
I got reincarnated in an anime world

Sirius Tetsuya, a young man who was orphaned at an early age, worked hard to return kindness to the family that adopted him without knowing that he would be struck by lightning. Upon waking up, he met a God, who regretted for being the indirect cause of his death, decided to reincarnate him in an anime world to start a new life supported by a dimensional system created by God himself. What future will our protagonist hold in his new life? Follow us in the fun adventures that the protagonist will live while enjoying the company of friends and lovers in his current world and in the worlds that he travels completing missions -------------------- I apologize in advance for the readers if the translation is bad because English is not my original language and i'm using a translator

Sirius_0701 · Huyền huyễn
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2 Chs

Becoming a grandson of a god, gifts and departure

Sirius sincerely thanked God Septh for giving him a new chance to live but then he remembered the family who adopted him and cared for him with love and care, and he began to feel homesick that he will not be able to see them again.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere surrounding Sirius, Septh realized what was happening and wanted to do something so that young Sirius would not feel sad. Then, he thought about his wife who lived on the higher plane, where his kingdom was located, reaching a conclusion but it all depended on the response of the young man in front of him.

"Sirius, I know you must be missing your family who lived with you in your previous life and you will feel alone in this new world but I want to do something to lessen your loneliness, so I want to ask you, would you like to be my grandson? Of course you can refuse since I asked you suddenly, but although I cannot replace your family, I can give you warmth as your adoptive grandfather while living your new life "Septh said while looking at Sirius, warmly.

Sirius who was distracted thinking about the family who had taken care of him, did not fully listen to what Septh said in the first part, but then he heard that he wanted to adopt him as his grandson in this life.

"Eh? Do you want to adopt me? He asked, stunned as he thought he had misheard.

"It is as you heard, you will live your new life in this world and you may feel alone. Therefore, I thought of adopting you as my grandson so that I could give you a little joy. But that's not all, I also thought it would be good to have a grandson like you, because if I'm honest I don't have children "said Septh.

Sirius was surprised when Septh stated that he wanted to adopt him, he felt happy and at the same time complicated but he also knew that Septh did not have children so it seemed strange to him and he could not help being curious.

"God Septh, you don't have children?" Sirius asked.

When Septh heard Sirius's question, he showed a sad, bitter smile on his face.

"It's not that I didn't want to have children, it's because of a war that happened many years ago against demons. My wife was seriously injured and as a result she cannot have children. She decided that she would accept a harem but since I love my wife too much, I refused but when I see her eyes, I can see that she actually wanted to have a family of her own "Septh said as he remembered the sad look of her wife .

Sirius could see that Septh was also in trouble and regretted asking the question. He then he rose from his seat and knelt before Septh.

"Foster grandson, say hi to Grandpa Septh. Please take care of me from now on. " Septh said as he bowed to his new family in this world.

Suddenly the whole room fell into a deep silence.

Sirius not hearing any sound coming from his foster grandfather raised his head and was shocked.

He could see a couple of tears spill from Septh's eyes as he muttered "Grandpa" several times like it was a broken record.

He then suddenly got up from his seat and helped Sirius up. He then grabbed his shoulders with his shaking hands as he asked her.

"Did you really agree to become my grandson? He asked him since he thought he might have misheard.

"Yes, the grandson greets his future grandfather." Sirius repeated what he said again as she bowed slightly.

"Great, great, great! Septh exclaimed. "I finally have a grandson!" .

Sirius couldn't help but smile as he looked at his future grandfather very happy as if he had obtained something he had long desired.

Due to the sudden moment of happiness, the two chatted for a long time before Septh left to tell his wife the good news.

"Well my dear grandson, it is time to say goodbye, I have been a long time in this world and I still have homework to do in my kingdom. But I will not leave you empty-handed, come closer for a moment and stand in front of me "said Septh.

Upon hearing the order of his adoptive grandfather, Sirius approached and saw how grandfather placed two fingers in the center of his head and then slowly removed his hand.

"What I just did is give you a farewell gift for now until we meet again, but it will not be for long because I will come when you celebrate your 16th birthday, which will be in 1 month." Septh said with a bright smile showing how happy she was.

"Thank you very much Grandpa," Septh said as she leaned in.

"We will see you again soon and I will also bring your grandmother along with another surprise for you" Septh commented with a mysterious smile as her body glowed slightly before disappearing.

Sirius saw his adoptive grandfather disappear and said: "take care grandfather, I will look forward to the reunion"

After the God Septh disappeared from the place where he was sitting, the room fell silent. Sirius, who still did not process what happened a moment ago, was slow to come out of his trance

"* Sigh * to think that he would die at such an early age in my world and then be reincarnated in another without knowing that he would be adopted by a God. Sirius said letting out a sigh and reflecting on what happened.

"Well, it seems that I forgot the notion of time" he said and turned his head towards the clock that he hung on the wall of the room and observed that the clock read 3 pm.

He got up from his seat to head to the exit and out of the mansion to buy ingredients at a nearby store but then remembered that he had no money.

"Now what I do, I don't have money" he thought but then he saw on the table where the cups of tea were, a black credit card and a letter. Surprised, he grabbed the letter and read it.

"My dear grandson, before I left I remembered that I had only left you the mansion and not some money that you will need in your life. So leave a credit card for you, inside is 30 million yen, use it wisely. "

Sirius finished reading the letter and unconsciously looked at the card on the table and felt a warmth in his heart knowing that he was not alone in this new world.

Before going out to shop, he went to the shower to take a bath and was stunned at the sight of his new body. He noted prominent, tightly packed muscles that oozed with immense power throughout his developed body.

"I think Grandpa exaggerated a bit when recreating my body, as I recall, he didn't have that many muscles. Now if my body is like that, I don't want to imagine my face "he said ironically as he bathed.

When he decided to see himself in the mirror, he was shocked by the reflection of him.

"¿! What the hell!? Grandpa, you did try too hard, "he complained bitterly.

In the mirror you could see the reflection of a beautiful young man with pale and smooth skin, he had short blond hair and golden eyes that could capture the soul of any person.

Shocked by such a sight, Sirius did not know whether to laugh or cry, because he could sense that his life will be very busy from now on.