
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 9

After Clark managed to kill the ruler we all got at the ground with Raphael keeping on healing the groups other than the demons were being healed by him but the demons on the other hand were having a drinking party but instead of alcohol they are drinking potions and antidotes for those who got their wounds dirty I on the other hand was surrounded with both the branch members and the boar tripe as the boar Raphael was fooling around with at the start of the expedition came toward us {you survived that} as he heard that a smile appeared at his eyes {I won't die for a mere ruler} and then the bald man came forward as they started to talk to themselves I saw the alliance master of the demons looking at me from within the trees as she signaled I go after her is it time for it I sighed (I can't seem to get any rest today) as I got up {hey Raphael I need to go for a minute} he nodded to me and I left the small camp that we made around the battlefield and went toward her as she was just standing there without doing anything {so what's your test} my wounds are fully healed and my Mana is near full so I can get more things done by today anyway she looked at the north {come with me} as she started to run and I went right after her and after an hour of moving forward without stopping we were still running (my body is amazing right now I can easily run that much time) with the rest of my Mana being full I'm at top shape right now and the alliance leader looked at me and talked for the first time until now even though I have been asking her things throughout the way {we are near} I nodded to her as we can see the end of the forest that's the dark elf for you she was able to go through the forest without any problems even when she didn't have a map within her and we finally reached the end of the forest but I was struck at my place as I saw what is happening the whole northern village is set on fire with humans and the people of the village are fighting each other and killing each other she went into the darkness and said {rescue the villagers and kill the humans or leave the humans and let the villagers die in front of you that's your test} and I stood there while seeing the people dying in front of my eyes with a girl who is a teenager age came running toward me {h-help my sister is fighting there help} as she pulled me with her and I met her sister but she was standing with a sword coming out of her back she is dead and the one who killed her was a young man

Before the raid by two days I was able to reach the village in the north and I was staying at the elder's house right now {what are you saying is that true} I nodded to him {yes this village will be under attack by humans at the next two days} as one of the men beside the elder got up with anger searing out of his body {ridiculous what about the forced near the borders are they going to stand still while seeing us dying} I clicked my tongue and put pressure on my arms {yes they will because they need to nurture the hero of the demons with hatred of the humans} the man was surprised but the elder was calmer than him {so the rumors were true and the queen really did summon a hero} I nodded to him {and from what you said that he doesn't seem to hate humans that much so you will use our village as a sacrificial pawn for that hatred to be made am I right} I nodded to him as blood started to come down from my hands as I nodded to him he sighed {well can't be helped anyway we are a bunch of weaklings anyway if it will help end the war even one day sooner we will help you} I looked at the elder with surprised looks he then looked at the man beside him {order the women and children to be sent to the village of the giants the old and the men will stay and fight} the man was surprised by that {b-but elder shouldn't the old people go as well we are enough to stop them} but the elder shook his head {you are still too young to get it already boy if all the enabled people disappear before the humans come they will know for sure that we knew of their coming and got the people away from here but if the old people remained their thinking will be all over the place it will buy us enough time} the man beside the elder shut up {okay elder I will notify the villagers right away} as he left the room the elder looked at me {it's good to see you one last time I want to talk with you a bit longer but you should go and meet your sister and prepare to leave} I looked at the chief {no I got against her ladyship's orders my sentence should be death I will remain and fight with you} he nodded to me as I got up and went to our house as I went there something hit my shoulders as I was hugged out of the sudden {welcome back sis} I patted my younger sister she is seventeen this year I got her birthday gift with me since I was on duty at that day {sorry for being late but here is your birthday gift} as I handed her the knife of our mother {this knife was passed down for three generations of our family now it's an important heirloom so keep it safe for me okay} she nodded to me as she sat down with the food being prepared for two people I sat down along side her {hey tell me about your stories did you kill any humans lately don't leave the smallest detail} with stars coming out of her eyes I smiled at her as I started to tell her my stories I made them light hearted but the actual things were like nightmares for me with each of the missions ending with blood everywhere with my comrades being always dead all over the place with only me and few others staying alive I couldn't protect them and since the assassin master is being chosen not by strength but by the longest life span the person registered and were still able to remain alive since every mission more than eighty percent of the groups die at them and I survived every single mission without failing at anyone of them so I should be the next to be the head of the assassins after her ladyship die but that doesn't make me anyway near happy as I looked at my sister who was smiling all the time what make me really happy is letting this young girl away from the war but even that I couldn't do even that since the slave traders will be here soon and we can't do anything to stop them no it's more like we can't afford to let them being late that person must be here while we are being killed one after the other {okay then prepare your things you are going to the village of the giants tomorrow} she looked annoyed {hahh can't we stay I barely was able to talk to you} I shook my head as she sighed {'kay I will prepare myself} as she went upstairs I got my weapons at their places with poison at all of them I looked at my mother's picture {I will protect her for sure this is my last hope so please mom give me power to die doing that} and I got up from my place with my sister leaving me and another bunch of women who know how to fight remained at the village with the men and the old as we prepared ourselves but we didn't make any defensive measures as we stayed within the houses waiting for them to start the battle

