock-induced daze. Her eyes become wider when I move my face closer to hers.



I kiss her forehead.

Unfortunately, kissing her lips is too early. Even though I know that Sana will not mind it, it may jeopardize everything. I cannot be careless at this delicate phase of developing my relationship with both Haruka and Sana.

After pulling back my head, I glance at Sana and see her blank expression. Her red eyes are dilated as if her brain got short-circuited.

"See you later, Sana."

Sana just wordlessly nods her head as her face slowly turns red. Then, I go to the World History Prep room in a hurry.

My cute woman-child of a girlfriend is waiting for me there.

http://bit.ly/IGT4ToC for advanced chapters!

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