I was walking at the forest as I looked at the people around us {hey don't you think the older people are very tense for some reason} the girls around me nodded {well of course they will be tense didn't you hear about the ruler around these parts of the forest} I tilted my head {but aren't there are already a group who came to kill that ruler I heard that a famous figure came with the alliance master} they nodded to me {yes I heard that guy was able to fight a ruler all by himself even though his skill at that time was only at the low level} {then you didn't hear about him having a friend who was outcast from the whole city but he went and made him his friend as the two of them combined they increased in the ranks with the fastest runner ups until now} I hushed the next girl before she talked she got annoyed but once she heard what I shut her mouth for she looked scared {w-what they are already at the village we have to hurry now} as the other person nodded to him {yes I don't want my kids to be a merchandise after all let's just keep moving on a faster base they shouldn't be able to catch up to us like that} and we all went back to our places {merchandise w-what does they mean we are living being they can't buy or sell us} {but aren't humans doing that all the time they raid and take the people from the villages as slaves to sell them} as we all looked surprised by that {that mean is our village under attack right now} I got our heirloom knife at my hand as I looked at the men who are at the sides {good they aren't looking} as I was going to get back but then one of the girls stopped me I looked at her but the others pulled me back as one of the men walked by this place {you can't just go back like that} as I was about to talk they put their hands at my mouth {so let us be the decoy we can't get back before we are getting caught but I'm sure you can} as I looked at them they nodded to each other as all the four of us started running toward the village with our whole strength they found about us shortly though and got to chase us as they were at our tail right away the other three went into different direction as there were only three men two went after them with one of them chasing after me but then the girl who ran away jumped from the sides and hit him pulling him away from me as he shouted {come back it's dangerous there} I know it's dangerous that's why I'm going I'm going to prove to my sister that I can be an assassin just like her but as I went into the village and saw it on fire I was stuck at my place a man who was burning the house nearby our house came toward me {oh what we have here a high tier merchandise} as that human looked very happy as he saw me I was frozen at my place {get away from her you piece of shit} as a dark elf came from the side and tried to hit him but that human was able to deflect his spear and cut him with a clear cut like that he must be dead even though dark elves should be far stronger than humans but we are still losing I moved few steps back and fell down as he smiled at me and licked his sword which is full of blood {ah the fresh taste of blood really make my day} as he came near me and he caught me by my hair as he pulled it back with the people being killed everywhere I could see I couldn't think of anyone other than my sister as tears starting falling down from my eyes {s-sister p-please sister c-come i-I'm scared} as he laughed at me but then the grip around my hand got very light and then he removed his hands right away I was at the ground without being able to move I looked around me and I saw her my big sister with blood all over her clothes with deathly look at her did she actually killed that monster she then bent down {hey are you okay}I was able to nod to her {can you get up}but she looked at my legs which are still shaking so she held me down and put me at a wooden box by the side {stay here and don't get out no matter what} as she jumped away I was staying there without moving until I heard a voice coming from my right side I was inside of the box without moving [author note; the human language is Arabic so I will write it while translating it to English if you ask me why I'm doing that it's just because I can] <م-ما الذي يحدث هنا لم القرية تحترق الم يجب ان يكونو يعيشون في سلام هنا> {w-what is happening here why is the village is on fire shouldn't they be living a peaceful life around here} as he was someone who truly was worried about this place he might be a passerby I was about to look out but then I heard the sword of a sword being sheathed <الشياطين يجب ان هاجمو القرية ليدمرو باقي الاعشاب هنا يجب ان نسرع>{the demons must have came to destroy the herbs around here too we have to hurry up} w-what is he saying we didn't attack them they are the ones who attacked us we are being under attack right in front of their eyes but they are saying something like that but then the top of the box was opened and I looked up I saw a person looking at me <انظرو ماذا وجدت هنا> {oh look who we have here} he licked his tongue and he look like a dangerous person I pushed the box with all the strength I have and let it fall down as I went down and started to run away<انا لن اتترككي تهربين الشياطين و حلفاءهم يجب ان يموتو> {I won't let you run away demons and their allies must die} as I heard his sword being sheathed I fell down as I barely managed to dodge his slash I looked at him as I crawled backward {n-no please I don't want to die} he smiled even more<هيه شيطان يسأل عن الرحمة مالها من مزحة كبيرة {heh a demonic being is asking for mercy how big joke is that} as he was about to cut through my body but then my sister came and stopped him as she was about to cut him with her knife an old man appeared and stopped her knife with his great sword <لقد التقينا مرة اخري يا مساعدة القائد {we meet again vice leader} as my sister pushed him back she looked at me {get out of here this isn't a place for children}{b-but sis-} as she shouted {do you want to die here if not then run away} as she rushed forward and met her blade with that old man I got up and started running outside of the village I then saw a demon looking at the whole place as he was afraid of doing anything I ran to him while shouting {h-help my sister is fighting a strong one please help} he went with me but as I met with her I saw my sister's body but she wasn't moving with a sword coming outside of her back as she fell down the young man who did that looked sad as he looked at her with the young man looking like he lost his soul as he watched that but I didn't care as I ran toward my sister's body {s-sister Sister are you okay} I went toward her but she wasn't breathing and her eyes didn't move as the person behind me started screaming and things all around the place started flying at the air {you bastards I will kill every one of you}